Friday, July 31, 2020
Ellie at 3!
3 years ago the most stubborn, independent, strong willed, beautiful, loving, funny, athletic, strong little girl was born and laid into my arms causing me to cry harder than I ever have in my life and feel a physical sensation in my chest of immense joy that exploded and I’ve never been the same. Life gets better and better every day with her. Even through those hard toddler times we all have- my life has never ever been happier, more wonderful, or purposeful.
Ellie loves to read her bible and says it is her favorite book. She loves to sing “Rise Up” (Rolling Stones) by Lauren Daigle. She sings in the backseat, “Wash up!” Hahaha! She cracks me up! She cannot stand people smoking or littering. Oh my word watch out she will give you a lesson in a minute on these things! When it comes to littering she says, “Somebody glittered! That's a bad choice!” (Yes, glittered haha!) And she talks about these being bad choices and unhealthy for heart, lungs, and Earth. She thinks loud, obnoxious, jacked up pick up trucks are “ridiculous” literally, she says, “that is a ridiculous truck!” Haha! She is so saucy! She will call you out in a second (and make me blush) but she isn’t wrong so I don’t correct her on that! Unless she is rude....that’s different obviously, but I don’t mask or cover up that she is speaking truth! I guess she gets her sauce from her mama. She loves having her nails done and playing with my makeup and having her hair done at mommy's salon in the master bathroom. She is compassionate and loves to take care of things for people in need of help.
She can hike up to 6.6 miles by herself. She loves to sing and dance. She can tell you that she is listening to the composition, Swan Lake, the instant it is on the radio, CD, or Pandora. She loves watching plays and productions on stage. Her favorite toys are books, shapes, tea set, baby dolls and stuffed animals, and anything she can build or dig in. She loves to cook and begs to cook all meals with me which I highly encourage. She can just about bake any dish and scramble eggs for herself if it weren’t for pouring to measure and turning on the stove. She thinks cleaning is fun- I hope she keeps that idea! She loves a thrill! She loves to ride rides, spin around fast, climb up high, climb boulders, and be chased.
Ellie loves her cousins and her family so much. She loves spending time with her family and making them pictures, being spoiled rotten by the big kids, and sleepovers with her cousins. She loves to cuddle and snuggle and while so independent, she loves being doted on. Who doesn’t?! She loves to learn and try new things and then proceeds to try to teach her new skill. She sings all the time and it is hilarious and precious all at once! (She has opera singer vibes) haha! She loves to swim, hike, garden, play outside, color, do puzzles, make horse stables for her plastic horses using blocks or sticks. She loves to catch toads, snails, and collect mushrooms. She asks me to identify new flowers, creatures, and botany all the time. She enjoys tea and poetry. She loves to make friends and play with them as often as possible. She is very motherly and nurturing. She is a daddy’s girl and it’s so sweet and special to see! She has the best daddy on Earth! She eats almost any and all foods but you have to make her eat because she would rather run around and play than sit down and eat.
She loves to wear high heels and calls them “heel highs”. She also calls flip-flops, “flip-floppers,” and pool floats, “floaters.” Hahahaha!
She can already tie everything... GOOD knots too! I don’t even know who taught her but thank you....I think?! Haha!
She can hang up and put away her own clothes in the closet and in drawers. She can clean her room and make her bed. She loves to help me make our big bed on the Master. She absolutely loves and adores animals! She asks so many “why” questions and asks how things work often. She knows she lives in South Carolina and that her Aunt and Uncle live in Georgia. She can identify specific plants, flowers and animals and she can explain the reasons why a tree may have fallen in the woods. She knows what lichen is and she knows how to tend the garden and how to fill her own water cup from the refrigerator and put the top back on (hallelujah for me! Haha!)
She really is just overall smart, funny, beautiful, saucy, sassy, sweet, strong physically and mentally, artistic, creative, athletic, thoughtful, Considerate, and sneaky!!
She is really growing into her own little woman and I am a very proud and happy mommy! I’m so thankful to God that He gave her to us. She is all we have ever dreamed of and far more! Happy 3rd birthday my little darling!!
Friday, July 17, 2020
Support Small Businesses...Always...And Especially Now!
My heart has been heavy in these recent wild months of this virus spreading for our small businesses. I don't share my political thoughts and I won't do that here either because it eon't change anything but it will likely cause controversy or dissension in some hearts and that's not my heart, purpose, or intention. What I do want to say is this. Our nation is hurting. People are losing their means of income, their life-sake, their dreams, and all the sweat, blood, tears, and efforts they put into their businesses that serve our communities so well.
I LOVE unique businesses, family built, dreamed, and created businesses. I love supporting my local people even when I may know nothing about them. I can tell you this much about them...they are moms and dads with kids to feed and support. They are people trying to put meals on their tables, clothes on their backs, gas in the tank, and money in their savings for a rainy day.
I have come to support and shop more local than big box over recent years by this passion in my heart but more so now than ever before. Also, they will accept my that was designed and created to pay all debts and fees....unlike a lot of big box stores right now. My family detests debt and we pay cash for everything except the mortgage. So, I am thankful for these businesses who are just happy to see me and take whatever form of payment I can give. Last night I read a vulnerable and beautifully executed post from a precious most amazing business owner and friend of mine who's business we ADORE and consider essential. She put this out there and I think it explains the need perfectly:
"Haven't posted about this because awkward...
but your friends who are musicians, actors, small business owners? We're not doing all that great. Some of us made it through the Spring on residual fees, a hope and a prayer, but as this drags on, it's hard to be hopeful. And hard to pay the bills.
I have colleagues who have closed their businesses, sold instruments, sold their durn house. Some of us (my studio included) don't know how long we can continue to pay rent. Orchestra members, gig workers, actors, etc. are at a complete standstill.
Things probably aren't easy for you either... who knows how you're supposed to get your children educated, keep everyone healthy, and do your job all at the same time, and now I'm asking you to add this to your list.
And unfortunately I don't have 3 Easy Steps to Help -- I don't know the answer. But consider what you'd like for your community to look like when this is over, and what you'd like to have available for your family. And if you can help them survive, please do so. We want to be here for you, and I'm pretty sure you feel the same. Thanks xoxo"
Coffee Shops
*Ninja Warrior Coffee - I first heard of them at the Easley Farmer's Market. At the time they did not have a brick and mortar but were selling their coffee grinds. I was intrigued and am always into local coffee shops. No, I can't drink coffee and haven't in six years, but I know that anything local has to be better than a big box store that also charges way too much for generic tasting coffee. I have so many mom friends who rave about it and enjoy to meet there for coffee. They have now a brick and mortar store and they also do food trucks on Wednesdays!
*Coyote Coffee - This coffee shop is great. I was fortunate enough to have many a cup here before I quit caffeine for good for the sake of my heart health. They have three locations that I am aware of. Pickens, Powdersville, and Easley. They are all owned by the same person. They also offer breakfast and lunch which is helpful and unique of a coffee shop. The atmosphere is cozy and excellent for meeting clients. We actually met with our wedding DJ here and my friend hosted a cozy Essenital Oils meeting here. They are local people and have the best coffee! I miss my cup there!
*Junto Coffee - This beautiful industrial modern style coffee house is located near Taylors Mill in Taylors. Again, I can't speak on personal taste, but from all the reviews I've heard they are just an incredible cup of coffee. I am out there all the time running with my run club friends and one day I plan to pop in and seek an herbal tea. I've seen them post some phenomenal looking teas and tea is where it's at for me these days! If you are in the Taylors area, pop by there for your cup of coffee!
*Due South Coffee - This place is lovely. It used to also be located at Taylors Mill but in recent years relocated to Hampton Station. My husband super enjoyed his brew from there. I enjoyed some baked goods from their kitchen and I mean to tell you, I was in Heaven! They are also a super cozy and cool little spot.
Other great things you can do to support local are:
- Eat at non chain restaurants in your area.
-Tip your servers have no idea how badly they need it...always, but especially now!
- Like local business pages on social media, like their posts, share their posts, comment on them. This keeps them in the news feed and open for more eyes to see. Give them great reviews if you have a great experience! Let people know about this great place that is local.
- Order dinner for your family at local restaurants when your time is pressed or you forgot to cook or throw food in the crock pot. There are many places like Farm Fresh Fast and Fork & Plough that offer pre-made take home meals ready to eat or that you can simply warm up in the oven super quickly.
- Visit local Farmer's Markets on Saturdays and support all the local vendors and farmers. Plus that is just so super fun to get out and do with the family. You can get many vegetables, flowers, clothes, face paintings, meals, home goods, candles, coffee, etc at the market and these people depend on you. These people work hard and give up their Saturdays to be there because they depend on you.
