Monday, April 27, 2020

Hunter Farms Strawberry U- Pick & Shakes

Thank you sweet Hunter Farms for being open and offering "U - pick!" We loved visiting your farm last year and were so excited to come back again. We come for the strawberries and stay for the shakes!! What a special touch to offer a sweet strawberry treat on a sunny day after picking your gallons of baskets of juicy red strawberries.

Eric has never been able to join us before for the strawberry picking and this time he was able to go! I was so happy because I love sweet family time and I couldn't wait for my ice cream loving man to get himself a strawberry shake! He drank that thing up!

Hunter Farms is in Easley, SC and therefore our personal local strawberry patch. We love that they aren't too far from home. We feel pretty at home there, too. They do a great job of updating their field's current status on social media so you know if the pickin' is good. Also, if you bring your own gallon bucket, you will save yourself a dollar. And of course they also have pre-picked gallons for sale as well.

As for the Covid 19 situation- they are following all the guidelines and have great people working, helping, and such friendly faces in this time. Hunter Farms is always always always a great idea! My family so enjoyed our morning at their farm! We cannot wait to make goodies with our strawberries and enjoy them on pic-nics as we hike! Thank you, Hunter Farms!

"I Am An Artist" - BFIAR Activities

There is so much to capture from this book! We made a fun week of activities and we want to share them with you to hopefully give you some ideas too!

Apple Art:

We cut open an apple in half horizontally or transverse. We stuck a pop-sicle stick in one of the halves and then my daughter, Ellie, used it as a stamp with paint! We put paint colors of her choice on a plate and she swirled and stamped and made as many pictures as she could! Such a simple, easy, fun activity.

Of course, like the book, we also noted the star inside the apple. We discussed how God designed that apple that way and it was so special. We also observed the seeds and counted them.

Cloud Art:

For this, we had blue construction paper and white paint. Another very simple project. The book notes seeing faces in the clouds. We folded the pieces of paper evenly in half once. We opened them back up with the crease created. I gave the paint to Ellie and let her squeeze as she desired and how much she desired. Then, I showed her how to fold the paper back over and open it again once more. When we opened the paper, we saw how the paint had symmetrically been copied to the other side of the paper making two equal halves (math element). We pretended the white paint was clouds in the blue sky and when opened back up, Ellie would tell me what she saw in the clouds. This was a wonderful way to open her imagination and teach symmetry.

Rainbow Art:

First we discussed what rainbows are. A rainbow is a reflection, refraction, and dispersion of light in water droplets resulting a spectrum of light appearing in the sky. We discussed the specific colors in a rainbow, the proper sequence of the colors, then we practiced that sequence by simply painting our own rainbows. Once she had the concept and the visual, we then went on a nature walk to gather things in nature. This is also in the book. We decided a nature walk to make a rainbow of what we found would be a great way to be an artist! We found red holly berries, red leaves, orange in our southern red clay on rocks and dry pine straw, yellow in dandelions, honeysuckle, and buttercups, green in moss and floor coverings of the woods, blue was found in folios lichen growing on sticks, and indigo violet in flowers and leaves. The nature walk and search alone took two hours because we so thoroughly enjoyed the search and just absorbing the beauty of God's creation. When we came back to the house, we laid out all of our treasures and worked together to form our colorful natural rainbow! This was pretty awesome! We also looked to the scripture, Genesis 9:12-15, where God creates the first rainbow and declares it a covenant with us - a promise.

Sand & Shell Art/ Math:

Tracks in the sand and colors in the shells? We made this happen! Ellie doesn't have a sandbox (yet) so I pulled out a storage container from under the bed, filled it with a $6 fifty lb bag of sand from Home Depot, and placed some of my childhood treasured seashells inside for her. This was a huge hit and incredibly versatile. We made shapes, numbers, and letters (which we are learning phonetically) in the sand. We observed the shapes, colors, and textures of the shells. We counted the shells as a whole group, then we separated and categorized the shells by type and counted the shells per group for math. We listened to the shells and we made tracks in the sand with her toy monster trucks.

Bible Verse:

We always find a verse to go with our book and for this one Ellie memorized Isaish 6:3 - " Holy, Holy, Holy is the Lord Almighty, the whole Earth is full of His glory."

Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Honeysuckle Tea Time

I can still remember the first time my sister showed me the wild vine of Honeysuckle in our wooded backyard. She told me to grab the stamen and pull it out and taste it. There was a faint sweet taste and a fragrant colorful smell. The smell alone felt like sunshine and radiant glitter. The taste was more subtle but still so sweet!

Fast forward to present day- that same experience giving awesome sister of mine gave me a knowledge and a passion for foraging in the woods and wild around us in all that God created. Common, ordinary, everyday things we see and take for granted. Not in the Gladden house though. We grow our food, support local farmers, and forage for the edible goodness in our own backyards just to learn and experience. There are so many healthy benefits of these things too.

