Saturday, February 18, 2017

It's A Girl!!

Ellie Clardy Gladden!! That is our baby girl!!

Eric and I had of course primarily wanted this baby to be healthy before we cared about the gender. Still do! But we would be lying if we didn't admit that back years ago before we were quite ready to grow our family, we would dream about a baby girl named Ellie. I don't even know how we both mutually came up with the name- it just sort of came to us and we both loved it and we talked about "Ellie" and all our dreams and aspirations and goals for our child. Our little Ellie who we had not even begun to try for yet!

Eric had dreams of father daughter dances and dates, and I had dreams of hair bows, dresses, glitter, tea parties, and all things girly!

We chose my maiden name for a middle name because, I am the very last Clardy in my entire family line. My dad was the last man born to carry on the name, and I was the last Clardy given the name. But when I got married it got scrubbed. So, I always knew if I had a little girl, I would do my part to carry on the name by giving "Clardy" as a middle name.

I also wanted Eric to decide how we revealed the baby's gender to the world! So, he decided on FIREWORKS!! I was in love with it. But did they make such? Turns out, there are now gender reveal fireworks! Strictly pink or blue. And a little shop in Easley called Carolina Fireworks carries them. They were wonderful by the way- gave us free pink smoke bombs to add to the effect!

Here are some photos:

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