- Also, it may not be monetary, but kind words, encouraging, loving words can also be so helpful to these small local business owners. Your kind words may be what encourages them to push through in this unknown scary time where we don't know what the government holds for our tomorrow.
We may not know what to be expect. We may feel out of control. So many friends and spouses of those friends have lost their jobs in our lives. All because of this mess. And they have no idea how they will make ends meet or what to expect to come next. Have sympathy and just be kind. Look for God in all things and I promise you will find Him. God has actually allowed many blessings for my family that have come out of this mess. We have had more time together granted to us. We got a lot of Eric's schooling knocked out this summer and the opportunity to do most of his last two semesters of his Chem E degree with Clemson online which means while Eric may be in another world mentally, he will be at our dining room table working hard instead of 30 minutes away at all hours of the night. It means I can hug and kiss him any time I want. It means that while we can't "do" life like we perfectly please, we are able to have some really cool different adventures and family time and that is my most favorite thing. Look for God's blessing friend, and you will see God. For those who are truly filled with His Holy Spirit, you are never alone. You are never desolate. He has you in His strong right hand. As my two year old says, "God is all around us." And if what feels like the worst case scenario happens to you, just know GOD IS IN CONTROL. And nobody else. And we must trust that God is always always always working for the good of His children and we must praise Him without pause!
Support others. Love others. Be the best you can. Respect people you don't agree with and move on. You can't change the world having an argument on social media, I promise. Just be loving and peaceful and seek to change the world by supporting local. Thanks guys! Love y'all!
but your friends who are musicians, actors, small business owners? We're not doing all that great. Some of us made it through the Spring on residual fees, a hope and a prayer, but as this drags on, it's hard to be hopeful. And hard to pay the bills.
I have colleagues who have closed their businesses, sold instruments, sold their durn house. Some of us (my studio included) don't know how long we can continue to pay rent. Orchestra members, gig workers, actors, etc. are at a complete standstill.
Things probably aren't easy for you either... who knows how you're supposed to get your children educated, keep everyone healthy, and do your job all at the same time, and now I'm asking you to add this to your list.
And unfortunately I don't have 3 Easy Steps to Help -- I don't know the answer. But consider what you'd like for your community to look like when this is over, and what you'd like to have available for your family. And if you can help them survive, please do so. We want to be here for you, and I'm pretty sure you feel the same. Thanks xoxo"
So, I want to share with y'all some local businesses I'm supporting and what they offer. Share yours with me too.
Produce/ Plants
*Winslett's Produce Market - Located in Easley, this shop has so very much to offer. They have sandwiches and ice cream for lunch at their deli. They sell awesome products of our local farmers in store so that is a win-win! I cannot even name all the goods they have but for a start, local honey from local farmers, produce, raw milk, cheeses, bread, candies, jams, salsas, meat cuts, way way more in the food department. They also have an incredible garden selection where I have purchased a large quantity of my landscaping on. Trees, shrubs, berry bushes, waterfalls, flowers, all in amazing variety and unique, and beautiful. They have carts for your load. I used two the other day! They are helpful and smiling people and patient and helpful with your questions. They also carry river rock and stone for any outdoor or patio projects. At holidays, they use their front lawn to cater to the children. Such as at Halloween, they have a small maze set up and a pumpkin patch and adorable hay bales decorated perfect for photo opportunities with the kids. At Christmas, they have a little Gingerbread house the kids can go inside and its decorated just so magically. My daughter LOVES going to Winslett's. She always helps with picking out plants. She got a little fern and pot all for herself one time. It adorns our living room. Going to Winslett's is like going to Disney World for me.
*Farmacy - Also located in Easley, this little adorable brick building at the corner of bisecting streets taking you to downtown Easley has so much great produce! Stocking their store with goodies from local farmers, they offer a wide variety of goods for your kitchen table. They even have a refrigerator room to walk in and seek your produce that is best kept cold. They sell one of my favorite local soy candle makers...The Flying Farm Candles. We will drive out here just for candles sometimes. They carry local honey from other local honey bee farmers. They also carry essential oils, salts, and soaps for holistic living. They carry seeds for your gardening needs. Their store is so nice to walk through and you may come home with something you hadn't planned on just to try it! The owners are two cousins and they are the sweetest people who work the register. They will talk to you like they've always known you and love on your kids! It is nice to be recognized and known and cared for by the people who are serving you. But I hope we are serving them well too.
*Happy Cow Creamery - Y'all have to know about this one, right?! Another Disney World for me and yesterday's visit out there was especially exciting. I took Ellie to get milk and watermelon. But low and behold, a baby calf had just been born and had not even yet taken her first steps! We sat at the fence with other families as we watched Mama cow clean her new calf and encourage her to stand, walk, and find her utter for milk! We spent 40 minutes sitting and watching this miracle. We also did go inside for our groceries. After having taken Ellie on one of their incredible tours, (do it if you haven't, give them a call and set it up) and riding on a tractor through the farm, we learned Happy Cow is one of the few remaining dairy farms in SC. They are Godly, Jesus loving people and they serve their customers like Jesus served people on Earth. The tour was truly incredible and cheap enough as well. It includes milk tasting both white and chocolate, and an ice cream! Ellie was asking to ride the tractor yesterday she had so much fun the first time. Inside their store is a happy place too! Pimwnto cheese, salsa, jams, corn, potatoes, squash, zucchini, ice cream, sour cream, milk,(strawberry, white, and chocolate) candy, t-shirts, watermelon, honey, cheese, bread, and so many other goodies!! We left this visit with watermelon, ice cream, sour cream, and milk. They have pic-nic set ups as well for you to enjoy a sandwich from home or one you make from what you bought there, and to eat your ice cream and watch the cows. They also sell manure for your garden beds. I plan to pick up a 50 lb bag myself for my fall garden. Right down the road is City Scape Winery...I'll get to them soon!
*There are countless wineries within a two hour range of Greenville, SC. But two close to home that we enjoy because of their uniqueness and family like atmosphere are Victoria Valley Vineyards and City Scape Winery.
*Victoria Valley Vineyards- Located not far off HWY 11 and near Table Rock state park and Caesar's Head, this winery is like a mini Chateau in the mountains. It is beautiful and so welcoming. It is warm with happiness. They have a unique little shop selling gifts mostly from local artists and vendors. They have tastings, but they also have indoor seating and outdoor covered patio seating on a terrace overlooking the vineyard. We love sitting outside with lunch from their little kitchen. They have appetizers, small plates, sandwiches, and cake! Ellie enjoys coming here too which is one reason to love it. She can meander about the terrace while we watch, sip, and eat. She enjoys their lunch as well. Downstairs of the terrace you can walk around a bit and bring a blanet or chairs and relax in the quiet mountains in the afternoon sun. They also do weddings here. I wish we had done a small ceremony just family here. It is so nice!
*City Scape Winery- This is 2 miles from Happy Cow!! We love bringing Ellie here too. They often have live music and food trucks. They have a pet pig named Pinot and he is precious. You can feed him cheese! Bring him some cheese, he may do a trick for you! There are goats to feed and love on as well. They have a big green backyard to run and play with your kids, sit in the sun, and have a pic-nic. They also have a beautiful terrace seating area and indoor seating too in the tasting room. You can order a very delicious cheese plate and do a wine tasting, or just buy a glass or bottle and sit back and relax with friends and family as you listen to music and take in the country. They do some neat events out here. Recently they announced they have plans to expand a bit which makes me so happy for them and for their community. The couple who owns and runs it also just announced they are expecting their first child! How awesome!! It's a happy place out there.
Studios/ Classes
* Village Arts - This place is awesome!! We love it so much here. Have you been or checked out their classes for little ones? Ellie has been involved with all things Village Arts since she was a few months old. Here, many different things are offered. Our favorite class to attend at the studio is Kindermusik of Greenville. These classes are offered as semester packages for a wide variety of ages. They include books, CD's, and musical instruments to take home each semester you participate. The classes vary with content for each age group and each class is phenomenally engaging and essential for amazing childhood development, bonding with your child, and opening their world, senses, and minds to new experiences. There are two wonderful teachers, one of them being the creator of Village Arts and the head host of Kindermusik of Greenville - Rosalind Cross. She has shown my family love on a personal level far beyond her call as a teacher. It is immensely evident that loving and serving others is her passion. She is patient, kind, creative, smart, and wildly entertaining. She has honestly been an essential piece in making me the mother I am today and our household is so grateful to her and her business. Village Arts is a beautiful studio for exploring, playing, making friends, and making messes! Sometimes, and often times really, Ms. Rosalind has cookies for the kids and coffee or tea for the adults who accompany the children. She brings things in in busy boxes to explore, walk on, squeeze, and just anything to help your child grow. If you are a mom who wants the best in the world for your child, I promise on my Type A, highstrung, perfectionist self that is one of the best things if not the very best thing you could take your child to get involved with. How is Village Arts handling COVID-19? First of all, safety and sanitizing in the studio with small groups. She also is offering some virtual class options if you aren't comfortable in person with all that is going on. Let me share a link to register for these Kindermusik of Greenville classes HERE! While Kindermusik of Greenville is our favorite class at Village Arts, there are also other wonderful events and chances to play at the studio! Often, Ms. Rosalind invites other local artists, moms, or tradespeople to come to her studio to offer a special class that you can sign yourself up for or your child. She has done fun classes like pour painting for some moms, Frozen play dates, Unicorn fun, and the list is endless and goes on and on. Truly creative things that you get to let your child make a big ole mess at, and leave the mess behind! She posts these events on her facebook pages as well as sends out email newsletters to anyone interested. Please try one sometime. You will be immensely glad you did! Her studio is like a home to be cozy in and to sort of leave your worries for a while.
