Thursday, November 3, 2022

Elias - 7 Months


He is still a toothless wonder! I fear he will have four incisors come in all at once.🤪🥴

Elias is still the happiest little baby! 

He doesn’t crawl in the traditional way but gets around by scooting and pulling with his arms and feet on his tummy. He is pulling up a bit and takes steps holding our hands all over the place. The boy wants to move and go so badly! He has a crazy big sister to keep up with. 

For measurements, Elias is off the dang chart for height. So dang tall. 90% for weight. He wears size 18 mos and is creeping into 24 months. Probably will be there by the new year. That means he is almost officially out of baby clothes and into toddler clothes. He is so tall! 

He naps well, sleeps well, eats well. He loves to play and discover and sing and dance. He loves the outdoors and does so well when we hike. He is as easy as a baby can be. 

His doctor says he is advanced in all milestones and areas of development and that makes me so proud! Especially with the crazy year we have had. Eric and I both together work so hard to give our time and teach and love on our babies. It can make a body weary but it really pays off and I am so thankful for such an amazing man to be my partner in this parenthood role. 

Elias has the brightest blue eyes and the whitest blond hair. Eric’s dimples shine through so clearly now on Elias’s face when he smiles and I’m all about that. Eric’s dimples are one of the most attractive assets to me and I love seeing so much of my handsome husband in my handsome little son! 

He loves splashing in the bath and playing with toys in his bath. He loves the sandbox and playing with Ellie. I think Ellie is his favorite person and I know she feels the same towards him. We are so blessed with this little guy! Thank You, Lord Almighty!

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