Wednesday, May 31, 2017


I had hoped Eric and I could have one last romantical rendezvous as just us two before becoming parents. A threesome. I know we will have more adventures just us two in the future but we know that between our precious little girl arriving in less than 9 weeks, Eric in chemical engineering school and still working full time that our travels as just us two would be put on hold for at least a little while. And with all those things I didn't imagine we would have time to get away as it was. So I have been trying to make the most of all our opportunities and alone time here in town.

But then Mother's Day came and Eric surprised me as a new mommy (even if she is still cooking) with several different gifts- one of them- a trip to Charleston for 4 nights! I actually cried. We have not been to Charleston in 2 years. I used to go almost every month by myself for a weekend. Then I met Eric and he and I started going a couple times a year. I ran my first marathon there, Eric and I ran a 10k there, we got engaged there!! And obviously it is special to me primarily because at 4 days old I had already been shipped by helicopter to MUSC to have my first of several open heart surgeries. So yes, I cried from the joy of finally getting to see my second home again one more time as just us two.

I don't know if I will ever be able to verbalize the intensity of my immense gratitude to my husband for this gift. Words are my top love language and there are simply no words to fully capsule my gratitude and happiness.

Friday we dropped the fur babies off at the vet for their "vacation" and then hit the road to our little piece of paradise. We stayed in Mt. Pleasant so we could be near IOP and Charleston. The first day we got checked in then ventured down to Sullivan's Island to Poe's Tavern for a burger by the beach. Every time (even at home) Eric and I sit down together over a meal- we just talk and talk and dream and plan and laugh and discuss so much. I still learn about him daily. One reason why it is easy to truly daily fall more in love with this handsome man. I never want to stop pursuing his heart. After lunch we headed for downtown Charleston to do our usual antics- the touristy things that we laugh about as we are not really tourists at all- we just have certain spots we love to continually see! We even joke about how vendors and shopkeepers first question is, "Where are you visiting from?" I am almost irked by it as I don't see myself as a visitor....never have! But we laugh and say "Greenville." I suppose if you visit the touristy places then you are subjecting yourself to such questions! We go through market and look at our favorite Charlestonian artist, Paul Silva. *Visit our home and you will find most of our art is his.* We found a new photographer artist we loved and plan to budget for some pieces soon. Ken Bowman. Beautiful. Though I've nearly ran out of wall space! We walk the battery and people watch- boat watch. Walk through town and gawk at the beautiful homes as if I've never seen them before. Later we head back to our hotel and relax by the pool before grabbing a bite to eat. Mac-n-cheese egg rolls. MMM- sonnnn those are good!

Saturday and Sunday were spent basking in the sun and the ocean breeze on IOP. Our lunch favorites those days were my norms- Banana Cabana and "Beach Biz" which is not truly named this yet many years ago- it had no name and my sister and I gave it such name. It is now under new ownership- Coconut Joe's is the true name. But either way, it is simply a curbside hut full of classic yums. I get a corndog and fries. I'm not big on change or getting too crazy-- unless Eric shows me something new and then I really have had some tasty concoctions. At Banana Cabana Eric and I enjoy beach front outdoor seating with Jalapeno hush puppies as our app. Spicy then dipped in a good honey butter. Yummo! Live music- though this particular singer was a bust at this lunch and Eric and I sat at our high top laughing as we made up stories about why he was so bad....y' he was bad. Forgot lyrics and most of his songs words seemed to be, "Nah nah nahhhh nah." Then he would like take a 2 minute break between songs. After about 4 songs...and we were there before he ever started his show...he announced he was taking a break. Even the waitresses were asking what was gave us entertainment regardless! We always laugh at such situations. Besides, we had sand, sun, food, and each other. Perfection. I finished one Emily Giffin book on the beach and began reading a book by Kevin Kwan, "Crazy Rich Asians" as I have read and heard many amazing reviews. Over halfway through it and I can agree- Hilarious book! Eric and I are like two old geezers on the beach. All we wanna do is recline, read (me), nap, and people watch. Saturday night we went to Shem Creek for supper. I had been there before but never actually gotten to eat at one of the restaurants. The ONLY planned item for the entire trip was this dinner reservation at Water's Edge....y'all...amazing seafood!! Amazing. Great view of the marina- plenty of boat watching, people watching, and happenings to make up our own stories about together. We walked the docks and watched the sunset, a man unsuccessfully crabbing, and some party crowd on a tourist trap cheap boat tour....we will never forget you, dancing green romper girl with red solo cup. Bless her little heart. People watching is really the best haha! Eric and I would prefer a smaller crowd of a boat tour, less party music, and good wine...not that I can have any at the moment! ha! But boy do we love going on boats! Finished the evening with Eric grabbing a cup of vanilla ice cream.