*Sterling Studio of Performing Arts - So this is where Ellie takes dance! Actually, she and I both do as we currently take Mommy and Me Ballet. We have been part of this studio going into our third season this fall. I chose them because of so many reasons and I am forever grateful God guided this decision. My first priority in choosing a dance studio was to find a company who valued modesty. I don't care for studios with raunchy music being blared for a 5 year old to dance around half naked to songs about sex and doing dance moves that are while skilled....trashy. There. I said it. I named no names. But that mattered to me while I know it won't to some. That's their prerogative and not my place to care or judge. I'm just thankful I found a place my little girl can behave like a little girl as well as dress like a classy young lady. Another reason we love this studio is because the owner who also teaches the majority of the classes is a saint. She is young, fun, and so laid back. She understands that toddlers are toddlers and have tantrums and melt downs. She knows moms get worried and frustrated and some how...she makes it all better by simply caring for your child and allowing you to put your child first. She is a mom herself of two wonderful girls and she gets it. She loves on the kids and talks to each one of them so special. She values each child and loves each one simply for who they are. She works so so so hard putting all of her time and energy to this studio. Oh my word she is so creative and does the most wonderful props and fun things to teach the little ones dance. She is patient, kind, loving, and helpful. They also offer theater classes for your kids/teens if that is their interest. At the recital last year, I was so in awe of the older girls who performed a piece of their play. As of this year, I will actually be helping out by offering some art classes every other Thursday afternoon! So, you even get me if you come! Haha! Everything at this studio is so very affordable which is another major reason I love and appreciate them. My daughter LOVES dance and I contribute that to the joy and no stress that our teacher and owner brings to the studio. I highly encourage her company. Oh! Also, she hosts amazing events all season long for the students and their families at like no cost! To name a few, Art in the Park where we meet in Pope Field to make beautiful art, play on the playground, pic-nic, eat pop-sicles, and feet goats. She hosts Primp your Pumpkin where she has the studio turned into a glow stick heaven and music going for the kids to dance, a bonfire for smores, paint, glitter, hot glue guns, you name it and you bring your pumpkin and make it fabulous at the studio. She hosts a Christmas sock exchange, a daddy daughter dance, she invites students to go do things like see new movies, go berry picking...just all these amazing things. She is really the best dance teacher and dance studio owner you are ever going to find. We are blessed to know her and call her friend.
So farms are some of my favorite places to visit. They make it all look so easy when we visit but I KNOW from running the smallest of gardens and from my grandpapa's hard work that it is a never ending, all day every day, back laboring, soul salvaging work. It takes heart, muscles, mind, and energy. I find great joy and pleasure in supporting our local farmers in several different ways and through other local businesses who use only local farms produce and meat. Here are some, PLEASE share if you know more I should check out with my family.
*Possum Kingdom Creamery - Y'all! This place is great! I've blogged about my visit there before. So, I'll keep this paragraph short and you can read that blog if you want more details. But here's what they've got going on: They are an animal sanctuary for wildlife that cannot be released back into the wild and a goat farm. Your family can take a tour of the farm and see all the wildlife and pet goats! They make goat milk and goat cheese fresh. After your tour you get to taste goat milk and two flavors of goat cheese. SO GOOD! They have it for sale as well. I bought two containers of goat cheese and laid it on crackers and felt like I was in Heaven. It's a very cool experience. Some of their products can be found in local farmer's stands as well. I highly recommend going out to the farm!
*The Happy Berry- This farm is like a magical getaway less than 30 minutes from Easley. They have hills upon hills and rows upon rows of beautiful bountiful berries and figs and grapes. You can do a U-pick out there or you can purchase them already picked. I recommend picking your own, packing a pic-nic and some books to read the kids in the shade. Buy your berries you picked and make some great recipes with them! I never seem to get enough and I have my own orchard! Haha!
*Arrowhead Acres Blueberry Farm- I love this place. It was the first blueberry farm I ever went to with Ellie. Located in Marietta, SC near Traveler's Rest and Greer, this blueberry farm is up on a big hill next to the owner's home. It is so quiet, peaceful, and beautiful here. You drive up their gravel drive and park at the shed where they run the business. You can buy them picked or do a U-pick. They will give you a bucket with a rope to wear while you pick, and then will transfer them to a carton for you when you pay.
*McLean Maple Farm- I've bought a couple of very beautiful trees from this farm. They grow the most gorgeous trees. This company is ran by a precious couple from their own backyard in Piedmont, SC just off Exit 32 off of I85 near Spearman Elementary School. They have provided me with a gorgeous green mountain sugar maple and a Japanese maple. They offer much better prices and quality tree than any of your big box stores and they will deliver typically within a certain range. Angie, the wife and co-owner, is so very loving and warm. She is always smiling! They even occasionally will just give away perennials or other trees that are taking over their land! They are awesome people.
*Hidden Pasture Farm - A unicorn farm right in Fountain Inn, SC! It is AWESOME!! For a very small fee, your family can ride a unicorn, see a stable full of unicorns, each with a name and a story, chickens, turkey, peacocks, and bunnies! You can pic-nic, visit their concessions, play on the playground, and pack a pic-nic as well. They have plans to start doing movies under the stars on the lawn soon! In fact, they have an adorable cabin behind the farm on the property that is an Airbnb. There is a large pond you can access to kayak and swim in and you can ride horses as much as you want when you stay as their guest. Here is a link to that listing : The Fountain Moon Cabin. A great getaway for couples!!
*Sassy Stables -Located in Greer, SC at all farmhouse lovers' dream site, this farm has a little stable where so many neat things are offered. Kids can have birthday parties, Riding lessons are offered, and couples can have a horse riding and dinner experience at sunset for a beautiful date night! I took Ellie here at Halloween and they hosted a wonderful event for just $10 where Ellie got to pick a pumpkin from their patch, paint her pumpkin, and ride a unicorn! It was so beautiful out there in the country with gorgeous mountain views and such friendly owners just living their dream!
*Chattooga Belle Farm - This is located in Long Creek, SC. It is one of the most beautiful farms I have ever seen! An hour from Easley, this farm is the perfect family outing. Peaches, blueberries, raspberries, apples, and grapes are offered here for you to pick. They also have a shop full of jams, preserves, goodies, and drinks. You can have lunch at their all window covered walls bistro or out on the terrace. The terrace views are incredibly breathtaking. For lunch, I recommend the cheese plate and the grilled pimento cheese sandwich! So much YUM! They do weddings here too! This is another location I could definitely have seen myself marrying Eric among just close family. I couldn't imagine a more beautiful view! They also have a distillery with tastings! Very fun and near lots of great waterfalls for hiking before or after.
*Callaham Orchards - Belton, SC. They have such amazing produce! They even have U-pick plums!! Pumpkins are available in the fall. Honestly, they have the largest variety of produce I've ever seen at a farm. They do it all! I'v been visiting them since I was 5 years old. They even let us pick cotton one time! A great family farm and they've had peach milkshakes in the past though I'm not certain if they have been available this season.
*Hunter Farms - located in Easley, SC, this is a GREAT strawberry U-pick farm! A family ran farm on their land behind their house, this farm has rows and rows of fabulously red and juicy strawberries each year. They offer pre-picked as well. They also have incredible strawberry ice cream and milkshakes home made on site! My family has enjoyed visiting them for the past two years and cooking many good things with our strawberries.
*Stewart Farms - This is another excellent strawberry farm located in Enoree, SC. They have happy faces welcoming you the moment you pull in. They also have a greenhouse with summer plants and vegetables for sale. They have a farm shop full of gifts, beautiful home decor and mugs, and preserves and jams. I wanted to buy their entire shop! They are a Christian owned and ran farm and it was really an incredible experience.