Honeysuckle health benefits:

- Detoxify the liver
- Heals respiratory tract infections
- Relieves digestive disorders
- Improves oral health
- Helps with Type 2 Diabetes
- Anti-inflammatory: aids in arthritis and autoimmune disorders
- Aids in skin conditions such as rosacea when used as an oil/ anti-aging benefits
- Aromatherapy: aids in relief of stress

Honeysuckle is quite abundant here in the South. It’s growing all over around our little lake right now. Collect the flowers. They can be used fresh or dried in a dehydrator. We used ours fresh. Free from a contaminated area.

For our tea and poetry time tonight, we used a Honeysuckle scented candle I received as a sample from the Flying Farm Candle co. To stay with the theme! Eric stuck with English Breakfast tea but Ellie and I indulged ourselves with this AMAZING tea!

The taste was not as bold or fragrant as the flower but it was certainly still sweet and very delicious!
I used fresh flowers. I put a large clump in a tea filter and let it steep. I also added some flowers in loose.

Ellie drank her tea so fast- she loves all the teas I have let her try but this one she chugged and threw down! She loved it so much she went and added a flower to everyone’s tea cup to be sure nobody would miss out on this deliciousness! Y’all gotta try it!

 “Let me smell it!”
“Mmm that’s yummy!!”

Sunday, April 19, 2020

Gone Fishin'

Growing up, I lived in Williamston, SC on a beautiful acre of land in a beautiful ranch house. Behind our house was a full woods with a mile long trail lead us back to A little reservoir. We had a dock and it was so quiet and secluded. My parents used to take my older sister and I fishing back there. To this day it is one of my fondest memories of my childhood.

Daddy would take me and my sister to a bait shop in Cheddar, SC. We would get a round styrofoam bucket and a whole bunch of minnows. Daddy would always get me a Cadbury Creme Egg as I spotted them at the checkout counter. To this day, at Easter, when I eat one I think of fishing with my daddy and mama and sister. 

Mama would pack a pic-nic. Daddy would bait my hook. And then I knew what to do! We used to catch a lot of catfish...which my Daddy brought home and cleaned and cooked....and I did not eat. I wanted no part of the catfish other than to catch one. 

So now about 25 years later, my husband and I live on a little over an acre with our precious two year old daughter on an 8 acre lake. The majority of the things I pass on to my daughter, Ellie, come from the warmest memories of the childhood my parents gave me and my sister. Living here sparks joy in my heart knowing we can just go to our backyard too and fish with Ellie. 

Yesterday was the first day I have fished in about 25 years. It was also Ellie's first fishing adventure! My husband got me a brand new fishing pole for Easter and the Easter Bunny brought Ellie a nice new fishing pole. Both are pink! We went to the community dock to fish. Our dock is temporary and very small. It's a 2021 project! We are happy the community has such a big dock we can also use. 

I made sure to eat a Cadbury Creme Egg. Ellie enjoyed half of one and Reese's Pieces. Eric enjoyed a variety of Reese's. Haha! We didn't catch anything, but we had quite a few nibbles! We had fun just being together and relaxing after two long days of strenuous yard work. It felt so good to fish again and include my daughter in something that made the best memories for me as a child. Make memories. They really do stick with the kids and become what they want with their families one day!

 Matthew 4:19 - "And he said to them, “Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men.”

Friday, April 17, 2020

Stewart Farms - Strawberry Picking Adventure

Praise the Lord for farmers! Hard working, smiling, helping farmers like those of Stewart Farms in Enoree, SC.

Strawberry picking with my Ellie is a tradition and I didn’t have to miss it this year among the crazy times all thanks to this amazing farm who made sure laws were in place so that all could come and safely and securely enjoy getting out and gathering DELICIOUS berries! They have an excellent crop!! From the moment I entered the parking lot to the end of our journey at the checkout line- all staff were smiling and and loving and helpful. Noticing Ellie’s strawberry stained chin from her tasting their bounty, it was lovingly commented, “Good to see! We need taste testers out there for quality control!”

Ellie wasted no time with her red gallon bucket ($11/bucket u-pick). She set to work searching for the perfect berries telling me as only a smart and sassy 2.5 year old little girl can, “This one is a little green. Don’t pick it mommy. Only red and juicy!” Yes ma’am, Ellie. Yes ma’am! She also told me to leave some strawberries for the bees hahaha!! I always remind her when picking flowers that we must leave many for our pollinators and so I suppose she believes that rule applies here as well! Precious girl!

When our basket was full to the brim, Ellie sat down in the field and ate a strawberry and watched as other pickers (all staying their distances from one another) found their perfect harvest.

We checked out and the staff was on their game! They had signs of 6ft distance, and a plexiglass over the checkout. What a cute little shop they have! Full of the most precious home decor, shirts, caps, preserves, and wreathes! I wanted to buy it all!!

When we got home, we made a healthy strawberry cobbler and mmm-mmmmm was it yummy!!!
Thank y’all, Stewart Farms!!!

“Consider the farmer....” -James 5:7

The Aftermath: "Matters of the Heart" - Post Procedure & Other Big Life Events

  Let's just start with this, my recovery has not  been as expected.  September 10, I had a transcatheter pulmonary valve replacement. I...