Monday we went to The Sea Biscuit Cafe for breakfast. I am in love with their brown cinnamon swirl french toast. Then we went out to West Ashley to visit our most romantical spot- Magnolia Plantation and Gardens. We always discover something new when there. This time we toured the actual plantation home and found a river walk. A private long walk just us two and the alligators. Then we had lunch at Shem creek Bar and Grill where I had my first seafood fried up. I normally prefer it to not be fried so I can really taste my flavors. But it was a fried shrimp and hushpuppy kinda mood! Really good food, atmosphere, and no large crowds!! Eric ordered a *Darn* Yankee beer....because you know...he's a yankee by every southern definition. And boy do I love that about him!! We watched paddleboarders and boats. Then- pregnant little mama who was walking miles and miles like as if she weren't pregnant at all with her poor pilsbury ankles needed a nap. So back to the hotel we went for some R&R - (what this trip was about after all!) After my nap we got freshened up for supper. We went to Morgan Creek Grill located at an inlet just at the edge of IOP and Wild Dunes. Another AMAZING restaurant. Classy, amazing cuisine, wonderful views. I opted for a filet this time but already plan to do scallops next visit as those sounded divine, too. Eric had mahi mahi. Which he made me try for a second time this trip. I enjoyed it both times! He is so good about getting me out of my comfort zone and teaching me about food. In fact- if not for him and our other trips to Charleston- I'd never have tried all the seafood I do eat today. Which is a lot. I pretty much love it all. We watched the multi-millionaires on their very large yachts and pretended what we would have or do should we own one. We love dreaming like this together. And playing! But we really love boats! And fishing for our dinner! Haha! We shared a piece of PB pie together. Once we were thoroughly stuffed, we walked a small dock in which we encountered a boat that had two dogs upon it resembling  Cajun and an older fatter Blondie! I mean clones, y'all. The dogs and their nice owner got off the boat and came up the ramp and we were able to pet and play with them! It was precious for us! This was our last supper of the vacation. We headed back to our room and reluctantly packed. But went to bed with some amazing memories and sweet dreams indeed of all we did, saw, and talked about together.

There is nothing like being married to your best friend. Truly nothing. You never get tired of one another, genuinely miss each other the 8-12 hours you are apart for work, and can't wait to share all your stories and ideas together. Everything you do together is fun and an adventure. I even love going to the grocery store or home depot with him. Nothing like it. Effortless yet at the same time you put forth an effort because they DO matter so much. It is so easy though when it is your God given, God answered prayer of a best friend and lover- it just makes sense. I think what we have is rare and hard for people to imagine- but we can't imagine how all loves and marriages aren't so full of joy and fun- even when we encounter hard times/things. Gotta have each other's hearts and backs!

Thank you, Eric my sweet darling for all the amazing and incredible things you do for us. From the most simple of things like grabbing me a water to big things like surprising me with paradise. I will never be able to fully show or say how much this and all of "you" mean to you have made my heart literally feel big warm glowing gushes of sunshine...but know that you have and know that I love you and I adore you and am always going to stand by you to be your helper and lover and best friend. I could not love any human more than you. Ellie will be a close second but you, after God, are my number one! Thank you for our Babymoon my precious sweetie! Thank you for these memories!

Monday, May 15, 2017

Gladden Grub: 32 Meals Planned for Post Partum

Anyone who knows me understands I am a planner. They also know my passion is to best serve God by serving my Husband and family selflessly and with a devoted loving heart! My family is my biggest blessing, after all! Therefore, I knew before we ever got pregnant with Ellie that I would prepare for a month+ worth of dinners in order to have as many things as possible prepared and cared for my family while I am healing and better understanding how to be a good mommy to Ellie. The need for preparation is especially important as Eric is working full time, going to engineering school, and constantly caring for his family- always putting himself last!

We also truly, truly do not want any friends or family to bring us meals after Ellie is born. *GASP!!* No, I'm really serious! To me- it would honestly be considered a burden. Do not take that the wrong way. Though we would of course be thankful for the gesture- there are several reasons why we prefer our friends and family do not, please, bring us meals. (How "un-southern belle" of me, I know.)