*Split Creek Farm - This is a Grade A Goat Dairy Farm. They have changed their hours for COVID regulations. Their farm is open only Fri-Sat 10-6 and the farm store is open Mon-Sat 10-6. You can do self guided tours of the farm and just enjoy your day watching the goats and buying some goods from their store! Farmers can also purchase goat manure for their garden beds!
*Greenbrier Farms - I love this place! They have so much to offer. They provide grass fed beef to homes through meat boxes you can order from them on a set schedule and they have it delivered to you! They also supply many local restaurants with their local beef and produce such as Fork and Plough in Greenville. They host incredible dinner nights. You buy a ticket for a very reasonable price and come out to the farm and have a chef cooked dinner, hear live music, play on the farm, and sit back and watch the sun go down. We love their family dinner nights on the farm. They also are a host to many weddings at their event barn. What a beautiful location! They have wine dinners and charity events there also. They also have plant sales, hog butchering classes, date nights, take home meals, and wood fired brick oven pizza parties! You have to check them out and get the best food on your table! You can also support them by eating at Fork & Plough in Greenville as mentioned above. Check them out, too! They just celebrated 2 years and Eric and I ate our 5th anniversary dinner there! They had me at bread and butter! LOVE!!
*Tip Top Cake Shop - Kendall Pomeroy is the cutest little baker I've ever met. She has the most precious family who you will often see hanging out at the bakery. Her children and husband will greet you so warmly. My daughter Ellie loves this family so much she invited herself back to the kitchen while I was paying one time and Kendall only laughed! You get to know people like Kendall because their businesses are their pride and joy and baby, just after their own families. It is their life sake and they are a blessing to our community. Kendall has created countless baby shower cakes, birthday cakes, and afternoon snacks for my family and friends and everyone wildly raves about her creations both in beauty and in taste. I'm always astounded by her abilities and I'm positive there is not one single design she could not create. She always offers cool deals on cupcakes and her cupcake flavors are BOMB awesome! She also makes amazing pies, cookies, and brownies! Like I could eat the entire store every time I go in. She also does chocolate covered strawberries at Valentine's day which are a huge hit. One of my favorite thins she does is offer monthly cake decorating classes for the ladies. I've gone a couple times. She offers a fun drink, extra cake and cookies to snack on, all the supplies, and entertaining instruction. I always meet new fun people at her events. I leave with the ugliest cake because I cannot decorate worth a lick with cakes, but goodness it always tastes so good! I eat straight out of the box! She also does daddy daughter date nights in February that Eric (my husband) and Ellie have gone to the past two years. She goes above and beyond in every way. I can't give her enough credit. Drop by her bakery for a cupcake today! You will not be disappointed!
*The Pound Cake Man - This guy is awesome! The first time I tasted his pound cake was in Greer at a food truck rally. His business started as a food truck which he still operates, but recently amid all this Corona crazy, he opened a brick and mortar in Clemson! He has the most incredible and moist pound cakes! I tried banana pudding, chocolate chocolate, and a pumpkin pound cake from him. Oh my dear goodness. So good. He also offers gluten free options. He offers cupcakes, by the slice and whole cakes! He is a super nice guy, too.
Studios/ Classes
* Village Arts - This place is awesome!! We love it so much here. Have you been or checked out their classes for little ones? Ellie has been involved with all things Village Arts since she was a few months old. Here, many different things are offered. Our favorite class to attend at the studio is Kindermusik of Greenville. These classes are offered as semester packages for a wide variety of ages. They include books, CD's, and musical instruments to take home each semester you participate. The classes vary with content for each age group and each class is phenomenally engaging and essential for amazing childhood development, bonding with your child, and opening their world, senses, and minds to new experiences. There are two wonderful teachers, one of them being the creator of Village Arts and the head host of Kindermusik of Greenville - Rosalind Cross. She has shown my family love on a personal level far beyond her call as a teacher. It is immensely evident that loving and serving others is her passion. She is patient, kind, creative, smart, and wildly entertaining. She has honestly been an essential piece in making me the mother I am today and our household is so grateful to her and her business. Village Arts is a beautiful studio for exploring, playing, making friends, and making messes! Sometimes, and often times really, Ms. Rosalind has cookies for the kids and coffee or tea for the adults who accompany the children. She brings things in in busy boxes to explore, walk on, squeeze, and just anything to help your child grow. If you are a mom who wants the best in the world for your child, I promise on my Type A, highstrung, perfectionist self that is one of the best things if not the very best thing you could take your child to get involved with. How is Village Arts handling COVID-19? First of all, safety and sanitizing in the studio with small groups. She also is offering some virtual class options if you aren't comfortable in person with all that is going on. Let me share a link to register for these Kindermusik of Greenville classes HERE! While Kindermusik of Greenville is our favorite class at Village Arts, there are also other wonderful events and chances to play at the studio! Often, Ms. Rosalind invites other local artists, moms, or tradespeople to come to her studio to offer a special class that you can sign yourself up for or your child. She has done fun classes like pour painting for some moms, Frozen play dates, Unicorn fun, and the list is endless and goes on and on. Truly creative things that you get to let your child make a big ole mess at, and leave the mess behind! She posts these events on her facebook pages as well as sends out email newsletters to anyone interested. Please try one sometime. You will be immensely glad you did! Her studio is like a home to be cozy in and to sort of leave your worries for a while.
*Sterling Studio of Performing Arts - So this is where Ellie takes dance! Actually, she and I both do as we currently take Mommy and Me Ballet. We have been part of this studio going into our third season this fall. I chose them because of so many reasons and I am forever grateful God guided this decision. My first priority in choosing a dance studio was to find a company who valued modesty. I don't care for studios with raunchy music being blared for a 5 year old to dance around half naked to songs about sex and doing dance moves that are while skilled....trashy. There. I said it. I named no names. But that mattered to me while I know it won't to some. That's their prerogative and not my place to care or judge. I'm just thankful I found a place my little girl can behave like a little girl as well as dress like a classy young lady. Another reason we love this studio is because the owner who also teaches the majority of the classes is a saint. She is young, fun, and so laid back. She understands that toddlers are toddlers and have tantrums and melt downs. She knows moms get worried and frustrated and some how...she makes it all better by simply caring for your child and allowing you to put your child first. She is a mom herself of two wonderful girls and she gets it. She loves on the kids and talks to each one of them so special. She values each child and loves each one simply for who they are. She works so so so hard putting all of her time and energy to this studio. Oh my word she is so creative and does the most wonderful props and fun things to teach the little ones dance. She is patient, kind, loving, and helpful. They also offer theater classes for your kids/teens if that is their interest. At the recital last year, I was so in awe of the older girls who performed a piece of their play. As of this year, I will actually be helping out by offering some art classes every other Thursday afternoon! So, you even get me if you come! Haha! Everything at this studio is so very affordable which is another major reason I love and appreciate them. My daughter LOVES dance and I contribute that to the joy and no stress that our teacher and owner brings to the studio. I highly encourage her company. Oh! Also, she hosts amazing events all season long for the students and their families at like no cost! To name a few, Art in the Park where we meet in Pope Field to make beautiful art, play on the playground, pic-nic, eat pop-sicles, and feet goats. She hosts Primp your Pumpkin where she has the studio turned into a glow stick heaven and music going for the kids to dance, a bonfire for smores, paint, glitter, hot glue guns, you name it and you bring your pumpkin and make it fabulous at the studio. She hosts a Christmas sock exchange, a daddy daughter dance, she invites students to go do things like see new movies, go berry picking...just all these amazing things. She is really the best dance teacher and dance studio owner you are ever going to find. We are blessed to know her and call her friend.
So farms are some of my favorite places to visit. They make it all look so easy when we visit but I KNOW from running the smallest of gardens and from my grandpapa's hard work that it is a never ending, all day every day, back laboring, soul salvaging work. It takes heart, muscles, mind, and energy. I find great joy and pleasure in supporting our local farmers in several different ways and through other local businesses who use only local farms produce and meat. Here are some, PLEASE share if you know more I should check out with my family.
*Possum Kingdom Creamery - Y'all! This place is great! I've blogged about my visit there before. So, I'll keep this paragraph short and you can read that blog if you want more details. But here's what they've got going on: They are an animal sanctuary for wildlife that cannot be released back into the wild and a goat farm. Your family can take a tour of the farm and see all the wildlife and pet goats! They make goat milk and goat cheese fresh. After your tour you get to taste goat milk and two flavors of goat cheese. SO GOOD! They have it for sale as well. I bought two containers of goat cheese and laid it on crackers and felt like I was in Heaven. It's a very cool experience. Some of their products can be found in local farmer's stands as well. I highly recommend going out to the farm!
