Once again, God is blessing my broken heart with gifts. God allowed me to have these 3 defects and I tell you what- I wouldn't change it for the world! They have given me such an opportunity to share with unexpected people, the upstate, and the nation how amazing my God is- what a miracle worker He is. Not that anybody needs a bad broken heart to do that- it is just how He chose for me to share His power!
Through my affiliation with the Upstate Go Red For Women Campaign and my love of blogging here on this blog- I have been given the opportunity to blog nationally for the American Heart Association where I share about God, life, and living with 3 CHD's. What a way for God to allow me to use my passion of writing and praising Him! My most recent opportunity through this national blog was being given the privilege to interview a medical student at Yale who is getting both a doctorate as an MD and PHD. Her name is Ramak Khosravi.
She is working to be a surgeon researcher in cardio-thoracic surgery with a passion for children with CHD's. Her research project she is working on with a collaborative group of people at Yale, Ohio's Nationwide Children's Hospital, and in Pittsburgh, is a study using both mice and computational models to engineer vascular grafts for both children and adults with CHD's. This graft's goals are to effectively save the lives of many CHD victims by reducing costs and mainly to prevent repetitive surgeries.
How can multiple surgeries be prevented? The engineered composition of the vascular grafts are of polymers. Currently, as is much the same with my pending valvular replacements, vascular repairs are only temporary. This means that the child with the CHD will have to have recurring surgeries to have the vessel replaced. The problems with recurrent cardiac surgeries are that after the first surgery, the scar tissue formed internally forms adhesions- making the skin very tough and difficult, giving the heart scar tissue which is not the safest thing, as well as opening up a greater risk of infection post operative each time the chest cavity and heart are re-entered. The grafts currently being engineered and used are made of a material that do not degrade. What is desirable and future Dr. Khosravi is working to achieve with the team is to engineer arterial grafts from biodegradable polymers. At first- I thought- "Why would we want it to degrade, other than preventing multiple surgeries? What is achieved mechanically by the graft degrading?" I received the COOLEST answer- The graft degrades and is replaced with our own cells- so it grows with us as we grow!! It becomes our natural cells caring for us again instead of a man made device--which you all know by now I am insanely passionate about! And again, when this goal is achieved and implemented- it will save thousands of lives and give a longer life expectancy to CHD victims. If placed in a child- that child should theoretically only need the one surgery- eliminating the repetitive cycle and reducing many risks as well as costs. This brought tears to my eyes as she told me this with such passion. She stated, "It may not be a 5 year solution, but in the next couple of decades, this can be obtained and change thousands of lives."
The graft is multifaceted as well. It is able to help in cardiac patients with CHD's, but also those undergoing hemodialysis, CABG procedures, and by-pass. I find all of this fascinating. I listened to her explain the exact process and how she got started and about her passion.
But what was the best of all to me was how God blessed my heart. He allowed me to serve Him by conducting this interview so that I may write a national blog piece on it to serve others and give His hope to their lives. But every time God tells me to do something for Him- I find it is really for me- it feels like I am blessed more personally than what I do is a blessing to others. I'm sure God uses both aspects equally. But I am so thankful that God gives me joy and blessings in being obedient to His commands. You see, whenever I am on the news, whenever I speak to new people, or am in a large crowd or on a stage- I get very nervous. I am like the most outgoing Introvert ever. I love people but I'd be most comfortable in my own little shell. As I've said before- I knew God wanted me to serve Him and give Him glory when He first urged me to interview for the role I serve as a spokeswoman. I know He constantly is seeking glory through His vessel named Emily Gladden because the more nervous I get- the more determined I am to push that anxiety of mine away and do the best I can for my Savior. And He always shows me something that blows my mind as I obey and ignore my fears! I love being able to participate in these opportunities- but I am a shy girl! People do not see that or know I am shy (unless I tell them) because they see God- not me- if it were me...whew...it would at least be comical! ha!
Anyway- point is- God really blessed me today through this opportunity. My nerves went away instantly as I began conducting the interview. Ramak is about my age and she is so passionate about saving the lives of children. Her perspective was amazing. She told me that surgery was an instant way to impact a life in danger- but research, though it may take many years, is a way to save thousands of lives more permanately. Both are wonderful and inspiring and she is collaborating the two which is a rare field. She expressed that the reason why she loves the idea of long-term help for these patients is because she will be able to give a child another possible 50+ years of life and have a personal connection with them. She was passionate about knowing Dr.s in her field receive wedding invites from patients, and overall involvement in the personal life of a patient. Hearing this, I had to tell her she was so right. I explained to her about the time I sought out one of my cardiac surgeons. I may not have known anything about him or specifically what was performed surgically as a baby and child- but when I entered college, I had a revelation that I needed to thank all the doctors I could who saved my life. I wrote a letter to my 2nd heart surgeon of thanks. He was so touched and wanted to meet me as an adult and invited me to Charleston to his office to explain my surgeries and talk about life with me. I told her how amazing it was to have that experience so I look forward to her future of having patients become like family to her and thanked her for her passion.
Hearing her research goals, passion, and love for the CHD victim truly welled my eyes with tears of gratitude, joy, and emotion. Heart patients tend to be very emotional especially about life. I often tease about how emotional I am but honestly I am thankful to have a heart that cares so much about the gift of life.
What an amazing opportunity for a CHD victim like me. I told her I would be praying for her research and her and that God had given her interview time to me as a gift. And I can honestly say- I am not her patient but I will always feel a connection to her now. I've never met her, only had an hour long conversation on the phone--but her heart has touched mine.
Friday, April 28, 2017
Thursday, April 27, 2017
Mother's Day is a Miracle For Me
I never imagined celebrating Mother's Day as an actual Mommy. It was not something I was really encouraged to have hopes for. Coping with the very likely chances that my heart would never allow me to have a baby, I relished in being an Aunt to the four cutest little kids I've ever seen. It was the closest I knew I'd ever get. And I soothed my lost chance by imagining a different life than every woman in my family. In fact, I even told people for years that I did not want children. I'd get angry in my heart when they told me I would change my mind. There was a very ugly truth below the surface level lie I had convinced myself of and I knew nobody would understand the things I'd always been told. Mind you- my pediatric cardiologist never said point blank that I cannot have children or that children would not be possible for me as for the health of my heart. In fact, I only ever had snips on the topic because I was so young. But as I got into college the topic began to be more addressed to me versus my parents. What I was told specifically was I may never be able to have children because it may be too dangerous and back then if I did- a C-Section would be the only way----that is severely frowned upon for the safety of my delivery now. Amazing how things change in a matter of a few years with new understanding, science, and research. They would truly just have to evaluate the matter at the time I was "ready." I was encouraged to not get my hopes up.
Why was it too dangerous? Why was I considered then and now to be "High Risk?" Carrying a baby really increases blood volume, weakens breathing, strains vessels, and lowers blood pressure. These things are all normal and to be expected for any pregnant woman. For me- because my heart already struggles with overworking and is enlarged- nor is my breathing normal thanks to my lack of a pulmonary valve- it makes these normal things worse, and risky. My body also has a very high and likely chance of miscarriage. Miscarriage is sadly common as is- my risk if I'm not mistaken began at a 30% chance of miscarriage...best case scenario.