Main Reason: We live a very healthy lifestyle-we eat very healthy meals on a daily basis (except for when we go on dates, of course.) It is important to me for my heart health, healthy breastfeeding, and getting back to running quickly and staying in healthy shape. I have maintained this lifestyle since late college and it is a lifestyle I love as I only want the best for my body and for my family's bodies. It's not about dieting AT ALL- it is about being healthy and honoring the bodies God gave us by fueling them with healthy nutrients. And being a southern belle- I know what delicious and delightful carby starchy loaded foods would be brought over. And while I love those- I feel more energized and happy and like "me" when I am eating clean and healthy! Though again- this is not to offend anyone; we certainly appreciate all gestures of love through food. But love for our family post-partum would be most appreciated by simply visiting when we are ready for visitors. Thank you friends, for understanding. Also- I don't have to worry about keeping up with anybody's dishes- and y'all can save your time and money with cooking. Again- thank you for understanding and respecting our wishes! That means so much!!

And without further-ado- our meal plan which I of course gave a name: "Gladden Grub: Frozen Meal Planning Post Partum"

So- I planned 32 dinners. Typically when I cook- it is enough for a family of 4-6. This is because we like leftovers and it is cost/time efficient for our busy lifestyles. Therefore, 32 dinners will most definitely last more than 32 nights for us.
The meals planned were prepared as so they would be easily thawed, dumped in a crock- pot or oven dish, then easily just "cooked!" I planned and prepared the usual meals our family eats. Some will be repetitive - but again- Eric and I can eat the same thing without getting sick of it. If your family is more picky- simply prepare 32 different meals- or however many works for you.

I began this prep by first selecting my menu. I typed out each night's dinner and what groceries would be required, and typed brief instructions on how to cook it once thawed. My lists are all minimal as these are meals I make and prepare currently on a weekly basis - but for those who've already asked I share- should you find any you like and need more details- I shall be happy to share further detail! Just leave a comment with your question! :)

Once the menu was prepared and typed for each night- I organized it by printing it and placing it in a 3 ring binder for easy reference and search.

My initial plan was to prepare and freeze 7 nights worth of meals a week until 32 nights were fully prepared. However; Eric and I also wanted to have some new floors installed throughout the entire house before Ellie arrived. The contractors cut in on my kitchen access- therefore, I began making 2 weeks worth of meals each week before they came to do the work so that it would be knocked out sooner rather than later. Therefore, this took 3 different days total spread out across 3 weeks. This process may certainly vary for those moms who already have children and many other commitments and crazy schedules! Shape your meal planning as you need to with your schedule. Do not over do it- plan ahead for the time you will need. This is meant to be practical and efficient!

In the freezer- I separated the meals by nightly numeric order and by week. Each freezer bag was labeled with the night# and the meal it contained. This way everything remains organized and I can simply look to my binder as to what needs to be done with each particular meal - toss it either in the crock pot or oven and go on with playing with Ellie!

Meal planning is something I do for my family regularly in normal daily living as it is such a time and cost efficient way to have healthy delicious meals planned. This eliminates the question of, "What are we going to eat?", it eliminates the, "I'll just grab a pizza or swing by the drive -thru on the way home from work." It saves $$$, eliminates stress in many ways, and gives you more time with your family and all that is on your weekly calendar. This has worked for me when Eric and I were both working and of course even now as I stay home. It fits all lifestyles. Give it a try, I guarantee you will love what it does for your family, wallet, stomach & body, and time!

I plan to write a follow-up as to how long the meals lasted and etc. once all have been happily and hungrily consumed! I hope this post is helpful and gives inspiration for healthy lifestyles and allows you more time with your family- even it is just two of you! I know I love every second I get to spend with my best friend, aka- husband!  Again, if you have any questions, just comment! Thank y'all- and again to close friends and family- thank you for understanding we would value your time much more than meals! We love y'all! God bless!

**Many friends have requested I post the recipes. Please remember- they are not very detailed as I originally typed the list for me. Should you have questions, need more info, or want recipes I cook that I did not include in this plan- please just leave a comment and I will get you your answer! Enjoy! Here they are:

Gladden Dinner Meal Plan – Post-Partum- 1st Month

Night 1-  Chicken Taco Soup CP
Ingredients: Diced chicken breast x2
                    Kidney Beans
                    Black Beans
                    Chick peas
                    Chopped onion
                    Spices: Cumin, Paprika, Pepper, Chili Powder, Cayenne Pepper
To Cook: Dump in Crock pot on Medium (no water necessary) then serve in bowls.