*The Happy Berry- This farm is like a magical getaway less than 30 minutes from Easley. They have hills upon hills and rows upon rows of beautiful bountiful berries and figs and grapes. You can do a U-pick out there or you can purchase them already picked. I recommend picking your own, packing a pic-nic and some books to read the kids in the shade. Buy your berries you picked and make some great recipes with them! I never seem to get enough and I have my own orchard! Haha!
*Arrowhead Acres Blueberry Farm- I love this place. It was the first blueberry farm I ever went to with Ellie. Located in Marietta, SC near Traveler's Rest and Greer, this blueberry farm is up on a big hill next to the owner's home. It is so quiet, peaceful, and beautiful here. You drive up their gravel drive and park at the shed where they run the business. You can buy them picked or do a U-pick. They will give you a bucket with a rope to wear while you pick, and then will transfer them to a carton for you when you pay.
*McLean Maple Farm- I've bought a couple of very beautiful trees from this farm. They grow the most gorgeous trees. This company is ran by a precious couple from their own backyard in Piedmont, SC just off Exit 32 off of I85 near Spearman Elementary School. They have provided me with a gorgeous green mountain sugar maple and a Japanese maple. They offer much better prices and quality tree than any of your big box stores and they will deliver typically within a certain range. Angie, the wife and co-owner, is so very loving and warm. She is always smiling! They even occasionally will just give away perennials or other trees that are taking over their land! They are awesome people.
*Hidden Pasture Farm - A unicorn farm right in Fountain Inn, SC! It is AWESOME!! For a very small fee, your family can ride a unicorn, see a stable full of unicorns, each with a name and a story, chickens, turkey, peacocks, and bunnies! You can pic-nic, visit their concessions, play on the playground, and pack a pic-nic as well. They have plans to start doing movies under the stars on the lawn soon! In fact, they have an adorable cabin behind the farm on the property that is an Airbnb. There is a large pond you can access to kayak and swim in and you can ride horses as much as you want when you stay as their guest. Here is a link to that listing : The Fountain Moon Cabin. A great getaway for couples!!
*Sassy Stables -Located in Greer, SC at all farmhouse lovers' dream site, this farm has a little stable where so many neat things are offered. Kids can have birthday parties, Riding lessons are offered, and couples can have a horse riding and dinner experience at sunset for a beautiful date night! I took Ellie here at Halloween and they hosted a wonderful event for just $10 where Ellie got to pick a pumpkin from their patch, paint her pumpkin, and ride a unicorn! It was so beautiful out there in the country with gorgeous mountain views and such friendly owners just living their dream!
*Chattooga Belle Farm - This is located in Long Creek, SC. It is one of the most beautiful farms I have ever seen! An hour from Easley, this farm is the perfect family outing. Peaches, blueberries, raspberries, apples, and grapes are offered here for you to pick. They also have a shop full of jams, preserves, goodies, and drinks. You can have lunch at their all window covered walls bistro or out on the terrace. The terrace views are incredibly breathtaking. For lunch, I recommend the cheese plate and the grilled pimento cheese sandwich! So much YUM! They do weddings here too! This is another location I could definitely have seen myself marrying Eric among just close family. I couldn't imagine a more beautiful view! They also have a distillery with tastings! Very fun and near lots of great waterfalls for hiking before or after.
*Callaham Orchards - Belton, SC. They have such amazing produce! They even have U-pick plums!! Pumpkins are available in the fall. Honestly, they have the largest variety of produce I've ever seen at a farm. They do it all! I'v been visiting them since I was 5 years old. They even let us pick cotton one time! A great family farm and they've had peach milkshakes in the past though I'm not certain if they have been available this season.
*Hunter Farms - located in Easley, SC, this is a GREAT strawberry U-pick farm! A family ran farm on their land behind their house, this farm has rows and rows of fabulously red and juicy strawberries each year. They offer pre-picked as well. They also have incredible strawberry ice cream and milkshakes home made on site! My family has enjoyed visiting them for the past two years and cooking many good things with our strawberries.
*Stewart Farms - This is another excellent strawberry farm located in Enoree, SC. They have happy faces welcoming you the moment you pull in. They also have a greenhouse with summer plants and vegetables for sale. They have a farm shop full of gifts, beautiful home decor and mugs, and preserves and jams. I wanted to buy their entire shop! They are a Christian owned and ran farm and it was really an incredible experience.
*Split Creek Farm - This is a Grade A Goat Dairy Farm. They have changed their hours for COVID regulations. Their farm is open only Fri-Sat 10-6 and the farm store is open Mon-Sat 10-6. You can do self guided tours of the farm and just enjoy your day watching the goats and buying some goods from their store! Farmers can also purchase goat manure for their garden beds!
*Greenbrier Farms - I love this place! They have so much to offer. They provide grass fed beef to homes through meat boxes you can order from them on a set schedule and they have it delivered to you! They also supply many local restaurants with their local beef and produce such as Fork and Plough in Greenville. They host incredible dinner nights. You buy a ticket for a very reasonable price and come out to the farm and have a chef cooked dinner, hear live music, play on the farm, and sit back and watch the sun go down. We love their family dinner nights on the farm. They also are a host to many weddings at their event barn. What a beautiful location! They have wine dinners and charity events there also. They also have plant sales, hog butchering classes, date nights, take home meals, and wood fired brick oven pizza parties! You have to check them out and get the best food on your table! You can also support them by eating at Fork & Plough in Greenville as mentioned above. Check them out, too! They just celebrated 2 years and Eric and I ate our 5th anniversary dinner there! They had me at bread and butter! LOVE!!
*Tip Top Cake Shop - Kendall Pomeroy is the cutest little baker I've ever met. She has the most precious family who you will often see hanging out at the bakery. Her children and husband will greet you so warmly. My daughter Ellie loves this family so much she invited herself back to the kitchen while I was paying one time and Kendall only laughed! You get to know people like Kendall because their businesses are their pride and joy and baby, just after their own families. It is their life sake and they are a blessing to our community. Kendall has created countless baby shower cakes, birthday cakes, and afternoon snacks for my family and friends and everyone wildly raves about her creations both in beauty and in taste. I'm always astounded by her abilities and I'm positive there is not one single design she could not create. She always offers cool deals on cupcakes and her cupcake flavors are BOMB awesome! She also makes amazing pies, cookies, and brownies! Like I could eat the entire store every time I go in. She also does chocolate covered strawberries at Valentine's day which are a huge hit. One of my favorite thins she does is offer monthly cake decorating classes for the ladies. I've gone a couple times. She offers a fun drink, extra cake and cookies to snack on, all the supplies, and entertaining instruction. I always meet new fun people at her events. I leave with the ugliest cake because I cannot decorate worth a lick with cakes, but goodness it always tastes so good! I eat straight out of the box! She also does daddy daughter date nights in February that Eric (my husband) and Ellie have gone to the past two years. She goes above and beyond in every way. I can't give her enough credit. Drop by her bakery for a cupcake today! You will not be disappointed!
*The Pound Cake Man - This guy is awesome! The first time I tasted his pound cake was in Greer at a food truck rally. His business started as a food truck which he still operates, but recently amid all this Corona crazy, he opened a brick and mortar in Clemson! He has the most incredible and moist pound cakes! I tried banana pudding, chocolate chocolate, and a pumpkin pound cake from him. Oh my dear goodness. So good. He also offers gluten free options. He offers cupcakes, by the slice and whole cakes! He is a super nice guy, too.
Coffee Shops
*Ninja Warrior Coffee - I first heard of them at the Easley Farmer's Market. At the time they did not have a brick and mortar but were selling their coffee grinds. I was intrigued and am always into local coffee shops. No, I can't drink coffee and haven't in six years, but I know that anything local has to be better than a big box store that also charges way too much for generic tasting coffee. I have so many mom friends who rave about it and enjoy to meet there for coffee. They have now a brick and mortar store and they also do food trucks on Wednesdays!
*Coyote Coffee - This coffee shop is great. I was fortunate enough to have many a cup here before I quit caffeine for good for the sake of my heart health. They have three locations that I am aware of. Pickens, Powdersville, and Easley. They are all owned by the same person. They also offer breakfast and lunch which is helpful and unique of a coffee shop. The atmosphere is cozy and excellent for meeting clients. We actually met with our wedding DJ here and my friend hosted a cozy Essenital Oils meeting here. They are local people and have the best coffee! I miss my cup there!
*Junto Coffee - This beautiful industrial modern style coffee house is located near Taylors Mill in Taylors. Again, I can't speak on personal taste, but from all the reviews I've heard they are just an incredible cup of coffee. I am out there all the time running with my run club friends and one day I plan to pop in and seek an herbal tea. I've seen them post some phenomenal looking teas and tea is where it's at for me these days! If you are in the Taylors area, pop by there for your cup of coffee!
