Friday, August 23, 2019

Soccer Practice for Ellie!

One thing about becoming a mommy that has always excited me is the opportunity to cheer my child on in absolutely everything she gets involved with! I always loved taking my kids I babysat to their practices and cheering them on.....not even my kids and I was the loudest one there...probably embarrassing them. But I just loved them so much and it gave me pride to see my favorite little kids going all in at their activities. Now, imagine my excitement as an actual mommy!!! Eeeek!!! Excitement overload!!!!!! (Just don't sign me up for the minivan....that ain't how I roll, y'all).

I am a dance mom, gymnastics mom, we do kindermusik, MOPS, and we hike with Hike it Baby! Now, Ellie plays soccer! well....sort of....haha!

First practice was yesterday. I took her on a shopping spree days prior to Academy and we went crazy. We got her cleats, shin guards, a new ball, two new goals, socks, a soccer shirt, and three pairs of shorts! Ellie practiced hitting her ball into the goal at academy. She has been so in love with kicking a little ball she has around the yard and running after it and now she has a literal goal for kicking that ball!! She wanted me to set it all up immediately.

We arrived for our first practice and y'all, I had the jitteriest jambles of excitement coursing through my veins!! I had to keep myself calm and remind myself it was most likely that my 2 year old who had failed to nap, who was about to attend a totally new sport during her normal supper and bedtime wind down, was most likely to cry and be a mess all over the sidelines. There is no forcing her or she will not be happy and have fun and after all our intention is for her to simply have fun doing what she enjoys...running and kicking balls around in the grass. But, surprisingly, of a 60 minute practice, Ellie actually did good for over half the time. It was not until some ants attacked her goldfish snack cup that she lost it and then of course she had to go potty, and she wanted to be held, and then she was mad because a little boy was kicking her pink ball. You know. The usual two year old toddler emotions. So I played and helped her along and encouraged her and stayed by her side. I never made her "do" anything because again....this is fun...not forced. This is for her! If she is not happy then neither am I. But after her little meltdown she was good again and back out there on her own watching and trying to play. It is a 5U team and she is the baby. I am just thankful for the chance to get her toes wet to the sport. Exposure, experience, exercise, and fun!! This is what I want for my girl. And....I got exercise too. I was actually soaked with sweat at the end of practice. Lol!! I had originally been ticked at myself because I forgot to pack my lawn if I would ever get to relax. No way. Maybe one day, but for now, I'll enjoy the fun of chasing Ellie around and being right beside her as long as she wants me. I am happy to be a soccer mommy and excited to watch her grow in coming months as she explores her newest love!

Monday, August 5, 2019

Cool River Tubing - Helen Gerogia

Kidding Around Greenville recently posted an article regarding the fun of water tubing in Helen, Georgia. Did you see it, mom friends? I had done this before about 8 years ago with my family. It was only my oldest nephew way back then. Since we were only 20 minutes away this weekend as we were at Babyland General Hospital, my sister had the great idea to go again. And that we did!

We went to Cool River Tubing. While the lines seem quite long in summer hours, they accommodate and get you on the river in no time. My whole family went. Ellie loves water, waterfalls, and hopping off this was right up her alley....adventure! Eric and I tethered our tubes together so we would never be apart. Kelsey's family and Mimi and G-Daddy all tethered up with one of the Jones kids and down the river we sailed. Ellie was in love. She wanted her toes in the water, she wanted to splash., she even wanted to lay back on my chest and relax. River tubing in Helen is always funny because (besides our own crazy selves) there is so much good people watching to be had creating many laughs! People getting stuck on rocks, people bumping like bumper boats into people, all kinds of characters out there. It is most fun when a small little waterfall/ rock slope approaches in the stream and you slide down in it and perhaps get a splash. Ellie kept saying, "Waterfall!!" We went on an hour ride and it was just right. If you haven't done this before, go!

*Side have to be 3+ to what you gotta do. That's all I'm saying. ;) Puddle Jumpers on, of course! And closed toed shoes or shoes with back straps are required by Georgia DNR.