Night 2- (If no leftovers) –Chicken Quinoa Veggie Bowl CP
Ingredients: Diced chicken breast x2
                    2 cups dry quinoa
                    Broccoli, carrots, green peas- vegetable mix
                    Chopped onion
                    Spices: Pepper, Mrs. Dash original
To Cook: Dump in Crock pot on Med.– Add 2.5 cups of water – serve in bowls.

Night 3- (If no leftovers)- Zucchini Spaghetti Casserole CP
Ingredients: Spiralized Zucchini
                    Diced tomatoes (2 cans)
                    Low sodium tomato sauce
                    Ground Turkey (2 lbs)
                    Shredded Cheese
                    Spices: Italian Seasoning
To Cook: Dump in CP on Med- stir well- serve

Night 4 –  (If No Leftovers) - Brown rice Chicken & Broccoli Casserole OVE N
Ingredients: Diced Chicken breast x2 & Brown Rice
                    Minced mushrooms
                    Chopped onion
                    Shredded Cheese
                    Frozen Broccoli
                    Plain Greek Yogurt (2 cups)
                    Spices: Mrs. Dash orig.
To Cook: Spray Casserole dish – Dump into dish –Bake for 40 mins at 375 – Golden slightly crusty

Night 5- (If No Leftovers)- Balsamic Chicken in CP & Diced Sweet Potatoes in OVEN
Ingredients: 2 Chicken Breasts in CP topped with a smidgeon of Olive oil and then coated w/                                   Balsamic Vinaigrette.
        Diced Sweet potatoes seasoned with garlic salt and chili powder
        Green Beans
To Cook: Dump Chicken into crockpot and add ¾ cup of water- cook on Med. – lightly coat Small casserole dish with olive oil –Dump potatoes in dish- rub in oil- bake in                       oven 35 mins at 425 or until soft and a little crisp.
Green Beans need to be cooked over stove top 5 mins before serving dinner.

Night 6 – (If No Leftovers)- Spaghetti Squash Casserole OVEN
Ingredients: Spaghetti Squash
                   Diced tomatoes
                   Chopped Onion
                   Shredded Cheese
                   Chicken Breast diced, x1
To Cook: Spray a dish- Dump in dish/ mixed well- Bake 40 mins at 375- Golden brown

Night 7 – (If No Leftovers)- Italian chicken CP
Ingredients: 2 Chicken Breasts
                    Italian Dressing
                    Green Beans
To Cook:  Dump chicken into CP on Med. – Before serving, cook green beans on stove top

Night 8- (If No Leftovers) – Fake Japanese CP
Ingredients: Brown Rice 2 cups
                    Diced Chicken Breasts x2
                    Cut Zucchini
                    Cut squash
                    Cut onion
                    Spices: Sesame Seed, salt and pepper
To Cook: Dump in CP on Med. Stir well- serve in bowl

Night 9- (If No Leftovers) – Vegetable Soup CP
Ingredients: Ground turkey
                    Chopped Carrots
                    Chopped celery
                    Chopped onion
                    Diced tomatoes
                    Kidney Beans
                    Black Beans
                    Diced Sweet potatoes
                    Seasonings: Bay leaf; Oregano, Pepper, Cayenne pepper
To Cook: Dump in Crock pot- add 3 cups of water- or until full- Medium Heat

Night 10 – (If No Leftovers) – Chicken Fajitas CP
Ingredients: Shredded chicken breasts x2
                    1 red bell pepper
                    1 green bell pepper
                    1 sliced onion
                    Medium Salsa
To Cook: Dump in CP on Med- stir well – Serve in bowl

Night 11- (If no leftovers)- Chicken & Veggies CP
Ingredients: Chicken Breasts x2
                    Sliced Zucchini
                    Sliced Squash
                    Diced tomatoes
                    Chopped onion
                    Olive oil
                    Mrs. Dash
To Cook: Dump into Crock Pot on Med – Mix up well

Night 12 – (If no leftovers) – Balsamic Roast & Veggies CP
Ingredients: 2 lb top round roast
                    1 large yellow onion
                    ½ cup balsamic vinaigrette
                    2 tbsp. olive oil
                    Diced red potatoes
                    Baby Carrots
                    Spices: Salt, pepper, garlic powder, onion powder, paprika
To Cook: Dump in CP on Med –add the ½ cup water- serve

Night 13 –(If No Leftovers)- Turkey Loaf OVEN
Ingredients: 2 lbs ground turkey
                    2 eggs
                    Almonds crushed in food processor
                    Shredded Parmesan
                    Chopped Celery
                    Chopped onions
                    ½ cup almond milk
                    Spinach chopped in food processor finely
                   Seasonings: Onion powder, Garlic powder, pepper, oregano, basil, minced                                            garlic
To Cook: Spray loaf pan- Dump mixed well combination in pan- Bake 50-60 mins at 375.                                   Or until Done through and through – let sit out of oven for 10 mins.