For my baby, again, she stood a great risk of being miscarried, but scariest at all (if you understand why)- she would have a great chance of inheriting my heart defects. Cardiac birth defects are the most common. 1 in 100 babies are born with congenital heart defects. Because I am that 1 in 100- she had 2x a greater chance of inheriting my heart. I believe this terrified me more than anything. Knowing that my desire to have a baby --should I pursue it when the husband God chose for me came along--could very likely have such a dangerous risky start and hard lifestyle- made it hard for me to imagine safely having a baby. I'll remind you...I am the exception...as rare as my conditions are-- I practically live a more active and healthy unlimited lifestyle than the person without heart problems. This is NOT normal. I should truly be dead or a vegetable. It is ONLY by God's grace I live as I do- it is ONLY by His miracle that I am who I am. Knowing that my baby could have a vegetative life or a limited and restricted life was quite daunting. So again I swept my feelings under a rug and ignored the idea of a baby. I didn't want to harm an innocent baby. I'd be an Aunt and an Aunt alone.
But things changed. God always is surprising...I don't know why I am still surprised at His surprises but they are always earth rocking and GOOD! The time came 4 years ago when God FINALLY sent me the husband I so desired and stayed single for- only wanting to date my husband and not some random man. (Another story for another day). Eric came along and it didn't take us any time at all to claim each other as our truest love. I had even told him whilst he pursued me that I didn't want children. (The usual lie I'd convinced myself of- he needed to know immediately.) He was shocked and could not believe as much as I love children and babies and being an Aunt that I could actually not want children. But- because he had come from a much less than perfect situation prior to me- this did not bother him as I thought it would....it turns out we were both lying to ourselves. I lied to myself and everybody as I didn't want my hopes up. He lied to himself because he loved me like he had never known love and desired me more than anything. I eventually explained to him the risks of me being pregnant and I think this helped make more sense to him and it scared him as well. He shared my realistic fear. We were happy to just be the two of us forever even if we wanted more with one another. (This was all in weeks of meeting---we fell in love FAST!) (When it's a God thing it's obvious...).
4 months into our relationship we had already spoken about marriage and knew this was on the road for us. I took Eric to my first cardiology check up with my new then, now current cardiologist. I had just turned 23 and was seeing a non peds doctor for the first time for my heart. The problem is- there was no specialty for adults with CHD's up until then. And there are only two in our state. Anyway- I took Eric because these check ups are really big deals- special days. My parents went with me still until I was like 24. Then the duty became fully Eric's. I didn't take my parents to other doctor appointments but this was one that it was natural to take them to until I had a husband to be my hand of support. God again knew what He was doing. His timing is perfect on EVERYTHING. Eric was new but very serious in my life and here we were meeting my new doctor together and we had already had the conversation about children for our future. All was golden. Until ironically my doctor gave me some unexpected news. As you who follow me regularly already know- it was at this appointment I learned for the first time in my life that I will always need heart surgery. My valves will always need to be replaced. It may even still likely be open heart surgery again. So as I get the shock that I will need surgery again- the precious cardiologist also now tells Eric and I that I CAN have children. The same risks I gave before do not go away however- my heart is strong and I have been durable and I give good reason to believe and trust that I can carry a baby--minding the risk factors. That was shock #2 of the day....then she explained I would be best to get pregnant before having the heart surgery (then expected to be in 3-5 years; 4 years later and I have not digressed at all so there is no telling when! Praise God!) I would need to get pregnant before my heart got to a point of being too weak and being on the border of surgery. Once I have my first valve replacement repair (ever!) then it will be really frowned upon to intentionally get pregnant again as this will weaken a temporary (10-15 year) repair. It is best to get pregnant before needing surgery. It will be a bit riskier to get pregnant after having the repair only because I could damage or weaken the new valve...even though my heart and body should ideally be functioning faster with the new valve.
Well all of this was a HUGE shock. I never lost my faith in God- my first reaction was to pray with Eric and the doctor. I leaned on God immediately. I clung to Him immediately. But it still shocked my system. "I can have kids....I have to do it very soon.....I am not even married....I want time to be married.....I have to have more heart surgery.....I don't know what to do...." Eric was a solid rock for me. We sat in silence many nights after this on our couch. Just processing- thinking-letting the emotions roll. Until one night, Eric finally spoke as neither of us could it seemed for days talk about the elephant in the room. It was late- and I remember so sweetly he asked me if we could consider adopting. And I just poured into tears. The thing was- now I knew I could have children- but y'all we just weren't there yet! We hadn't even made it down the aisle yet!! I got up and went to a dark room alone and cried and cried so hard rocking on my knees with nervous energy. I wanted to be able to give Eric "our baby" when the time was right...but we only had so much time we could achieve that according to medical standards. I knew I didn't desire to adopt. I think God has to give you the heart and desire for that beautiful thing and God just had not given me any road on my heart to take towards adoption. Eric came and found me and held me sooo tight. And he pulled me into his lap and he rocked me and soothed me and crying he told me, "It's ok! It's ok, we won't worry about it. We will enjoy being us. As long as I have you that is all that matters." My heart was shattered. I just knew my heart's timeline would expire before God would allow us children. I felt I was denying my future husband his great desire.
Eventually we were able to move on or not think of it and were just living our normal happy lives again! We got engaged 5 months later and we were elated! We had a FOREVER long engagement...to this day I do not even know why I chose a date so far out...I mean yes, it was my parent's anniversary and it was super special- but dang, if I had known it would have been that tortuous to wait another year and a half to be married....just don't have long engagements people!! Haha! During this engaged period of life, the baby thing came up again. But it was not by either of us. We have a dear friend and neighbor who shared with us one night the details of a long desire to have a second child and the struggle of infertility. She told us all about the treatments, the stress, the tears, the giving up and then finally God gave them their second beautiful baby girl. It was that night through that story God pulled on my heart with all He had. I knew then, that I wanted a baby in the next year or two. I did not care about my pending heart surgery. Eric and I could live our lives as a happy married couple, not rushing life, continually praying and then- we would seek the expertise of the cardiologist to see if I were still healthy and strong enough to have a baby. I just trusted that time was no longer an issue. It wasn't me- it was God. God just told me to not give up the desire but to rather grasp onto it and still enjoy life being married and doing whatever we wanted when we wanted. So I told Eric I needed to speak to him one day after church. I told him the revelation God gave me and told him I wanted to have a baby and I was not worried about rushing it nor about my heart. We agreed to pray over it and speak with my doctors when the time came. I saw his precious dimples flicker and his eyes fill with joy and hope. But he did not want to get his hopes up too high- as this was all still a risk. We were both happy and excited but trying to remain practical.
One year ago- Eric came home from a quick hang out with a friend of his who is a daddy. They talked the entire night about the things this dad did with his son and Eric felt a pull from God. He didn't want to wait much more! He came home to me---already in bed at 9:30! And in the dark he opened his heart up to me and with tears expressed he was ready and did not want to wait another year. (We had previously talked about 6 months to a year). We had a big vacation planned to Seattle, WA and Victoria, CA that August of '16. I told him, "ok!" We won't wait anymore. We will take our vacation and start trying after that! His tears cleared up. It was dark but I could see light all over him beaming and glowing- happy and excited. I met with my doctors and they were elated and told me I was in great shape and health to start trying that fall. They did have me do a stress test to be certain and I surpassed their expectations, because of God! September of '16 we started trying and November '16 I found out I was pregnant!! I was overjoyed and elated!! My heart was not denying me something I never thought I would have!
Then, the terror began as I have written vaguely about before. I hemorrhaged for the next 9 weeks worse than anything I had ever seen before. The doctors told me twice I was miscarrying- even sent me to the ER. But no! I was NOT miscarrying. My body was not doing what was the most likely risk in my situation. My little baby remained safely in my womb. Eric saw the heartbeat that night at the ER and he said to me, "There was still a little flicker." Hence why Ellie is nicknamed "Flicker". She survived. God strengthened my faith and trust by allowing me to experience two very potential miscarriages on one baby only for them to be proven wrong and false! Ellie is a fighter like her mommy had to be when I was so little as well.