Babyland General Hospital - aka - Cabbage Patch Land

I have been shocked as an adult to find that my few southern born and bred friends did not grow up going to visit Babyland General Hospital in Georgia. It was such a wonderful part of my childhood. The original hospital was located in a different city than the current, and it was smaller, but we just loved it! I remember walking through the different hospital rooms at all the different cabbage patch babies, older and newer. The older ones of course were cloth and with facial features that were sewn in such as their noses and mouths. Eyes were hand painted. A slight bit creepy but still precious dolls. They make them in a few different ways now. I always loved mine and had an abundance. Some with no hair, some with long yarn hair for me to brush and style. It's a pretty magical place for a kid. Even boys. Most older boys probably won't want a doll, but they have many options for younger boys. Great for teaching loving and nurturing skills. My near 10 year old nephew still found it all interesting even though he was not into dolls as a gift for himself. They actually have a few other gifts for boys should you take a daughter and feel you are dragging a son along. Something for everyone, really. Babyland General Hospital is now in Cleveland, Georgia in a big white southern plantation looking home and has beautiful grounds for pic-nics, and playing yard games should you make a day of it. Kelsey (my sister), Lydia, Laurel, and myself, have all had the pleasure of going to adopt a cabbage patch baby, naming a baby that was born from mother cabbage under the big tree at the cabbage patch, and choosing our own baby from the patch to name and love forever. Now, it was Ellie's turn! Ellie was just smitten and just beside herself with all the babies everywhere!! Ohhh it was a treat watching that bouncing blonde head run to the patch and even climb up a rock to pick her a baby!! She pulled hard and plucked her baby from the cabbage leaves and cuddled her so tightly. She was able to get two this day....but she attempted to adopt the entire patch!! Lol! She also wanted to take home all the stuffed animal dogs. We got her a small dog to take home, too. It was her special day, after all! Ellie adopted her baby and so did the big girls with their chosen babies.

We had a pic-nic on the grounds and enjoyed the sunshine. Then we went water tubing. That's in the next blog!!

The Lion King - Ellie's First Movie - Our Circle of Life

Okay, so we all know I'm not a fan of screen time for Ellie.Blah blah blah. (No judgement to others so don't hate me for making a choice for my own kid's well being- all research and factual based reasoning- I'm a nerd). Now that she is two, I am still not gonna plop her down in front of a screen of any sort unless I am a desperate mess of stressed out tears who can't get anything done such as cooking the supper so we can all eat and not be hangry ('cause ain't nobody happy then!), or an occasional family movie night. I just desire different entertainment for her. And she is the happiest kid I know so who cares?!

I was going to take Ellie to the Easley dollar movies on her birthday weekend to watch "The Lorax." Yet, I felt a sad pang that Eric would miss Ellie's first movie experience because of his ridiculously insanely crazy work and class schedule. (Praise God, that semester is DONE!) I just really love for him to be included. After God, my family is my number one biggest priority above all else. One night, Eric suggested to me that "The Lion King" should be Ellie's first movie! I thought, "Yeah!! This is excellent!" It is super awesome and special because we could and did go the day after her birthday after Eric's final exam, and as a family! But the most special aspect is this: The original "The Lion King" was Eric's first movie, too!! I mean how cool is that?! So heck yes we had to do it.

I expected and prepared my expectations as well as Eric's that Ellie would only be interested in the first ten minutes and we would probably end up leaving before the movie got well into the plot. Eric thought differently. We ate at Tin Lizzy's (LOVEEEE their queso and chips!!) We got Ellie a popcorn and settled into our chairs and waited for the movie to begin. Oh boy. We all know the incredibly power that even the animated version of "The Lion King" possesses with that beautiful sunrise over the pride lands with the strong voice of the African tribe singing a joyful song..."The Circle of Life." It makes my soul jump with joy and it certainly got Ellie's attention. All the animals!!! She was pointing them out, calling their names, making their sounds! She was dancing, she was smiling, she was having fun! She stayed attentive and involved with the emotions of the movie throughout until the last 25 minutes where she walked up and down some steps eating her popcorn and watching the movie from different heights. She ended the movie back where she started, in daddy's lap. It was a very special family outing and very successful as well! Go see it!!!

