Elias is huge! 20.5 lbs and 27 inches long. And his smile is as big as his crescent roll thighs! He laughs so so much! It is the best thing!
Elias loves for me to surprise him and scare or tickle him! He thinks it is the funniest thing and I have a feeling in a few years I’ll get paid back big by him with lots of pranks and tactics to scare me! Elias loves his bath still. He sleeps all night still but did face a brief sleep regression due to teething. Luckily that was short lived.
Elias loves to sing, “Old McDonald” and “The Itsy Bitsy Spider.” These make him smile and laugh a lot.
He continues getting stronger and holding a sitting position longer and longer. But he isn’t ready to be unsupervised yet in this! He scoots around, turns himself around on his mat at tummy time to face any direction, and he rolls over a lot. He loves to go from laying down to pulling himself up to a sitting position, then pulling himself up to standing when holding our fingers. He stands tall and straight and does it over and over with the biggest smile! Strong boy!
He reaches and grabs for toys and food we are trying to eat at the table. He tracks things very well and observes everything. He is so deeply aware and observant of his surroundings.
This month of life Elias has been hiking, traveling some more, becoming more mobile and more playful, teething though no show of a tooth, and swimming a lot. Elias had his first day trip to the beach. He is amazing at traveling and I attribute this to “just doing it.” You can’t be held back just because you have a baby but in fact, you can still do so much and the baby will go right along for the ride, though maybe not as easy or light on luggage as it used to be. Totally happy to take both my kids all over and it makes the journey so much more exciting! I love to see them experience new places and new things along with us.
Elias wears size 12 mos. He wore size 6-9 months for like a week and a half total and then went straight into 12 months. I realized one night that I was cramming his legs into a 9 month sleeper and he pulled it so tight in length that it was warping and pulling on his neck! Wayyyy too tight. And now 12 months is a perfect fit. Already have size 18 mos skewers on stand by. Ha!
He is a joy and a blessing. My favorite things about Elias are his soft fat cheeks to suck and kiss on, his smile, his laugh and coos, and his bright blue eyes, oh, and his pout lip! I may be in trouble! So cute!