It is a miracle I can be pregnant. It is a miracle my first ever baby is still safely in my tummy. It is a blessed miracle that our little darling has NO heart defects whatsoever. It is honestly unthinkable and nearly unheard of that none...not one...of the risks I was foretold I'd likely have came to fruition. I never imagined I could have a baby. And while she is still cooking for another ~13.5 weeks....she is our baby.
Mother's Day means more to me now than it ever has before. I get to be a mommy! I am some precious, healthy, darling girl's mommy and I can't believe it!! She may be in my tummy still when Mother's Day roles around in May- but I still know I am already a mommy and will now forever be one! And that is one of the greatest roles ever. I am working to keep her safe and healthy in my body. I am working to teach her about Jesus on a daily basis as we read God's word and listen to songs that praise Him, and she hears me pray to her creator. I am working to be selfless and put her needs before my own. And I am growing and nourishing a miracle. A miracle for me, for Eric, and for Ellie. Whom I am sure God has amazing huge plans for- as I should never have been able to get pregnant in the first place, she almost miscarried twice, who God did not give heart or any birth defects as would have been very likely. He must have big plans for our baby girl!
I praise my awesome God. I cry in admiration and humility and graciousness nearly daily as I thank Him for allowing me the privilege and honor to celebrate a day I never thought I'd know firsthand. Thank you, God. Thank you, to all wonderful mother's out there. Happy Mother's Day!
Why was it too dangerous? Why was I considered then and now to be "High Risk?" Carrying a baby really increases blood volume, weakens breathing, strains vessels, and lowers blood pressure. These things are all normal and to be expected for any pregnant woman. For me- because my heart already struggles with overworking and is enlarged- nor is my breathing normal thanks to my lack of a pulmonary valve- it makes these normal things worse, and risky. My body also has a very high and likely chance of miscarriage. Miscarriage is sadly common as is- my risk if I'm not mistaken began at a 30% chance of miscarriage...best case scenario.
For my baby, again, she stood a great risk of being miscarried, but scariest at all (if you understand why)- she would have a great chance of inheriting my heart defects. Cardiac birth defects are the most common. 1 in 100 babies are born with congenital heart defects. Because I am that 1 in 100- she had 2x a greater chance of inheriting my heart. I believe this terrified me more than anything. Knowing that my desire to have a baby --should I pursue it when the husband God chose for me came along--could very likely have such a dangerous risky start and hard lifestyle- made it hard for me to imagine safely having a baby. I'll remind you...I am the exception...as rare as my conditions are-- I practically live a more active and healthy unlimited lifestyle than the person without heart problems. This is NOT normal. I should truly be dead or a vegetable. It is ONLY by God's grace I live as I do- it is ONLY by His miracle that I am who I am. Knowing that my baby could have a vegetative life or a limited and restricted life was quite daunting. So again I swept my feelings under a rug and ignored the idea of a baby. I didn't want to harm an innocent baby. I'd be an Aunt and an Aunt alone.
But things changed. God always is surprising...I don't know why I am still surprised at His surprises but they are always earth rocking and GOOD! The time came 4 years ago when God FINALLY sent me the husband I so desired and stayed single for- only wanting to date my husband and not some random man. (Another story for another day). Eric came along and it didn't take us any time at all to claim each other as our truest love. I had even told him whilst he pursued me that I didn't want children. (The usual lie I'd convinced myself of- he needed to know immediately.) He was shocked and could not believe as much as I love children and babies and being an Aunt that I could actually not want children. But- because he had come from a much less than perfect situation prior to me- this did not bother him as I thought it would....it turns out we were both lying to ourselves. I lied to myself and everybody as I didn't want my hopes up. He lied to himself because he loved me like he had never known love and desired me more than anything. I eventually explained to him the risks of me being pregnant and I think this helped make more sense to him and it scared him as well. He shared my realistic fear. We were happy to just be the two of us forever even if we wanted more with one another. (This was all in weeks of meeting---we fell in love FAST!) (When it's a God thing it's obvious...).
4 months into our relationship we had already spoken about marriage and knew this was on the road for us. I took Eric to my first cardiology check up with my new then, now current cardiologist. I had just turned 23 and was seeing a non peds doctor for the first time for my heart. The problem is- there was no specialty for adults with CHD's up until then. And there are only two in our state. Anyway- I took Eric because these check ups are really big deals- special days. My parents went with me still until I was like 24. Then the duty became fully Eric's. I didn't take my parents to other doctor appointments but this was one that it was natural to take them to until I had a husband to be my hand of support. God again knew what He was doing. His timing is perfect on EVERYTHING. Eric was new but very serious in my life and here we were meeting my new doctor together and we had already had the conversation about children for our future. All was golden. Until ironically my doctor gave me some unexpected news. As you who follow me regularly already know- it was at this appointment I learned for the first time in my life that I will always need heart surgery. My valves will always need to be replaced. It may even still likely be open heart surgery again. So as I get the shock that I will need surgery again- the precious cardiologist also now tells Eric and I that I CAN have children. The same risks I gave before do not go away however- my heart is strong and I have been durable and I give good reason to believe and trust that I can carry a baby--minding the risk factors. That was shock #2 of the day....then she explained I would be best to get pregnant before having the heart surgery (then expected to be in 3-5 years; 4 years later and I have not digressed at all so there is no telling when! Praise God!) I would need to get pregnant before my heart got to a point of being too weak and being on the border of surgery. Once I have my first valve replacement repair (ever!) then it will be really frowned upon to intentionally get pregnant again as this will weaken a temporary (10-15 year) repair. It is best to get pregnant before needing surgery. It will be a bit riskier to get pregnant after having the repair only because I could damage or weaken the new valve...even though my heart and body should ideally be functioning faster with the new valve.
Well all of this was a HUGE shock. I never lost my faith in God- my first reaction was to pray with Eric and the doctor. I leaned on God immediately. I clung to Him immediately. But it still shocked my system. "I can have kids....I have to do it very soon.....I am not even married....I want time to be married.....I have to have more heart surgery.....I don't know what to do...." Eric was a solid rock for me. We sat in silence many nights after this on our couch. Just processing- thinking-letting the emotions roll. Until one night, Eric finally spoke as neither of us could it seemed for days talk about the elephant in the room. It was late- and I remember so sweetly he asked me if we could consider adopting. And I just poured into tears. The thing was- now I knew I could have children- but y'all we just weren't there yet! We hadn't even made it down the aisle yet!! I got up and went to a dark room alone and cried and cried so hard rocking on my knees with nervous energy. I wanted to be able to give Eric "our baby" when the time was right...but we only had so much time we could achieve that according to medical standards. I knew I didn't desire to adopt. I think God has to give you the heart and desire for that beautiful thing and God just had not given me any road on my heart to take towards adoption. Eric came and found me and held me sooo tight. And he pulled me into his lap and he rocked me and soothed me and crying he told me, "It's ok! It's ok, we won't worry about it. We will enjoy being us. As long as I have you that is all that matters." My heart was shattered. I just knew my heart's timeline would expire before God would allow us children. I felt I was denying my future husband his great desire.