Ellie is 2

Two has always been my favorite age on a kid. I love that Ellie is still like a baby but very much a little person I can have little conversations with, run and play with, who still snuggles me, yet also can do small chores to help me out. She thinks chores are fun for now. She loves to help.

I never in my life thought I would have a baby. But when God put that deep desire in my heart, He gave me literally the exact child I had envisioned in my mind that would be running around our home. A blonde, brown eyed, dimple faced, long legged, little girl named Ellie. I use to say I wanted to marry an Eric. And then I pictured my Ellie. God must be the one putting these ideas and images in my head because He has literally allowed me to draw pictures of my life in my mind and He gives them to me in just the way I pictured....yet, in different time..His time...and in the way that best glorifies Him. So when Eric and I used to talk about having a little Ellie one day....God gave to us the exact little face I pictured. How awesome. How humbling.

I love everything about Ellie. She has SO MUCH personality. Oh my heavens she is such a character!! She is goofy! She gets loopy and crazy when she is sleepy. She is stubborn and sassy. She loves dresses and twirling in them. She thinks clothes are "cute" and is a lover of all animals, particularly dogs. She shrills when she sees dogs like its the best day of her life. She has awesome facial expressions and dance moves. She bumps her shoulders, waves her hands in the air, shakes her hips, and bounces on her legs when she hears a tune worthy. She loves music and playing instruments. She loves reading books. She loves baby dolls. But, I believe reading is her most favorite thing in the world. She loves playing with blocks especially with her daddy. They build things and she uses her imagination so vividly already. She tells me she is building a lion, a boat, a giraffe. Her imagination is endless. She loves airplanes, cars, trucks, boats, and water. She loves to pretend she is a robot with daddy. Blowing bubbles is a favorite. She loves kissing and cuddling. She loves to do her hair and makes sure she has a hairbow every day. She takes my hand and says, "Come! Play! Help!"

She is so so so smart. I'm not going to apologize for being a proud mommy. I hope all mommies show their child as much pride and love in their children. Ellie knows all of her colors. She can count to two. She knows the shapes circle, star, and heart and can even draw a circle and something sorta like a heart. She is an expert actually scares most people who are with us and that actually annoys me to be honest (though I appreciate the concern...I am her mommy...nobody cares more than me, I promise). I like her love of climbing. If I teach her fear, she won't try new hard things. She needs to explore, climb, and learn her boundaries and limits. I will never allow her to get into a situation too dangerous and I am always right there to catch her if necessary. I love how strong she is because of being allowed to climb! It is so so good for her and excellent for her development! She still goes barefoot as much as possible and I can see very evidently how awesome her balance is because of it. She loves flowers, swimming, and inspecting critters in the yard. She speaks very well. She has up to 5 word sentences and speaks fluid sentences frequently. She communicates very well with us and it is rare we don't know what is being said. The last few months leading up to two years, Eric and I have been blown away as she speaks several new words and full sentences to us almost every single day. Her vocabulary is expanding so quickly! Now we are also working on her French alongside her English. If she has an English word or sentence down pat, we say it twice, once in English and once in French. We also are now teaching colors in French as she has them down pat in English. I will soon have to get myself past my elementary level of French to keep teaching her which I am so excited about. If you know about my French background this will all make sense, and if you don't feel free to ask and get filled in. But, her learning French, and myself particularly becoming fluent in it is important to us. And if she is learning now as she is...then she will be set up well later in life!

She is potty trained wearing panties all day and pull ups for night time! She is sneaky and mischievous and can fins a loophole or a way around her command with ease. So smart. I have to really watch her sneaky self! She is in love with her cousins who are her very best friends. She loves waterfalls, and big mountains. She loves to help garden but runs when the sprinkler comes near her. She is just the funniest, most adventurous, exciting, full of life, strong willed, independent, loving, little girl and I am so so so thankful she is mine! Happy 2nd Birthday, Ellie!!!

The Aftermath: "Matters of the Heart" - Post Procedure & Other Big Life Events

  Let's just start with this, my recovery has not  been as expected.  September 10, I had a transcatheter pulmonary valve replacement. I...