Friday, July 29, 2022

Ellie is 5!

5 whole years ago this spunky, saucy, sassy, spit-fire cutie was born! My favorite things about Ellie are our relationship, her creativity, her kindness, goofiness, and her funny personality. 

Ellie's favorite foods are macaroni and cheese, Cheetos, gold turtles (Aldi brand of gold fish), and spaghetti. Let it be known - ALL of these foods are special treats that she only eats on a rare occasion as y'all know we don't keep these things in our household pantry! Ha!

When I asked her what her favorite thing is to do she replied, "hang out with you! And my brother! And Daddy!" Ahhh the beauty of homeschooling and cultivating a close family relationship! Makes me so happy this is how she genuinely feels!

Her favorite colors are pink, blue, and purple, and magenta. 

She loves to learn, travel, build, paint, read, garden, cook, and to entertain her brother. 

At 5 years old, Ellie can read books, make her own lunch, clean her bathroom, do laundry, she is learning to sew, she can tie the best knots, change a diaper and dress her baby brother, and she can climb and scale all the walls and mountains. She is very strong and immensely creative. She likes order and structure and organization. She loves to decorate and she loves to do science experiments and to collect treasures she finds. She makes friends so easily and loves playing all sorts of games. She is very brave, witty, and has amazingly sound logic and reasoning skills that blow my mind!

Ellie is the very best big sister. I always knew she would be and she has exceeded even my greatest expectations. I really wish I’d given her Elias sooner to love on because she is his best friend, biggest advocate, and greatest defender. She adores him and her role as big sis. 

She loves to cuddle and snuggle and read books together for the longest time. She adores learning about art, nature, science, Jesus, and drinking hot tea and pink lemonade. She loves her hair braided and her nails painted. Ellie loves fancy baths and catching and caring for wild critters. 

I cannot believe how quickly 5 years went by. She will start homeschool kindergarten in September. She has changed and grown so fast before our eyes. I love this girl more than words can express. She is my saucy mini-me with her daddy's big brown eyes. She melts my heart daily and genuinely loves to spend time with us which is such a gift and a treasure to cling to- something I hope she will always value. She has long skinny legs like a newborn colt, strong arms, bright blond shimmering hair, and still the softest sweetest cheeks to kiss. I love cuddling this girl and learning right alongside her. She is my little sidekick that I am so thankful God let me keep. She is a miracle. Happy 5th Birthday, Baby Ellie!


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