I learned quite a while back about there being a tea farm in Pickens, SC. I learned about it probably a year and a half or more ago and have been dying since then to take Ellie on a field trip but life as you can see - got really different really fast and I moved away. Field trips back home are the best. Living in Upstate SC was a blessing never once lost on me and so I go back home as much as possible to enrich my children in the unique experiences and opportunities at hand there. And you can’t beat going to a tea farm right by Table Rock! There’s just something about the air and the colors God painted with there that is incredibly jovial and tranquil.
Steve and Jennifer Lorch were the most hospitable, organized, enthusiastic, friendly, and passionate couple - owners of the tea farm. Jennifer gave the kids and us adults a tour of the grounds which in and of themselves were so beautiful! One really amazing thing to me was all that we learned! The adults and kids alike all learned a wealth of fascinating knowledge- at 32 years old I just had no idea all about tea plants! And it was super magical to hear my daughter Ellie recount the information she learned back to me when making her dinner as she relayed her new found knowledge with an impressive amount of detail! She too found it amazing and I am so glad because that is what field trips are all about! It also is a great proof of how well Jennifer did explaining and engaging with the kids!
My favorite part of it all was the Lazarus story of their tea plants. I’ll post a photo of their sign they have regarding this miracle - this amazing miracle of God. But really, you need to go and hear Jennifer tell it because you can just see the Spirit of the Lord shine through her. Her story and the weight of how great this miracle and blessing from God was in their lives - how God can do the impossible- it just brought me to God chill tears! Truly inspiring and soul lifting to hear. Please go and experience this for yourself! All ages welcome!
I loved their store front too where they had free samples of tea. Ellie loved the sweet tea! Of course. She is a southern belle after all. I bought two types of tea, a tea tincture, a mug, and….my very own tea plant!!!! Ahhhh! I am ecstatic!! I hope I take such very good care of it! What an incredible experience!