*Due South Coffee - This place is lovely. It used to also be located at Taylors Mill but in recent years relocated to Hampton Station. My husband super enjoyed his brew from there. I enjoyed some baked goods from their kitchen and I mean to tell you, I was in Heaven! They are also a super cozy and cool little spot.
Other great things you can do to support local are:
- Eat at non chain restaurants in your area.
-Tip your servers have no idea how badly they need it...always, but especially now!
- Like local business pages on social media, like their posts, share their posts, comment on them. This keeps them in the news feed and open for more eyes to see. Give them great reviews if you have a great experience! Let people know about this great place that is local.
- Order dinner for your family at local restaurants when your time is pressed or you forgot to cook or throw food in the crock pot. There are many places like Farm Fresh Fast and Fork & Plough that offer pre-made take home meals ready to eat or that you can simply warm up in the oven super quickly.
- Visit local Farmer's Markets on Saturdays and support all the local vendors and farmers. Plus that is just so super fun to get out and do with the family. You can get many vegetables, flowers, clothes, face paintings, meals, home goods, candles, coffee, etc at the market and these people depend on you. These people work hard and give up their Saturdays to be there because they depend on you.
- Also, it may not be monetary, but kind words, encouraging, loving words can also be so helpful to these small local business owners. Your kind words may be what encourages them to push through in this unknown scary time where we don't know what the government holds for our tomorrow.
We may not know what to be expect. We may feel out of control. So many friends and spouses of those friends have lost their jobs in our lives. All because of this mess. And they have no idea how they will make ends meet or what to expect to come next. Have sympathy and just be kind. Look for God in all things and I promise you will find Him. God has actually allowed many blessings for my family that have come out of this mess. We have had more time together granted to us. We got a lot of Eric's schooling knocked out this summer and the opportunity to do most of his last two semesters of his Chem E degree with Clemson online which means while Eric may be in another world mentally, he will be at our dining room table working hard instead of 30 minutes away at all hours of the night. It means I can hug and kiss him any time I want. It means that while we can't "do" life like we perfectly please, we are able to have some really cool different adventures and family time and that is my most favorite thing. Look for God's blessing friend, and you will see God. For those who are truly filled with His Holy Spirit, you are never alone. You are never desolate. He has you in His strong right hand. As my two year old says, "God is all around us." And if what feels like the worst case scenario happens to you, just know GOD IS IN CONTROL. And nobody else. And we must trust that God is always always always working for the good of His children and we must praise Him without pause!
Support others. Love others. Be the best you can. Respect people you don't agree with and move on. You can't change the world having an argument on social media, I promise. Just be loving and peaceful and seek to change the world by supporting local. Thanks guys! Love y'all!
Saturday, July 11, 2020
Eve Wasn't White...
I am nearly 30 years old. My brother, Joshua, has been in my life for about 13 years of my life. He is technically my brother - in - law (my sister's husband), but he has always been known to me as my brother just as if he was sharing the same blood as me. He has helped raise me, seen me through two stupid relationships in high school and college, given me gas money, bought me countless meals, and welcomed me into his home with my sister and their kids to stay and find comfort in all my days of knowing him. My brother is a black man. My brother is a Godly, God fearing, God seeking, loving, strong, intelligent, hard working, humble, funny, generous, laid back, multi-talented, selfless man. He and my sister have 4 beautiful children. Their skin is brown. They are "mixed." They are incredibly wonderful and they make my life so happy. They were my first babies and will always be my babies.
I feel for my nieces and nephews like an aunt should...not that I would know in my own life how aunts and uncles would treat their nieces or nephews...I've never had aunts and uncles who invested their lives into me. But, I know as an aunt and from the blessing of having Eric's aunts and uncles in my life that it is a relationship that is meant to be very deep and special. A friendship with a bit of a maternal and paternal like connection. You feel love for your nieces and nephews (or at least I do) so deeply your heart quivers with love and joy for them. So, when any one of them is hurt or embarrassed, I feel it in my own bones and in my soul.
When my oldest nephew was not much older than my own daughter who is nearly 3 now, he said something that was equal parts, cute, funny, and true. He at the small young toddler age could see in a pure and innocent vision that all the members of his family had different colored skin. We were sitting at Fatz restaurant in Columbia, SC. And his precious smile and little voice spoke up as he looked around the table at each of us pointing at us saying, "Daddy is black. I am brown, and Mommy is a little pink!" And it was hilarious because...well, my sister and I are a little pink. True Irish blood! But it was also a bit of a jaw dropper for me because I just never realized he could pick up on that and also, race was such a controversial thing in my childhood that I almost think of the word "black" in relation to a skin color as something you weren't supposed to say?!? So hearing him call his daddy black sort of shocked me. And culture shock is good. Joshua is black. And I am white. And my sister is white. And my four nieces and nephews are brown. And each of us is equally created and beautiful in the way God designed and created us. In HIS image. And that is what actually matters. I never have understood why skin color was a "thing." That may just be me being naive but, why is it such big deal? I'm coming from the perspective of the beginning of time when God created Adam and then Eve from Adam's rib....I obviously understand that race is an issue due to historical events of racism and slavery and white supremacists. All of which I detest. But skin color is just a result of the amount of melanin a body contains. So why hate and persecute those who have more melanin? Why does this scientific fact present as so offensive and worthless in the eyes of so many? I don't understand it. Actually...I think brown, black, even asian, are all so beautiful! How boring would a cream cheese world be?! Give us some color, please!
I have a point to this blog and for this title and I'm getting there, I promise.
So recently, my oldest niece (8) and I were at a waterfall with my family. And she found this particular waterfall magical and like that of something possibly in the Garden of Eden. She got so excited! Actually just reliving her joy in this magical place makes my entire chest literally quiver with joy. It catches my breath. She had this immense joy and excitement and then this happened....
She said, "I can pretend to be Eve in Eden and stand under this little waterfall!" Then her face dropped as something in her mind told her this: "But I can't be Eve because she was white, and I am brown." I had heard this subtly as I swam nearby. My sister was right beside her when she said it. And my sister called me to swim over and help her explain to Lydia the truth. When I took in the weight of what she said my soul crushed with both parts anger at the world being so stupid and ignorant and grief that she at 8 already feels "less" because she is brown and not white and she is self conscious of her skin and her very beautiful - wildly beautiful natural hair.
The first thing I said to her was, "Lydia! Eve was NOT white! She was a middle Eastern woman! Jesus was not white either for that matter! They were all brown!" Her reply? "Then why does every picture I have ever seen of Eve or of Jesus shown them as white?" I told her, "Because you are in America and America is wrong and blind to anything that isn't white." She was joyfully shocked. I saw a smile cross her face as she sat there a little confused and a little relieved. My sister and I explained to her that historically when you read the bible or anything historically from that time period you will see that the locations of these people in scripture was middle Eastern and that the three wise-men who bore gifts for Jesus were actually Asian! And the entire reason that people are brown or black at all is because God gave them more melanin in their skin to give them darker tones based on the fact they were living in a far hotter and sunnier region than we do this side of the earth. The Middle East, Africa? They are exposed to more sun than we are in case you weren't aware....whether you believe that Jesus is the Savior and Son of God or not, you cannot deny historical truth and these are facts. Though none of this is meant to be a debate, that's not my heart in writing this. My point is to say that it is stupid, sick, and sad to live in a place where truth has been so muddled and people have to worry about their status based on the color of their skin. God created us all equal in His image and it's just ridiculous. Like...the very first people God created were brown. I can't prove that...but I can give the logistical reasoning based on where Eden was historically in the Middle East. And honestly, you don't even have to agree with that. That is still not really the point here and if you get hung up on disagreeing you are really missing my point. My niece didn't even think she could be Elsa for Halloween because she wasn't blonde or white. I told her if I wanted to dress as Mulan I could and I'm the farthest thing from Asian! Who you want to be in life should not be defined by your appearance or race. The world has already taught an 8 year old this. And the way my sister and I raise our kids is very "un-worldly." So to me that proves this mindset is way too prominent.
Lydia sees that most people around are white. Ok. She doesn't often meet many people or girls her age who look like her. I used to not understand what women meant when they would talk about growing up looking different from other white girls growing up. *(For example, Meghan Markle, who is also biracial - she gave a great speech about this not so long ago - and even then I couldn't quite understand why someone so beautiful wanted to see others who look like her.)* I always thought, "Why does it matter? Aren't you all beautiful? Doesn't every white girl wish she was as tanned as the brown girl is naturally anyway?" But with age comes experience and growth, wisdom, and maturity if you are open to it. And having these beautiful brown 4 in my life has opened a new world for me. Lydia gets so excited when she sees other girls who look like her. She even has a teacher who looks like her and has that beautiful natural curly hair and she has commented on this and how the teacher "looks like her!" I personally wish I could be as brown as my niece! I wish my hair could be curly! I wish I could have the natural radiant beauty she possesses. I wish she could see this in herself.