Eventually we were able to move on or not think of it and were just living our normal happy lives again! We got engaged 5 months later and we were elated! We had a FOREVER long engagement...to this day I do not even know why I chose a date so far out...I mean yes, it was my parent's anniversary and it was super special- but dang, if I had known it would have been that tortuous to wait another year and a half to be married....just don't have long engagements people!! Haha! During this engaged period of life, the baby thing came up again. But it was not by either of us. We have a dear friend and neighbor who shared with us one night the details of a long desire to have a second child and the struggle of infertility. She told us all about the treatments, the stress, the tears, the giving up and then finally God gave them their second beautiful baby girl. It was that night through that story God pulled on my heart with all He had. I knew then, that I wanted a baby in the next year or two. I did not care about my pending heart surgery. Eric and I could live our lives as a happy married couple, not rushing life, continually praying and then- we would seek the expertise of the cardiologist to see if I were still healthy and strong enough to have a baby. I just trusted that time was no longer an issue. It wasn't me- it was God. God just told me to not give up the desire but to rather grasp onto it and still enjoy life being married and doing whatever we wanted when we wanted. So I told Eric I needed to speak to him one day after church. I told him the revelation God gave me and told him I wanted to have a baby and I was not worried about rushing it nor about my heart. We agreed to pray over it and speak with my doctors when the time came. I saw his precious dimples flicker and his eyes fill with joy and hope. But he did not want to get his hopes up too high- as this was all still a risk. We were both happy and excited but trying to remain practical.
One year ago- Eric came home from a quick hang out with a friend of his who is a daddy. They talked the entire night about the things this dad did with his son and Eric felt a pull from God. He didn't want to wait much more! He came home to me---already in bed at 9:30! And in the dark he opened his heart up to me and with tears expressed he was ready and did not want to wait another year. (We had previously talked about 6 months to a year). We had a big vacation planned to Seattle, WA and Victoria, CA that August of '16. I told him, "ok!" We won't wait anymore. We will take our vacation and start trying after that! His tears cleared up. It was dark but I could see light all over him beaming and glowing- happy and excited. I met with my doctors and they were elated and told me I was in great shape and health to start trying that fall. They did have me do a stress test to be certain and I surpassed their expectations, because of God! September of '16 we started trying and November '16 I found out I was pregnant!! I was overjoyed and elated!! My heart was not denying me something I never thought I would have!
Then, the terror began as I have written vaguely about before. I hemorrhaged for the next 9 weeks worse than anything I had ever seen before. The doctors told me twice I was miscarrying- even sent me to the ER. But no! I was NOT miscarrying. My body was not doing what was the most likely risk in my situation. My little baby remained safely in my womb. Eric saw the heartbeat that night at the ER and he said to me, "There was still a little flicker." Hence why Ellie is nicknamed "Flicker". She survived. God strengthened my faith and trust by allowing me to experience two very potential miscarriages on one baby only for them to be proven wrong and false! Ellie is a fighter like her mommy had to be when I was so little as well.
It is a miracle I can be pregnant. It is a miracle my first ever baby is still safely in my tummy. It is a blessed miracle that our little darling has NO heart defects whatsoever. It is honestly unthinkable and nearly unheard of that none...not one...of the risks I was foretold I'd likely have came to fruition. I never imagined I could have a baby. And while she is still cooking for another ~13.5 weeks....she is our baby.
Mother's Day means more to me now than it ever has before. I get to be a mommy! I am some precious, healthy, darling girl's mommy and I can't believe it!! She may be in my tummy still when Mother's Day roles around in May- but I still know I am already a mommy and will now forever be one! And that is one of the greatest roles ever. I am working to keep her safe and healthy in my body. I am working to teach her about Jesus on a daily basis as we read God's word and listen to songs that praise Him, and she hears me pray to her creator. I am working to be selfless and put her needs before my own. And I am growing and nourishing a miracle. A miracle for me, for Eric, and for Ellie. Whom I am sure God has amazing huge plans for- as I should never have been able to get pregnant in the first place, she almost miscarried twice, who God did not give heart or any birth defects as would have been very likely. He must have big plans for our baby girl!
I praise my awesome God. I cry in admiration and humility and graciousness nearly daily as I thank Him for allowing me the privilege and honor to celebrate a day I never thought I'd know firsthand. Thank you, God. Thank you, to all wonderful mother's out there. Happy Mother's Day!
The night we told everybody it was a GIRL!
Ellie at 24 weeks
Friday, April 14, 2017
Adopting a Baby From The Heart
Through my blessing of an opportunity to be a 2017 Go Red For Women Spokeswoman, I have been able to meet many wonderful and inspiring women. One of these women in particular is my dear friend, Kelsey Rowan. She is a congenital heart defect survivor as well, however, her story is much different than mine. Heart defects do not come in one shape and size to fit all...they are all unique and impact each person they harm, differently. Kelsey has lived a much different life than I physically speaking with her heart, but her heart is also just as in love with Jesus, serving others, and being bright and bubbly and happy as mine! She is a true sister of the heart to me! We are both only a few years apart in age. She is to this day the only person I have ever met my age with congenital heart defects. God gave her to my life as a precious gift.
When I say Kelsey and I have lived different lives physically with our hearts- I mean that it breaks my heart to tell you this precious girl has had more physical restrictions than I. The main one being- having children is not an option for her as it is very dangerous for both her and the baby. It is simply not an option. Kelsey and I see the same doctor- so this tells you that we have very different complications. I have cried many times thinking about her and her husband's desire for a baby. To the smallest and most minuscule degree- I can vaguely understand her pain as I was always told how dangerous it would be to become pregnant and that I should prepare to not be allowed to have children. But God changed my fate where He did not allow that for Kelsey. He has a different plan for her to glorify Him and to bless her and Daniel. Because she and I both know God is so big and His will is always perfect- she has accepted this will of God and with an amazing attitude and a heart for adoption- turned bad news into something BEAUTIFUL!!!
Sidenote: She has the most amazing attitude and spirit I have ever seen in a person with such devastating news! You only see God shining through her joyful heart!
And now- I want to share with y'all my precious friend's story. I'll let her do the honors:
"I was born the evening of December 27th 1987, just a couple weeks before my due date. My parents had hoped for a perfect baby since they experienced some complications with their prior pregnancies. After delivery the nurses took me to the newly prepared baby bed to warm and clean me up for my parents to hold. Normally, when babies are born they "pink up" after taking a few good breaths. But not me. After 30 minutes of dedicated stimulation I was still cyanotic or a "blue baby". At that time a cardiac issue was assumed so I went to radiology for some more tests. After an x-ray it was determined that my anatomy was not normal at all. I was born with heterotaxy. By definition, heterotaxy is a condition in which the usual positions of the organs are reversed from left to right as a mirror image, meaning everything that normally would appear on my left is now on my right and major organs like stomach and liver reside more midline. I was also born with asplenia or no spleen at all. My liver was enlarged across my entire abdomen and my heart was, well. . . different. I was born with an atrial septal defect, a ventricle septal defect and only one good ventricle where there typically are two. My CHD is commonly known as a "single ventricle". I was immediately transported by ambulance to the University of New Mexico Hospital were I underwent my first major surgery within 24 hours of being born. Before I was transported, my dad took the liberty of naming me while my mom came in and out of sedation from her C-section. My father named me Kelsey because that was the name HE liked, not because it was the agreed upon name. To this day, my mom still can't believe Dad did that. During my first surgery the doctors placed a shunt in my chest to help non-oxygenated blood from my body get to the lungs to become better oxygenated and redirect it back to my heart. After the procedure, the doctors informed my parents that my life expectancy would be about 17 years. I can't imagine what was going on in my parent's mind at that time but I do know that they were determined to make the most of it. Surprisingly, Mom and I arrived home at about the same time. Six months later it was determined that another surgery was needed to increase my oxygen levels so I returned to the hospital for another major surgery. The doctors added another shunt on the other side of my chest to help increase my oxygen levels. These first two surgeries were all in preparation for my Fontan procedure in 1991. This is a major operation that requires open heart surgery. The Fontan procedure was a more permanent modification that is meant to last longer than a few years. Thankfully, my Fontan has lasted almost 27 years and it is still holding up!
