Saturday, July 20, 2019

Pickin' Peaches

I have never been a lover of peaches. I had them once as a child and never wanted them again. It's clearly a sin since it's our state fruit and all but....can't do it. My friend Laurel got me to try some last year and I mean, it was not bad or anything, I just don't love them. Regardless, I want Ellie to have every possible experience out there, therefore; we took her peach picking at Chattooga Belle Farms in Long Creek, SC.

First off....if you haven't been to this farm..GO!!! Oh my goodness so beautiful out there!! I mean wow! The land, the atmosphere, the restaurant, the little store, the fields....I wish we had gotten married there. So beautiful and so peaceful....even with a near two year old.

We got our basket and admittedly, had no idea what qualified as a "good" peach, but we did our best!! It was more than anything about the experience and the family time. Ellie liked picking the peaches and putting them in our basket. I love the texture of a fuzzy peach.

There was a gorgeous storm rolling in and we got to watch it roll and dance over the mountain tops as it made it's way to us for a brief moment before it swayed away to the other mountain tops in the distance. It was beautiful. Nothing like a mountain storm. Then we ate lunch in their little restaurant and oh my gosh, y'all! So good!!! The bread, the fig jam and goat cheese!! All the heart eye emojis, please!! Very well made food and the most beautiful views to take in while we sat there.

After we picked the peaches, we sat on the terrace and watched some beautiful glass blowing art being performed and we read a book about picking peaches to Ellie. Let me tell y'all about this book:

I want to include a story book for Ellie in all of her adventures because little ones learn best by experience and reading. Plus it's just great bonding time fun! Besides James and the Giant Peach, I had not heard of a young children's book regarding peaches. My sister, the highest most academic scholar I've ever met had not even a suggestion for me. So I did what all good millennials do. I reached out to Facebook. And I got a few good options. The winner for us though was a book suggested by my friend from high school, Allyson Simmons. She is friends with Hillary Salter who wrote Peaches Just for Me; illustrated by Noel Salter. Hillary and Noel Salter are a family of peach farmers locally in Columbia, SC. Well, I just love supporting local and I love supporting farmers. Their work is hard, endless, and soulful. They put all they have into what they do and always have the sweetest hearts. This little book is just adorable, sweet, and Ellie loved it! A great little children's story. I urge you all to get a copy! Here is a link to get yours:

Get out and support your farmers, make some memories, and play play play with your littles!!

Monday, July 15, 2019

Mommy & Me and Funfetti!

I love happy memories and special traditions. I love giving to Ellie all the things from my childhood that made it so special.

When I was quite young, though I don't remember my age, I was given by a family older second cousin of mine, a gift of a funfetti cake mix with sprinkles and a yellow apron my size that said, "Mommy & Me." The gift was intended for me to make a cake with my mama! And that is just what we did.

I was so young that I cannot remember the details but I know my dad and sister were out one night, and my mama and me dove into the gift to make our cake! I put on my apron and I loved it. I have always remembered this little apron. We made the cake and I remember licking the batter off the spoon that this funfetti flavor was amazing! I had never had it before. I felt so special baking with my mama. Mama recalls this next event, though I do not. She said when the cake was baked and the frosting was on, it was time to shake sprinkles on the cake. But my sprinkles went everywhere all over the floor!! Mama said I was quite distraught over this event but she thought my reaction was so sweet and she made it all better again. All I remember was having fun with my mama, baking a delicious cake, and wearing a very special apron.

So now, I want to do all the kitchen things with Ellie! It is so so so good for bonding and learning and really just making sweet memories. We bake together a lot. But recently, my mama was cleaning out and found my yellow Mommy & Me apron!! It was just as I remembered it. She showed up to my house to help me with Ellie one day and gave me the apron and then a special surprise out of her bag she drew. It was a Funfetti cake mix with sprinkles!! For me and Ellie to bake together and recreate the memory! And that we did! My favorite part of it besides seeing her in my old apron, was watching her with the icing. She would smooth some over the cake, then resort to stuffing globs of it into her mouth....all before putting it right back on top of the cake to spread more icing! Ha! She had a great time! It was a special memory!

What memories from your childhood are you passing down?

Ronald McDonlad House Charities of the Carolinas : 30 Years!!!

Last night, I was winding down to fall asleep and was scrolling through my feed. A post caught my eyes from our awesome Kindermusik of Greenville teacher, Rosalind Cross, regarding a play date at the Ronald McDonald House in Greenville as they celebrate 30 years and a new wing recently built. She would be giving a free Kindermusik class and there would be cookies involved! My heart started pumping fast; I was so excited!

First- do you know what this charity is? Let me give you a brief understanding. Ronald McDonald House Charities are all over the world. In particular, I am speaking on two of them in this blog. Today we visited the one in Greenville near Greenville Memorial Hospital. This charity provides a temporary home for families whose Children are in need of long term medical attention. The house is located right across from the hospital in walking distance. They help provide a comfortable solace and a bright light in a dark time. They essentially remove any and all other concerns from a parent's mind so the family can focus on the attention of their sick child. Ronald McDonald house provides 3 solid meals a day, snacks, housing, and entertainment for the families who stay, all at no cost to the families.

My family was fortunate enough and well blessed to stay in the Ronald McDonald House in Charleston when I was flown by Helicopter from Greenville to MUSC to undergo my first open heart surgery at days old. My family had enough on their minds with an older daughter and a newborn who they expected would die of multiple heart defects doctors were not sure what to do with. Having a warm family in the Ronald McDonald house who provided all the tangible means of living as well as emotional support was a lifesaver truly to my family. I am forever grateful to them and moved by them.
Pic: My mom has photos in album of their time at the Ronald McDonald House at MUSC; I do not have those in my possession, however; I have a photo of me in the MUSC playroom during my 3rd open heart surgery playing at a McDonald's station...thought this was still appropriate. :)

So today, I had the honor and blessing of being able to financially support this beautiful charity and show my daughter a fun time as well as teach her about being a cheerful giver as God calls us to be! The most important thing I will ever teach Ellie is not academics. The most important thing to equip my daughter with is the love of Christ. We give, not to receive, but to be a blessing to others. And just as the Ronald McDonald House gave to us, we give back to them in gratitude. Being there today and seeing my own child running through the halls and playing on the playground was wild. It made my eyes form tears as I thought....look how far I've come....that my own daughter could be here today to learn about this place and be so healthy and her mommy to be so healthy.....that I can actually stand here, alive, today, healthy and strong and give back....we are blessed by the hands of God. Who can you help today?

2 Corinthians 9:6-7

The Cheerful Giver

"Whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows bountifully will also reap bountifully. Each one must give as he has decided in his heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver."

The Aftermath: "Matters of the Heart" - Post Procedure & Other Big Life Events

  Let's just start with this, my recovery has not  been as expected.  September 10, I had a transcatheter pulmonary valve replacement. I...