I know I am a highly privileged white woman. There is also nothing wrong with being born white. But, it is so so so wrong to not realize that beauty is not defined by one type of look. It is vital that we first possess beauty in our hearts. After all, each and every single one of us was created with all the same vital organs and our bodies operate the same...or at least are intended to - given you take care of your body God gave you.
I want to see more children's books with black, brown, Asian beauty all over them. Brown is beautiful. It can mean you are Indian, Hispanic, Bi-racial, and that is beautiful and God designed. God designed. You can't tell me that there is any better design than that which God Himself created.
I want my daughter to have multi-race dolls. I want to present her with books with beautiful colorful children. I want Ellie to have the correct knowledge of skin color and not what America has taught her. I want my nieces to feel happy and strong and beautiful in their skin, hair, and bodies. I suppose what's sad is that without having ever even heard a racial slur or registered "racism" my niece already feels less just because there are less materials, options, and truths for her in this world. I will never fully understand how she feels but I am motivated by it and I am passionate about making sure she feels how awesome God designed and planned her in the skin she is in.
Our souls should match the beauty of the beautiful skin God created in ALL people. We should just open our hearts and our eyes to the feelings of ALL people. Let's recognize others who don't look like "you" and make them feel how beautiful they are. I want to see family options given that aren't all white or all black. Mix it up because skin is skin and variety is beautiful. There is more than just white in this world and our world is more beautiful for that fact.
Riley Moore Falls Trail Guide
This hike and waterfall is one of the BEST spots for kiddos and families to hang for the day! Riley Moore Falls is located on the Chattooga River in Oconee County, SC. Prepare for a super fun beach day! The trail total is 1.9 miles. Be warned, if you go on a weekend it's likely to be quite crowded. Week days are my favorite for a touch more silence and more beach space. Let's check it out!
1.) Getting There: In your Google Maps GPS, type "Riley Moore Falls." GPS will take you exactly where you need to go. You will go over a really cool old metal one car bridge over the Chattooga River. I love old bridges and structures! Your final turn before parking will be on "Spy Rock." This is a long gravel road. Your GPS will eventually tell you to turn once more but DON'T do it! Just park along the gravel road of Spy Rock. Why? Well...the road it would have you turn down is marked "Primitive Road." Now, if you have truck with 4 wheel drive and want to venture down that bad bouncy boy you be my guest. It is only a 1/2 mile long so I would rather walk it (as most of those who visit also choose to do.)
Funny side note story - I took my little car down this "Primitive Road" the very first time I ventured out there....having seen NO reviews about this road...and it was raining cats and dogs (because rain doesn't keep me from adventure) and my car that day got a broken splash board, a broken muffler, and a whole lot bangs and scratches on the undercarriage as I drug that poor old car through the deeply crevasse filled red clay. I practically had a heart attack making like a 30 point turn because I couldn't take my car any further down that road or I do believe it would have been stuck! Haha! This is why solid reviews are so important! I now go there frequently and I do NOT take the primitive road! Hahaha!
2.) The Hike: So, if you parked just before the road marked "Primitive Road" also labeled as "748-C," you will hike down the primitive road. Again, it is a half mile down this road and you will walk to the trailhead. Once you get to the end of the road you will see a red gate. To the left of the gate is the trailhead down to the beach and falls and it is marked! The actual trail is not long and it will not take long until you see the falls! The trail is easy and short. It is very well shaded and then as you come upon the falls it bursts into light as the beach opens up and welcomes you to pick a spot and have a pic-nic!
3.) The Falls: The falls are on the Chattooga River and there is ample space for swimming and playing on the beach. I suggest bringing beach towels to sit on, toys for the kids to play with in the sand, floats, sunscreen, water, and snacks! Dogs are welcome here as well. People have carried down small charcoal grills before and had cookouts. It is a really great spot!
Note: The hike back out will be a steady climb. Of course it's not a long hike but it is steady uphill. Some may consider the hike moderate for this reason. My two year old can do it but it is a good sweat for sure.
Yellow Branch Falls Trail Guide
This is a Gorgeous trail to adventure to with family or friends! This is a moderate hike located in Oconee County, SC that is 3 miles total and out and back with a most gorgeous and large waterfall!
1.) Getting There: So, my sister who had never been here before was meeting me there and she made the mistake of typing "Yellow Branch Falls" in her GPS. The GPS tried to literally take her up to the falls on another road about ten minutes away. I'm not actually sure where she landed, but it was wrong! Haha! She finally got there though. The correct thing to type into your GPS is "Yellow Branch Falls Trail." Aka: 2911-3023 Highlands Highway, Walhalla, SC 29691. Type this into your Google Maps GPS and you will go right to it. The road and parking are paved. There are also plenty of road signs regarding these falls. When you do turn into the falls parking lot, there are two other roads that bisect off the road you are on, ignore them. Just stay straight a few more feet and you will be in the parking lot. There is a bathroom house, but with COVID-19 it is currently locked up. Use a bush. There are also lots of pic-nic tables! We always enjoy having a snack at these before heading home.
2.) The Trail: There is a trailhead kiosk with a very nice map of Yellow Branch Falls. The trail begins left of the kiosk and has orange blazes. There is also a post marked, "YB FALL" as you begin. 1.5 mile to the falls, and 1.5 back. The trail is dirt, rocky, rooty, a few bridge crossings, some steep stairs, a steep edge drop, and a few creek crossings over natural stones in the water. The trail is very well marked and it is easy to follow! There are a couple spots where you could possibly be confused but don't fear because if you just pause and look you will clearly see that there are posts and signs directing you because the people who maintain the trails know those spots are confusing and therefore, they have been very well marked. Just use your common sense, slow down, and look around! You will be great, I promise. I'm so thankful for well marked trails! The trail doesn't get very steep until near the end and this is where you will encounter built in steps with wooden beams into the side of the mountain. My sweet little mama fell - she was fine - just be aware that it can be easy to slip here so take your time, use a pole if necessary, and hold little ones' hands and keep them away from the edge. And remember you will have to climb it back up on the way out. It's not hard, but definitely the most difficult part of the trail. It doesn't last long though.
3.) The Falls: Y'all. The Falls are breathtaking. There are plenty of spots to sit and pic-nic. There are ample boulders for climbing. The rocks in the bottom of the creek bed of the falls are some of the more slippery ones I have encountered so if you are exploring, go slow, and note that bare feet are actually better than chacos or similar shoes for gripping and feeling what you need to keep your balance. Just a tip. We enjoyed climbing, playing in sand, climbing branches, and bathing in the mist and sunshine.
**As of 7/8/20 - there are a couple of very large trees down in front of the falls. This does not hinder your experience, but it does cut off a bit of the potential climbing. You can still climb around on the left side and get close up to the falls if you so desire. The photo at the top of this blog is a current photo displaying the fallen tree. **
**We also saw a total of 5 banded water snakes on our most recent visit. Harmless snakes, but respect nature and give them space, but no need to fear them. Savvy yourself with knowledge of snakes so you are prepared if you encounter any and know what you are seeing. But a general rule, don't mess with a snake. **
Thursday, July 9, 2020
Station Cove Falls Hiking Guide
Station Cove Falls is a treasure to be sure! It is also probably one of the easiest trails you can encounter. I recommend this trail for all hikers, ages, and levels!
The trail is an out and back trail totaling 2 miles. The trail is about as flat as can be in the mountains. It's very easy, wide, smooth, and shaded. It is a very well marked trail with BLUE blazes, post markers telling you which way to go, and signs! The perfect trail to find your respite. It is also the perfect trail for first time hikers and little hikers!
1.) Getting There: In your Google Maps GPS, type "Station Cove Falls Trailhead." The parking is roadside. It was recently expanded to a clay dirt lot in a one way direction which is awesome because this is a popular hike. I'd also advise going on a weekday if possible because it is so popular. There will be a trail kiosk at parking and you will see a BLUE blaze as you begin.
There are no tricks or confusion driving here. If anything - don't turn into "Station Cove Historic Site" to park. Though you can....this historic site is on the opposite side of the road than the falls parking and only a few feet down from trailhead parking. You can hike to the falls from the Historic site but for the sake of confusion, park at the trailhead which is again, just off the side of the road, and you can't miss it. But, the historic site is beautiful and a quick peek to look at while there if you have the time!