When I say Kelsey and I have lived different lives physically with our hearts- I mean that it breaks my heart to tell you this precious girl has had more physical restrictions than I. The main one being- having children is not an option for her as it is very dangerous for both her and the baby. It is simply not an option. Kelsey and I see the same doctor- so this tells you that we have very different complications. I have cried many times thinking about her and her husband's desire for a baby. To the smallest and most minuscule degree- I can vaguely understand her pain as I was always told how dangerous it would be to become pregnant and that I should prepare to not be allowed to have children. But God changed my fate where He did not allow that for Kelsey. He has a different plan for her to glorify Him and to bless her and Daniel. Because she and I both know God is so big and His will is always perfect- she has accepted this will of God and with an amazing attitude and a heart for adoption- turned bad news into something BEAUTIFUL!!!
Sidenote: She has the most amazing attitude and spirit I have ever seen in a person with such devastating news! You only see God shining through her joyful heart!
And now- I want to share with y'all my precious friend's story. I'll let her do the honors:
"I was born the evening of December 27th 1987, just a couple weeks before my due date. My parents had hoped for a perfect baby since they experienced some complications with their prior pregnancies. After delivery the nurses took me to the newly prepared baby bed to warm and clean me up for my parents to hold. Normally, when babies are born they "pink up" after taking a few good breaths. But not me. After 30 minutes of dedicated stimulation I was still cyanotic or a "blue baby". At that time a cardiac issue was assumed so I went to radiology for some more tests. After an x-ray it was determined that my anatomy was not normal at all. I was born with heterotaxy. By definition, heterotaxy is a condition in which the usual positions of the organs are reversed from left to right as a mirror image, meaning everything that normally would appear on my left is now on my right and major organs like stomach and liver reside more midline. I was also born with asplenia or no spleen at all. My liver was enlarged across my entire abdomen and my heart was, well. . . different. I was born with an atrial septal defect, a ventricle septal defect and only one good ventricle where there typically are two. My CHD is commonly known as a "single ventricle". I was immediately transported by ambulance to the University of New Mexico Hospital were I underwent my first major surgery within 24 hours of being born. Before I was transported, my dad took the liberty of naming me while my mom came in and out of sedation from her C-section. My father named me Kelsey because that was the name HE liked, not because it was the agreed upon name. To this day, my mom still can't believe Dad did that. During my first surgery the doctors placed a shunt in my chest to help non-oxygenated blood from my body get to the lungs to become better oxygenated and redirect it back to my heart. After the procedure, the doctors informed my parents that my life expectancy would be about 17 years. I can't imagine what was going on in my parent's mind at that time but I do know that they were determined to make the most of it. Surprisingly, Mom and I arrived home at about the same time. Six months later it was determined that another surgery was needed to increase my oxygen levels so I returned to the hospital for another major surgery. The doctors added another shunt on the other side of my chest to help increase my oxygen levels. These first two surgeries were all in preparation for my Fontan procedure in 1991. This is a major operation that requires open heart surgery. The Fontan procedure was a more permanent modification that is meant to last longer than a few years. Thankfully, my Fontan has lasted almost 27 years and it is still holding up!
CHD is a lifelong journey that will always be with you. It can dictate your life from the very beginning in a way that maybe others wouldn't understand or think. As a child, I always wanted to be a lot of things when I grew up like a gymnast, a runner, a French horn player, a mother. I feel that my parents did their best to prepare me for life as an adult regardless of my CHD. They never used my diagnosis as an excuse so in turn, I never did either. Sure I had to know my physical limitations but I wasn't excused from all the suicide runs on the basketball court during P. E. just because of my heart defect. Also while growing up, my parents prepared me for the reality of living with CHD. My mom would always tell me that getting pregnant would be very dangerous for me and that I should probably never expect for that to happen. Although I did not know it then, my parents were preparing me for an extremely large and devastating loss. The loss of having children. After understanding and coming to full realization of what this meant, I mourned the loss of the children that my husband and I would never have.
In December of 2015 my husband and I decided it was time to grow our family through adoption! We are currently on the list waiting for a referral for a child or a sibling group from the country of Kyrgyzstan. While on this adoption journey, I have learned that like CHD, adoption is also not for the faint of heart. It's tough. The wait is agonizing at times. There are bumps in the road that no one can predict. But when this adoption journey is over, it will all have been worth it to cuddle my little ones close to my strong, joyful and loving broken heart."
The latest update in the adoption process was posted by Kelsey this morning:
"We have a NEW adoption fundraising website! Many of you have asked where we were financially on our adoption journey so I thought I would take a moment to share that with you. Right now, Daniel and I are waiting on a referral from Kyrgyzstan. Once we receive and decide to accept a referral then we will need to submit $10,000 to our agency. We currently have about $5,000 of that saved right now. This money will help pay for the agency program fee, 3rd and final international program fee, post-adoption administrative fee, and a medical evaluation at time of referral. This amount does not included travel expenses needed to travel to and from Kyrgyzstan and in country travel. Once we receive and accept the official referral we hope to travel to Kyrgyzstan within a month of that date to meet our child or children and begin the bonding process with them. I have been scouting out airline tickets and they are CRAZY! If anyone finds something to Bishkek, KG under $1,800 per person round trip I will be ecstatic. We have a few sky miles that we have saved but I'm sure we could use those types of donations too. According to Kyrgyzstan's adoption procedure, we will need to make 3 separate trips to Kyrgyzstan. (1. 10 day bonding trip 2. Court hearing 3. Pick up at orphanage and complete U. S. Embassy paperwork in Bishkek). We are also looking into partnering up with a Christian travel agent to receive discounted tickets for the airfare.
Our prayer today is that we will continue to trust that God already has a perfect plan for us and that we would watch and wait for His leading on this journey."
Thank you dear friends for living your lives selflessly and giving to others in their time of need and for realizing life is not about us or our selfish desires! It has everything to do with loving God by loving His people and putting ourselves last. To do so is to be immensely blessed!
In December of 2015 my husband and I decided it was time to grow our family through adoption! We are currently on the list waiting for a referral for a child or a sibling group from the country of Kyrgyzstan. While on this adoption journey, I have learned that like CHD, adoption is also not for the faint of heart. It's tough. The wait is agonizing at times. There are bumps in the road that no one can predict. But when this adoption journey is over, it will all have been worth it to cuddle my little ones close to my strong, joyful and loving broken heart."
The latest update in the adoption process was posted by Kelsey this morning:
"We have a NEW adoption fundraising website! Many of you have asked where we were financially on our adoption journey so I thought I would take a moment to share that with you. Right now, Daniel and I are waiting on a referral from Kyrgyzstan. Once we receive and decide to accept a referral then we will need to submit $10,000 to our agency. We currently have about $5,000 of that saved right now. This money will help pay for the agency program fee, 3rd and final international program fee, post-adoption administrative fee, and a medical evaluation at time of referral. This amount does not included travel expenses needed to travel to and from Kyrgyzstan and in country travel. Once we receive and accept the official referral we hope to travel to Kyrgyzstan within a month of that date to meet our child or children and begin the bonding process with them. I have been scouting out airline tickets and they are CRAZY! If anyone finds something to Bishkek, KG under $1,800 per person round trip I will be ecstatic. We have a few sky miles that we have saved but I'm sure we could use those types of donations too. According to Kyrgyzstan's adoption procedure, we will need to make 3 separate trips to Kyrgyzstan. (1. 10 day bonding trip 2. Court hearing 3. Pick up at orphanage and complete U. S. Embassy paperwork in Bishkek). We are also looking into partnering up with a Christian travel agent to receive discounted tickets for the airfare.