Night 14 – (If no leftovers) – Broccoli Zucchini Chicken Fake Alfredo
Ingredients: Spiralized Zucchini
                    Frozen Broccoli
                    Shredded Chicken Breast
                    Greek yogurt Plain
                    Parsley and pepper
To Cook: Dump in CP well mixed with a tsp of olive oil on Med – serve

Night 15- (If no leftovers) – Brown Rice Broccoli and Chicken casserole OVEN
Ingredients: Diced Chicken breast x2
        Brown Rice
                    Minced mushrooms
                    Chopped onion
                    Frozen Broccoli
                    Plain Greek Yogurt (2 cups)
                    Spices: Mrs. Dash orig.
To Cook: Spray Casserole dish – Dump into dish –Bake for 40 mins at 375 – Golden                                           slightly crusty

Night 16 – (If no leftovers) – Buffalo Chicken Taco Chili CP
Ingredients: Shredded Chicken Breast x2
                    Buffalo sauce
                    Kidney beans
                    Black beans
                    Chopped Celery
                    Chick peas
                    Spices: Cumin, cayenne, paprika, chili powder, pepper, parsley
To Cook: Dump into CP on Med, mix well. Serve.

Night 17 – ( If no leftovers) – Ranch Chicken and veggies 
Ingredients: Chicken Breasts x2
                   Ranch seasoning packet
                   Green beans
                   Diced sweet potatoes
To Cook: Dump in CP on Med. Cook green beans on stove top before serving.
Night 18 – If no leftovers – Zucchini pasta with Avocado pesto
Ingredients: Spiralized Zucchini x 2
                    Sauce: 2 Avocados/ basil/ minced garlic/ 2 tbsp lemon juice/ 3 tbsp olive oil/
                    ¼ cup pine nuts/ salt and pepper: throw in food processor. Then mix with                                               zoodles.
To Cook: Spray a casserole dish – throw zoodles in and bake for 30 mins on 375. Serve.

Night 19 – (If no leftovers) - Chicken Parmesan Casserole OVEN
Ingredients: 2 chicken breasts diced
                    Healthy marinara sauce
                    Shredded Parmesan cheese
                    Shredded mozzarella cheese
                    Chopped almonds and spinach in food processor
                    Seasoning: Italian and pepper
To Cook:  Spray dish and dump into dish. Bake for 40 mins at 375. Serve.

Night 20 – (If no leftovers) – Mexican Casserole OVEN
Ingredients: 2 shredded chicken breasts
                    Black beans
                    Green bell pepper
                    Shredded Cheese
                    Spices: Cayenne, Chili powder, paprika, Cumin
To Cook: Spray Dish- dump into dish- Bake for 40 mins at 375. Serve

Night 21 – (If no leftovers) – Vegetable Soup CP
Ingredients: Ground turkey
                    Chopped Carrots
                    Chopped celery
                    Chopped onion
                    Diced tomatoes
                    Kidney Beans
                    Black Beans
                    Diced Sweet potatoes
                    Seasonings: Bay leaf; Oregano, Pepper, Cayenne pepper
To Cook: Dump in Crock pot- add 3 cups of water- or until full- Medium Heat

Night 22 – (If no leftovers) – Roast and Veggies CP
Ingredients: 2 lb top round roast
                    1 large yellow onion
                    ½ cup balsamic vinaigrette
                    2 tbsp. olive oil
                    Diced red potatoes
                    Baby Carrots
                   Spices: Salt, pepper, garlic powder, onion powder, paprika
To Cook: Dump in CP on Med –add the ½ cup water- serve

Night 23- (If no leftovers) – Chicken and Veggies CP
Ingredients: 2 Chicken Breasts
                    Italian Seasoning
                    Green Beans
 To Cook:  Dump chicken into CP on Med. – Before serving, cook green beans on stove top

Night 24 – (If no leftovers) – Chicken wraps
Ingredients: Shredded Chicken breasts x 2
                    Black beans
                    0% Fat/ plain Greek yogurt with cayenne and chili powder
                    Diced tomatoes
                    Shredded Cheese
                    Chopped onion
                    Whole Wheat wraps
To cook: They are pre-assembled- just spray a casserole dish and then place in dish- bake                                    30 mins at 325- or until chicken is cooked through.

