Tuesday, August 18, 2015

New Name, New Blog

It has been a long time since I kept up with my blogging. I decided it was time to begin a new blog to go with my new name and new role in life.

I am a Gladden.

I have often been told the name "Gladden" is so fitting for me to take on as my new last name as it does give to the mind a happy and joyful feeling and sound. And "Gladden," is exactly all I ever want to be! I want to display joy and happiness to those who encounter me as a result of the love I receive from my number one in life, Jesus Christ, and my number two in life, Eric Gladden. 

I used to imagine and dream what my last name would become. I used to imagine my fancy new monogram, initials as I sign on clinical documents, and the name with which I would make a life. I am, (to continue with my theme) "Gladden" to know my name is so special. But it is not special because of the reasons I used to once imagine. Gladden is a special last name to me because it belongs to my husband. It means I am his and he is mine. It means I get to create a family with this name and I get to create for it a purpose. I hope and pray the purpose birthed unto this name will well reflect it's happy connotation. 

It is true that names have meaning, purpose, and strength. But mostly I think those qualities are deemed to a name from the way in which the owner of the name displays their own character. Let it be known now I aim for my new name to be a name that inspires happiness, joy, and love!

I looke forward to keeping you posted on what this new life brings!
God bless!
-Emily Gladden :)

The Aftermath: "Matters of the Heart" - Post Procedure & Other Big Life Events

  Let's just start with this, my recovery has not  been as expected.  September 10, I had a transcatheter pulmonary valve replacement. I...