Our prayer today is that we will continue to trust that God already has a perfect plan for us and that we would watch and wait for His leading on this journey."
Below is the link to their fundraising page. I will also be sharing this on my Facebook page and blogging Facebook page. I encourage you to please give what you can. As I have said before- a little is more than none and goes a long way!! And I cannot imagine a better way to spend that extra change than to help a precious most deserving couple become parents. If you know that desire for parenthood- you cannot deny them of this privilege and honor. They are going to be the best most loving Godly parents. And besides that- a child's life will forever be changed and given the greatest opportunity at life. Thank you for helping my precious friend and her husband on this journey!!
Click on the link below to donate:
Thank you dear friends for living your lives selflessly and giving to others in their time of need and for realizing life is not about us or our selfish desires! It has everything to do with loving God by loving His people and putting ourselves last. To do so is to be immensely blessed!
Thursday, April 6, 2017
Personal Fundraising Page for Mrs. Emily Gladden
Personal Fundraising Page for Mrs. Emily Gladden <-----Click here to Donate. Thank you with all of my heart! ;)
Hey y'all! Above this post is a link ^^^.....This link leads to a personal fundraising page for the American Heart Association Go Red For Women Campaign. I am a spokeswoman for Go Red For Women 2017. I am grateful that God has allowed me this opportunity to serve and use my personal defects to help save the lives of countless other women with heart disease and stroke.
For those of you who have never heard my story- I am going to share a VERY brief synopsis for you here to show you why this fundraiser means the world to me. Before I share that- I just want to again encourage your help. God has called us to be selfless servants unto others before ourselves. That does not mean we have to give an arm or a leg- but it does mean we should do what He has called us to do when we are able. I know I can't always afford to give to every single cause- but I know that I want to first honor God with my "extra" before serving myself. If God is speaking to you to help- please do not ignore that! It truly goes to amazing research and findings that have changed countless lives- myself included!!
Here is my story:
Hey y'all! Above this post is a link ^^^.....This link leads to a personal fundraising page for the American Heart Association Go Red For Women Campaign. I am a spokeswoman for Go Red For Women 2017. I am grateful that God has allowed me this opportunity to serve and use my personal defects to help save the lives of countless other women with heart disease and stroke.
For those of you who have never heard my story- I am going to share a VERY brief synopsis for you here to show you why this fundraiser means the world to me. Before I share that- I just want to again encourage your help. God has called us to be selfless servants unto others before ourselves. That does not mean we have to give an arm or a leg- but it does mean we should do what He has called us to do when we are able. I know I can't always afford to give to every single cause- but I know that I want to first honor God with my "extra" before serving myself. If God is speaking to you to help- please do not ignore that! It truly goes to amazing research and findings that have changed countless lives- myself included!!
Here is my story:
I have three congenital heart defects. They are
Ebstein’s Anomaly, Pulmonary Atresia, and Atrial Septal Defect. When I was born
unexpectedly with these defects, very concerned doctors told my parents that my
conditions were very rare and I would not survive. Surgery would be necessary
but experimental. If by some miracle I survived, I would be lucky to live to
age 13 as a vegetable with no abilities of physical activity. I was flown
immediately to MUSC by helicopter and underwent my first open heart surgery at
4 days old. By 2 weeks old, I’d had second open heart surgery. I survived which
was truly a miracle! At 4 years old, I had my third and most recent open heart
surgery. It is a miracle I am alive! Not only do I have the breath of life but
I also have the joy of a healthy life! I run marathons and live with hardly any
restrictions whatsoever. I had been told all my life I may not be able to
safely carry a baby. There would be complications for myself and my baby. I am
now approaching 6 months of pregnancy and all is very healthy for both me and
my baby! Her heart did not inherit my defects and it is strong. I still need
more heart surgery in the future. I will for as long as I am alive as my heart
works harder than a normal heart to compensate for its missing components. The
extra hard pumping enlarges my heart which will eventually lead to bigger
issues that should be corrected surgically. I am currently waiting to have a
biological pulmonary valve replacement.
It is so vitally important to my heart both figuratively and
realistically that more research is continued and solutions are discovered so
that I may live the healthiest, strongest, and longest life possible with my
family. It is my joy to share with others my story and lifestyle for a healthy
Ebstein’s Anomaly, Pulmonary Atresia, and Atrial Septal Defect. When I was born
unexpectedly with these defects, very concerned doctors told my parents that my
conditions were very rare and I would not survive. Surgery would be necessary
but experimental. If by some miracle I survived, I would be lucky to live to
age 13 as a vegetable with no abilities of physical activity. I was flown
immediately to MUSC by helicopter and underwent my first open heart surgery at
4 days old. By 2 weeks old, I’d had second open heart surgery. I survived which
was truly a miracle! At 4 years old, I had my third and most recent open heart
surgery. It is a miracle I am alive! Not only do I have the breath of life but
I also have the joy of a healthy life! I run marathons and live with hardly any
restrictions whatsoever. I had been told all my life I may not be able to
safely carry a baby. There would be complications for myself and my baby. I am
now approaching 6 months of pregnancy and all is very healthy for both me and
my baby! Her heart did not inherit my defects and it is strong. I still need
more heart surgery in the future. I will for as long as I am alive as my heart
works harder than a normal heart to compensate for its missing components. The
extra hard pumping enlarges my heart which will eventually lead to bigger
issues that should be corrected surgically. I am currently waiting to have a
biological pulmonary valve replacement.
It is so vitally important to my heart both figuratively and
realistically that more research is continued and solutions are discovered so
that I may live the healthiest, strongest, and longest life possible with my
family. It is my joy to share with others my story and lifestyle for a healthy
Ellie's 2nd High Risk Scan
I felt so much more peace as today's visit came- due to the wonderful results from 5 weeks ago. Today, we went to view Ellie's heart with a closer and more thorough look as she has developed since our last visit. I still had a slither of anxiety because I so dearly desire for my little girl to be healthy.
Today's ultrasound tech wasted no time and didn't say a whole lot---gives more to the anxiety---but I again have seen my own heart countless times that I on a very low skilled level, have a basic understanding of what I don't want to see and what I should see. I felt good about what I was looking at. In fact, it was actually weird seeing normal valves positioned where they should be and seeing a pulmonary valve with a beautiful flow of blood - unlike my busted hole for lack of valve and blunder of pooling blood! Ellie was moving and wiggling and yawning sooo much this morning!! Darling girl! The exam was short. The tech left to show Ellie's images to the doctor and they returned momentarily to happily report all looked perfect! Praise God, Hallelujah, Amen!
The doctor asked me how my heart was doing. I explained that over all it/I were handling the changes of my body very well. I am currently still waiting for test results from the heart monitor to determine if my heart has obtained an extra beat and if I will need a temporary Beta-blocker to remedy that. Other than this- I feel like me! I still run, walk, dance, do aerobics, and all kinds of other activities. The doctor was so happy to hear that. He mentioned that if I am this active now and having no real complications personally with my heart- the rest of pregnancy shall not put much more stress on me. My heart is handling so much and behaving so well for the most part! (MUCH better than anticipated!)