Night 25- (If no leftovers) – Zucchini Spaghetti Casserole
Ingredients: Spiralized Zucchini
                   Diced tomatoes
                   Low sodium tomato sauce
                   Ground Turkey (2 lbs)
                   Shredded Cheese
                   Spices: Italian Seasoning
                To Cook: Dump in CP on Med- stir well- serve

Night 26 – (If no leftovers) – Chicken Taco Soup CP
Ingredients: Diced chicken breast x2
                    Kidney Beans
                    Black Beans
                    Chick peas
                    Chopped onion
                    Spices: Cumin, Paprika, Pepper, Chili Powder, Cayenne Pepper
                To Cook: Dump in Crock pot on Medium (no water necessary); serve in bowls.

Night 27 – (If no leftovers) – Turkey Loaf OVEN
Ingredients: 2 lbs ground turkey
                    2 eggs
                    Almonds crushed in food processor
                    Shredded Parmesan
                    Chopped Celery
                    Chopped onions
                    ½ cup almond milk
                    Spinach chopped in food processor finely
                    Seasonings: Onion powder, Garlic powder, pepper, oregano, basil, minced                                                                garlic
To Cook: Spray loaf pan- Dump mixed well combination in pan- Bake 50-60 mins at 375.                                   Or until done through and through – let sit out of oven for 10 mins.

Night 28 – (If no leftovers) – Mexican Casserole OVEN
Ingredients: 2 shredded chicken breasts
                                        Black beans
                                        Green bell pepper
                                        Shredded Cheese
                                        Spices: Cayenne, Chili powder, paprika, Cumin
To Cook: Spray Dish- dump into dish- Bake for 40 mins at 375. Serve

Night 29  - (If no leftovers) – Balsamic Chicken and roasted potatoes
Ingredients: 2 Chicken Breasts in CP topped with a smidgeon of Olive oil then coated w/         
                         Balsamic Vinaigrette.
                         Diced Sweet potatoes seasoned with garlic salt and chili powder
                         Green Beans
To Cook: Dump Chicken into crockpot and add ¾ cup of water- cook on Med. – lightly coat a Small casserole dish with olive oil –Dump potatoes in dish- rub in oil- bake in oven 35 mins at 425 or until soft and a little crisp.
Green Beans need to be cooked over stove top 5 mins before serving dinner.

Night 30 –( If no leftovers)- Buffalo Chicken Veggie Bowls
Ingredients: Shredded Chicken Breast x2
                    Buffalo sauce
                    Kidney beans
                    Black beans
                    Chopped Celery
                    Chick peas
                   Spices: Cumin, cayenne, paprika, chili powder, pepper, parsley
To Cook: Dump into CP on Med, mix well. Serve.

Night 31 – (If no leftovers) – Turkey Patty Foil Packs with potatoes
 Ingredients: Ground turkey 1 lb.
                     Season with Worcestershire and pepper
                     Thinly sliced red potatoes with garlic salt
                     Form burger patty- place  potatoes on top- Wrap in tinfoil
 To Cook:  Place foil packs in oven for 35 mins at 425

Night 32- (If no leftovers) – Brown Rice Broccoli Chicken Casserole     
Ingredients: Diced Chicken breast x2 & Brown Rice
                  Minced mushrooms
                  Chopped onion
                  Shredded Cheese
                  Frozen Broccoli
                  Plain Greek Yogurt (2 cups)
                  Spices: Mrs. Dash orig.
To Cook: Spray Casserole dish – Dump into dish –Bake for 40 mins at 375 – Golden slightly crusty


     1 Corinthians 10:31  "So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God."

1 Corinthians 6: 19-20  "Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, Who is in you, Whom you have received from God? You are not your own; you were bought at a price. therefore, honor God with your bodies."

The Aftermath: "Matters of the Heart" - Post Procedure & Other Big Life Events

  Let's just start with this, my recovery has not  been as expected.  September 10, I had a transcatheter pulmonary valve replacement. I...