2.) The Trail: As stated earlier, the trail is easy, as flat as possible, and features excellent signage and Blue blazes. Not stroller friendly, still. It is a dirt trail. A few wooden bride crossings over small creeks. Just follow the well marked signs and you will be fine. This trail is just that easy!
3.) The Falls: The falls are remarkable. There are great spots for rock sliding, building with rocks, and playing in sand! For the kids, definitely bring your towel, snacks, lunches, and toys! Wear swimsuits if you want to fully experience the falls! Reminder rocks are slippery.
Have fun with the family here, y'all!
The trail is an out and back trail totaling 2 miles. The trail is about as flat as can be in the mountains. It's very easy, wide, smooth, and shaded. It is a very well marked trail with BLUE blazes, post markers telling you which way to go, and signs! The perfect trail to find your respite. It is also the perfect trail for first time hikers and little hikers!
1.) Getting There: In your Google Maps GPS, type "Station Cove Falls Trailhead." The parking is roadside. It was recently expanded to a clay dirt lot in a one way direction which is awesome because this is a popular hike. I'd also advise going on a weekday if possible because it is so popular. There will be a trail kiosk at parking and you will see a BLUE blaze as you begin.
There are no tricks or confusion driving here. If anything - don't turn into "Station Cove Historic Site" to park. Though you can....this historic site is on the opposite side of the road than the falls parking and only a few feet down from trailhead parking. You can hike to the falls from the Historic site but for the sake of confusion, park at the trailhead which is again, just off the side of the road, and you can't miss it. But, the historic site is beautiful and a quick peek to look at while there if you have the time!
2.) The Trail: As stated earlier, the trail is easy, as flat as possible, and features excellent signage and Blue blazes. Not stroller friendly, still. It is a dirt trail. A few wooden bride crossings over small creeks. Just follow the well marked signs and you will be fine. This trail is just that easy!
3.) The Falls: The falls are remarkable. There are great spots for rock sliding, building with rocks, and playing in sand! For the kids, definitely bring your towel, snacks, lunches, and toys! Wear swimsuits if you want to fully experience the falls! Reminder rocks are slippery.
Have fun with the family here, y'all!
King Creek Falls Trail Guide
This is King Creek Falls. So beautiful. Being in her mist is magical! So here is what to expect.
The trail is a total of 1 mile, out and back. This is located in the Sumter National Forest in Oconee County, SC. The terrain is dirt, rocks, and roots.
1). Getting There: Arriving here is not difficult, however, your GPS will likely prematurely tell you "You have Arrived." So let's look at this first. In my Google Maps GPS I simply type, "King Creek Falls Trail" and it takes me where I need to go. When you turn down your final road towards your destination off of SC-107 S onto Fs646, it will remain asphalt for a short while then turn gravel. You will drive this gravel road until on your LEFT you see a sign for parking and an open lot called "Burrell's Ford Campground." Park here. There are facilities but are currently closed. Remember to ignore your GPS when she tells you you have arrived...keep going until you see the parking lot on the left.
2.) The Trail: When you are unloaded and ready to go, to the left side of the parking lot (opposite the toilet building) there is a trail kiosk with a map. The map is seems like it was printed backwards. This has been witnessed by two other companions I have brought here. Therefore, don't put much stock in it. Use your trail markers/ blazes and posts themselves and you will have no problem at all. BEHIND the kiosk is the start of your trail. You will see a sign for King Creek Falls after a few feet down the trail. The trail has WHITE blazes. It is 1/2 a mile to the falls and 1/2 a mile back. You will eventually cross a creek over a wooden bridge that has rails. This will technically be your second wooden bridge, but the first one is very small and insignificant and has no hand's hardly worth mentioning. Go left once you cross the big wooden bridge with hand rails. Soon, you will come to a fork in the trail that is very well marked with a wooden sign. Go LEFT towards "King Creek Falls." The blazes will now turn ORANGE. You are about .25 of a mile away from the falls now! This is where things get more steep, edgy, logs to cross, rocks to step up...still not hard but harder- more technical. A 2 year old can do it and will probably love the adventure! Just want you to be fully prepared.
This trail is easy to me, moderate to some. But, I believe this trail is doable for most all hikers! If you are not a seasoned hiker, just take your time and take breaks for water and breaths and you will be fine. You can do this. And the falls will be so rewarding for you!
3.) The Falls: These falls are really captivating. One of the top 5 in the entire Oconee County I believe. There are plenty of rocks to sit on for a pic-nic. There are both shady and sunny areas. The water is more shallow here but great for wading and splashing.
4.) Heading Back out: Again, this trail is an out and back so you will exit the way you arrived. However, I have a little secret! If you are tired, I know a shortcut. It is still an uphill climb at the end but it is easier for those who are possibly pretty exhausted. Here is how you access it. As you head back and cross over the wooden bridge again, look LEFT and you will see the ORANGE blazes and a very obvious wide dirt trail. If you turn left to take this instead of continuing straight, you will exit out onto a gravel road. Go RIGHT onto the gravel road. You will see the campground sites on your LEFT. You will just walk up this gravel road until you find yourself at a gate that enters directly back into the parking lot! Voila! (Technically you can hike in this way as well, but the forest is just so beautiful!)
*A Noteworthy Point: As of 7/7/2020, there is a tree down on the small un-railed wooden foot path early on into the trail. This does not in any way affect the trail, just simply walk past it through the dirt.
The trail is a total of 1 mile, out and back. This is located in the Sumter National Forest in Oconee County, SC. The terrain is dirt, rocks, and roots.
1). Getting There: Arriving here is not difficult, however, your GPS will likely prematurely tell you "You have Arrived." So let's look at this first. In my Google Maps GPS I simply type, "King Creek Falls Trail" and it takes me where I need to go. When you turn down your final road towards your destination off of SC-107 S onto Fs646, it will remain asphalt for a short while then turn gravel. You will drive this gravel road until on your LEFT you see a sign for parking and an open lot called "Burrell's Ford Campground." Park here. There are facilities but are currently closed. Remember to ignore your GPS when she tells you you have arrived...keep going until you see the parking lot on the left.
2.) The Trail: When you are unloaded and ready to go, to the left side of the parking lot (opposite the toilet building) there is a trail kiosk with a map. The map is seems like it was printed backwards. This has been witnessed by two other companions I have brought here. Therefore, don't put much stock in it. Use your trail markers/ blazes and posts themselves and you will have no problem at all. BEHIND the kiosk is the start of your trail. You will see a sign for King Creek Falls after a few feet down the trail. The trail has WHITE blazes. It is 1/2 a mile to the falls and 1/2 a mile back. You will eventually cross a creek over a wooden bridge that has rails. This will technically be your second wooden bridge, but the first one is very small and insignificant and has no hand's hardly worth mentioning. Go left once you cross the big wooden bridge with hand rails. Soon, you will come to a fork in the trail that is very well marked with a wooden sign. Go LEFT towards "King Creek Falls." The blazes will now turn ORANGE. You are about .25 of a mile away from the falls now! This is where things get more steep, edgy, logs to cross, rocks to step up...still not hard but harder- more technical. A 2 year old can do it and will probably love the adventure! Just want you to be fully prepared.
(Top two photos are the start of the trail.)
(Above is the "insignificant" bridge in which a tree has recently fallen. See note at bottom.*)
(Here is the bridge with handrails that you will turn Left after crossing over.)
(Above is the fork in the trail with sign telling you to venture left (up the steps.))
(Once you turn Left after the sign, you are now following orange blazes to the falls.)
(Tip: Double blazes means to stop, or trail ends, or does not continue this way. So what we see here, is a literal clear sign that our white trail has come to an end and we are now starting something new as we go Left. Always pay attention out there. Also, remember this sign is on your left and to go RIGHT when you head BACK. Just pay attention and you will be fine)
3.) The Falls: These falls are really captivating. One of the top 5 in the entire Oconee County I believe. There are plenty of rocks to sit on for a pic-nic. There are both shady and sunny areas. The water is more shallow here but great for wading and splashing.
4.) Heading Back out: Again, this trail is an out and back so you will exit the way you arrived. However, I have a little secret! If you are tired, I know a shortcut. It is still an uphill climb at the end but it is easier for those who are possibly pretty exhausted. Here is how you access it. As you head back and cross over the wooden bridge again, look LEFT and you will see the ORANGE blazes and a very obvious wide dirt trail. If you turn left to take this instead of continuing straight, you will exit out onto a gravel road. Go RIGHT onto the gravel road. You will see the campground sites on your LEFT. You will just walk up this gravel road until you find yourself at a gate that enters directly back into the parking lot! Voila! (Technically you can hike in this way as well, but the forest is just so beautiful!)
(The view of the shortcut on the left after crossing back over the bridge with hand rail.)
(The gravel road back to the parking lot)
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