As for Ellie- the doctor said he would want to continue these high risk scans throughout the rest of my pregnancy. He said she is high risk and the high risk will actually increase as I near the end of pregnancy. Though I am not entirely sure how he means....I am not afraid of that. I understood this to be a precautionary thing. I certainly do not mind having more visits to see my beautiful sweet baby girl! We will return in 6 weeks for the next one. Then, past that, every 4 weeks until delivery...so maybe a total of 3 more all in all. Again- this is just to monitor that high risk factor for both Ellie and I as we near the finish line! Hmm...that just made me think...of all the races I've ran...medals I've achieved....this will by far be the best finish line and prize I have ever gotten. Hard work with a beautiful wonderful precious invaluable prize at the end!
On a cool/funny note...Ellie, 5 weeks ago measured 1 day ahead of due date. 5 weeks later, today, she measured 4 days ahead of due date! 1 lb. and 8 oz. My girl is a foodie like mama and daddy! Ha! (At least for now- maybe not when she sees mashed up greens!) Haha!
Thank you dear and darling friends for prayers for my little family! It is humbling to be cared about and loved by so many wonderful people! We are grateful! Most of all, I am so thankful to God for continually showing me He is powerful- His standards are not man's, not doctor's, or scientist's. God has blessed me out of my mind and I can't thank God or praise Him enough! Eric and I are SOOO happy!!
Today's ultrasound tech wasted no time and didn't say a whole lot---gives more to the anxiety---but I again have seen my own heart countless times that I on a very low skilled level, have a basic understanding of what I don't want to see and what I should see. I felt good about what I was looking at. In fact, it was actually weird seeing normal valves positioned where they should be and seeing a pulmonary valve with a beautiful flow of blood - unlike my busted hole for lack of valve and blunder of pooling blood! Ellie was moving and wiggling and yawning sooo much this morning!! Darling girl! The exam was short. The tech left to show Ellie's images to the doctor and they returned momentarily to happily report all looked perfect! Praise God, Hallelujah, Amen!
The doctor asked me how my heart was doing. I explained that over all it/I were handling the changes of my body very well. I am currently still waiting for test results from the heart monitor to determine if my heart has obtained an extra beat and if I will need a temporary Beta-blocker to remedy that. Other than this- I feel like me! I still run, walk, dance, do aerobics, and all kinds of other activities. The doctor was so happy to hear that. He mentioned that if I am this active now and having no real complications personally with my heart- the rest of pregnancy shall not put much more stress on me. My heart is handling so much and behaving so well for the most part! (MUCH better than anticipated!)
As for Ellie- the doctor said he would want to continue these high risk scans throughout the rest of my pregnancy. He said she is high risk and the high risk will actually increase as I near the end of pregnancy. Though I am not entirely sure how he means....I am not afraid of that. I understood this to be a precautionary thing. I certainly do not mind having more visits to see my beautiful sweet baby girl! We will return in 6 weeks for the next one. Then, past that, every 4 weeks until delivery...so maybe a total of 3 more all in all. Again- this is just to monitor that high risk factor for both Ellie and I as we near the finish line! Hmm...that just made me think...of all the races I've ran...medals I've achieved....this will by far be the best finish line and prize I have ever gotten. Hard work with a beautiful wonderful precious invaluable prize at the end!
On a cool/funny note...Ellie, 5 weeks ago measured 1 day ahead of due date. 5 weeks later, today, she measured 4 days ahead of due date! 1 lb. and 8 oz. My girl is a foodie like mama and daddy! Ha! (At least for now- maybe not when she sees mashed up greens!) Haha!
Thank you dear and darling friends for prayers for my little family! It is humbling to be cared about and loved by so many wonderful people! We are grateful! Most of all, I am so thankful to God for continually showing me He is powerful- His standards are not man's, not doctor's, or scientist's. God has blessed me out of my mind and I can't thank God or praise Him enough! Eric and I are SOOO happy!!
Wednesday, April 5, 2017
Glowing Gladdens -Domestic Diva Makes Her Own Laundry Detergent (Baby Safe, too!)
I knew before I ever met my husband, Eric, that when I switched careers leaving the OR to become a homemaker in God's timing that I would do all that I could to best serve my family--- save us money, (and not sit around all day)- one of those ways being to make my own laundry detergent! I want being a house wife and mother to be truly beneficial to my family and a loving job full of service, commitment, and selflessness. I truly take this position on as the dream career that never ends - not even for a weekend!
I have always LOVED the idea of making my own laundry detergent! I mean, what's not to love? There are SO many benefits! It is SO much less expensive than even buying discount detergent, healthier, safer, cleaner- LASTS LONGER- and only takes slightly more time to make than to pick something up at the store! I'm sold! Why wouldn't you do this?! I did a lot of research and created my own successful concoction!
Interested?? Here's how! :)
First, assemble your SUPPLIES:
* 2-5 gallon bucket (2 is all that is necessary- I just happen to have a 5)
* 2 Gallons of water
* 1/2 cup of Baking Soda ($0.73 a box)
* 1/2 cup of A&H Super Washing Soda ($4.08 a box)
* 3/4 cup of Dr. Bronner's castile soap ($14.50 / 16 oz - lasts > a year)
* 30 drops of desired essential oil ( Opt. for scent. I use lemon. $6.99)
* Stirring stick ( I use a yard stick- does not have to be that big)
* 2- 1 Gallon containers (I use old laundry detergent containers washed out.)
(My containers actually equal 2.5 gallons)
My family does roughly 2 loads of laundry a week. With 52 weeks in a year, we roughly perform 104 loads a year. (Give or take a few loads for bed sheets and other special miscellaneous washes).
Personally, I am using 2 containers for this one concoction of laundry detergent - one container is 1 gallon and the second is just over 1.5 gallons. They together literally equal 344 fl. oz. I use 1/3 cup per load of laundry. These containers will give me 114.5 loads of laundry. This means- 2.5 gallons of detergent should last my small family roughly a year. Again, remembering the occasional unexpected load cannot be factored. I am also about to start laundering loads of cloth diapers for Ellie. So again.. roughly a year for my family. Which is still a super long time and of much value!
For $26.30, I bought the supplies I needed. However, just to outline this a little further, one batch (at 2.5 gallons) lasting roughly a year costs:
Baking Soda - $0.18
Super Washing Soda - $0.30
Castile Soap - $5.43
Essential Oil(optional) -$0.35
Grand Total/ 2.5 gallons -$6.26 for a year's worth of laundry
$6.26 for a year's worth of laundry & 5 minutes of my life VS. ~$40 or more a year for laundry....
I'll let that sink in.......
Based on my research and carefully choosing my ingredients knowing their purposes, here is what each product does:
Baking Soda: It is no shocker that baking soda is used as a deodorizer and cleaning agent for many household items. It is safe, mild, and effective. It also brightens the laundry and keeps it soft!
Super Washing Soda: This substance is highly alkaline making it quite compatible with hard tap water. I am not certain how "hard" our tap water is personally- a question for my husband- but this substance is a great laundry washing enhancer!
Dr. Bronner's Castile Soap: As I will mention later, it is not necessary to buy this brand. It is my preference based on reviews of it's effectiveness as well as it is not made in a soap bar form. This means there is no grating of soap involved in this process. However; a bar of castile soap is certainly permissible. Just make sure if you go that route to grate it with a cheese grater, and then finely mince it in a food processor (especially for HE washing machines). This is a gentle substance made of plant oils which is great for sensitive skin, babies, and keeping clothes soft as well. I'd never heard of it before my research to be honest!
Essential Oil: As noted below, the essential oils are optional and are excellent for scent boosting. I would have skipped this step altogether- not personally concerned with a scent besides, "clean," but my research proved that Lemon essential oil is an excellent degreaser. I was sold. Plus, it really does smell good. You can use whichever scent of essential oil you prefer if you are more scent focused.
First: Pour the 1/2 cup of A&H super washing soda into your big bucket. Add enough HOT water to the super wash soda to allow dissolving as you stir (About 2 cups).
Second: Add the 1/2 cup of the baking soda to this mix and stir until it is dissolved.
Third: Pour 2 gallons of HOT water into the bucket. This is insanely important to do before adding your castile soap...unless you want a bubble party!! :)
Fourth: AFTER having poured the 2 gallons of water, you may now add the 3/4 cup of Dr. Bronner's castile soap. I liked this best because it was honestly highly recommended in all research as well as it does not require grating of the soap bar. I chose to mix essential oils in with my batch for scent so it is not necessary to get scented castile soap. However, you certainly may get scented- there are many kinds! I actually got a castile soap that is made to be gentle for baby's clothing and skin.
Fifth: Add 30 drops of your desired essential oil if you wish. This is great for scent. I chose Lemon because it has a fresh clean scent; however, it also aides as a wonderful degreasing agent for the laundry!
Sixth: Now, mix and stir all of these ingredients together very well in your bucket. Stirring my 5 gallon bucket with my big long yard stick led me to feel like a cross between a witch making a brew in a cauldron, and Granny Clampet as she concocted her own things, too! :)
Seventh: Once stirred well, pour into your 2 -1 Gallon containers. For me, I used a funnel since the mouths on the containers were so small- and scooped the detergent out of the bucket with my large measuring cups.
Voila! You have made your own laundry detergent! Only took 5 minutes of your life!
Now- When washing clothes- Use 1/3 cup per load. It won't take much- trust me- I am always using too much of soap, detergent, and even paint. But this formula is sufficient with 1/3 cup per load at cleaning and removing odors from your clothes.
Side Notes:
* Safe for baby's skin
* Safe for HE washers
* Cost effective ( see math above).
I am beyond pleased with this Laundry Detergent and thankful for the money I am saving my family daily and yearly! This is one DIY that is well worth the very minimal effort!
I have always LOVED the idea of making my own laundry detergent! I mean, what's not to love? There are SO many benefits! It is SO much less expensive than even buying discount detergent, healthier, safer, cleaner- LASTS LONGER- and only takes slightly more time to make than to pick something up at the store! I'm sold! Why wouldn't you do this?! I did a lot of research and created my own successful concoction!
Interested?? Here's how! :)
First, assemble your SUPPLIES:
* 2-5 gallon bucket (2 is all that is necessary- I just happen to have a 5)
* 2 Gallons of water
* 1/2 cup of Baking Soda ($0.73 a box)
* 1/2 cup of A&H Super Washing Soda ($4.08 a box)
* 3/4 cup of Dr. Bronner's castile soap ($14.50 / 16 oz - lasts > a year)
* 30 drops of desired essential oil ( Opt. for scent. I use lemon. $6.99)
* Stirring stick ( I use a yard stick- does not have to be that big)
* 2- 1 Gallon containers (I use old laundry detergent containers washed out.)
(My containers actually equal 2.5 gallons)
My family does roughly 2 loads of laundry a week. With 52 weeks in a year, we roughly perform 104 loads a year. (Give or take a few loads for bed sheets and other special miscellaneous washes).
Personally, I am using 2 containers for this one concoction of laundry detergent - one container is 1 gallon and the second is just over 1.5 gallons. They together literally equal 344 fl. oz. I use 1/3 cup per load of laundry. These containers will give me 114.5 loads of laundry. This means- 2.5 gallons of detergent should last my small family roughly a year. Again, remembering the occasional unexpected load cannot be factored. I am also about to start laundering loads of cloth diapers for Ellie. So again.. roughly a year for my family. Which is still a super long time and of much value!
For $26.30, I bought the supplies I needed. However, just to outline this a little further, one batch (at 2.5 gallons) lasting roughly a year costs:
Baking Soda - $0.18
Super Washing Soda - $0.30
Castile Soap - $5.43
Essential Oil(optional) -$0.35
Grand Total/ 2.5 gallons -$6.26 for a year's worth of laundry
$6.26 for a year's worth of laundry & 5 minutes of my life VS. ~$40 or more a year for laundry....
I'll let that sink in.......
Based on my research and carefully choosing my ingredients knowing their purposes, here is what each product does:
Baking Soda: It is no shocker that baking soda is used as a deodorizer and cleaning agent for many household items. It is safe, mild, and effective. It also brightens the laundry and keeps it soft!
Super Washing Soda: This substance is highly alkaline making it quite compatible with hard tap water. I am not certain how "hard" our tap water is personally- a question for my husband- but this substance is a great laundry washing enhancer!
Dr. Bronner's Castile Soap: As I will mention later, it is not necessary to buy this brand. It is my preference based on reviews of it's effectiveness as well as it is not made in a soap bar form. This means there is no grating of soap involved in this process. However; a bar of castile soap is certainly permissible. Just make sure if you go that route to grate it with a cheese grater, and then finely mince it in a food processor (especially for HE washing machines). This is a gentle substance made of plant oils which is great for sensitive skin, babies, and keeping clothes soft as well. I'd never heard of it before my research to be honest!
Essential Oil: As noted below, the essential oils are optional and are excellent for scent boosting. I would have skipped this step altogether- not personally concerned with a scent besides, "clean," but my research proved that Lemon essential oil is an excellent degreaser. I was sold. Plus, it really does smell good. You can use whichever scent of essential oil you prefer if you are more scent focused.
First: Pour the 1/2 cup of A&H super washing soda into your big bucket. Add enough HOT water to the super wash soda to allow dissolving as you stir (About 2 cups).
Second: Add the 1/2 cup of the baking soda to this mix and stir until it is dissolved.
Third: Pour 2 gallons of HOT water into the bucket. This is insanely important to do before adding your castile soap...unless you want a bubble party!! :)
Fourth: AFTER having poured the 2 gallons of water, you may now add the 3/4 cup of Dr. Bronner's castile soap. I liked this best because it was honestly highly recommended in all research as well as it does not require grating of the soap bar. I chose to mix essential oils in with my batch for scent so it is not necessary to get scented castile soap. However, you certainly may get scented- there are many kinds! I actually got a castile soap that is made to be gentle for baby's clothing and skin.
Fifth: Add 30 drops of your desired essential oil if you wish. This is great for scent. I chose Lemon because it has a fresh clean scent; however, it also aides as a wonderful degreasing agent for the laundry!
Sixth: Now, mix and stir all of these ingredients together very well in your bucket. Stirring my 5 gallon bucket with my big long yard stick led me to feel like a cross between a witch making a brew in a cauldron, and Granny Clampet as she concocted her own things, too! :)
Seventh: Once stirred well, pour into your 2 -1 Gallon containers. For me, I used a funnel since the mouths on the containers were so small- and scooped the detergent out of the bucket with my large measuring cups.
Voila! You have made your own laundry detergent! Only took 5 minutes of your life!
Now- When washing clothes- Use 1/3 cup per load. It won't take much- trust me- I am always using too much of soap, detergent, and even paint. But this formula is sufficient with 1/3 cup per load at cleaning and removing odors from your clothes.
Side Notes:
* Safe for baby's skin
* Safe for HE washers
* Cost effective ( see math above).
I am beyond pleased with this Laundry Detergent and thankful for the money I am saving my family daily and yearly! This is one DIY that is well worth the very minimal effort!
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