It's true. I am truly thankful for my 3 congenital heart defects. Heart defects that still mean I am not "fixed" and I still need more surgery and always will. I imagine most people- even those who are personally effected by heart defects in themselves or their children or other close person- may think me a terrible person to be thankful to have these life altering defects. Some or most would desire nothing more than to have a normal and healthy heart.
But I, on the contrary, am deeply thankful for my defects and here is why. It is not simply one reason- but many. God gave me such a revelation today. He has worked on my mind via my heart since I was 4. I have never been scared by my heart. Concerned? At times. Such as 4 years ago when
I realized I was not "fixed" and never would be fully. But truly- I've felt honored and thankful my entire life to have the heart I do!
Reason 1:
My daddy became a true believer in Christ Jesus 26.5 years ago when he saw his unexpectedly blue baby girl who was supposed to be healthy and normal - immediately flown via helicopter to Charleston, SC for what may have been a pointless effort to give me some semblance of a "life" as no doctor ever imagined I could possibly survive. Or have a life of any worth and value should I beat odds. My daddy realized on September 22, 1990 at 1:56 A.M. that He needed Jesus because he did not cling to the love and power of Jesus. Being raised in church does not create a person a reservation in the mansion of God. You cannot ride your parents coat-tails into God's Kingdom ( though it is very easy to make your own way simply by believing and accepting the Holy Spirit). My daddy gained true salvation that night as he learned what it meant to love, trust, believe, and need Jesus. At 31 years old.
I remember some short time after my 3rd surgery at 4 years old I was sitting in the kitchen with daddy. At the table I sat sorting Skittles by color before eating them. (I was not OCD, I promise- just a little quirky- and still am!) I asked daddy about my heart. Daddy gave me all the medical and factual answers. But most importantly- he then shared where and when and how he received His faith in Jesus. While I was too young (for me) to fully understand what Jesus meant to me at that time- his testimony stuck with me ever since quite clearly. I knew then- I hated my scar- not because I had the self consciousness of a teenage girl would about a scar down the middle of her chest- but that it was sensitive to touch and in the way. But- hearing Daddy's testimony made me realize that God used my scar and my heart to obviously change somebody else's life. And that somebody was my daddy. And because God allowed me to be sick and live- that meant my Daddy got to live eternally as well. I knew this at 4 and I knew my sick heart had a purpose from God.
Reason 2:
Coming from the first reason- I mentioned my Daddy's testimony deeply impacted my life and my way of thinking for the rest of my life. It is quite possibly one of the most important moments of my life as it taught me the importance and love and power of Jesus. At 7 years old- the meaning fully resonated from my heart into my mind. I was ready to accept Jesus to not only fix my heart but to now live in it. I guess you could say my heart was Jesus' "Fixer Upper"! And because I realized my heart was used by God to grab my Daddy's attention- it grabbed mine- and I knew God had allowed me defects for a purpose. Though at 7- I thought my Daddy's salvation to be the only reason.
Reason 3:
I have been blessed by God to do basically anything and everything I ever dreamed of when I should truly truly not even be alive today. I can't put enough emphasis on this fact. I am not supposed to be alive. To this day I still have doctors- including my cardiologist- who cannot wrap their minds around how my heart possessing the defects it does- can allow me to function as I do! This means that it grabs people's attention. Not in a flashy, "Look at me" way- but in a way that allows me to explain this was no doctor and this was not me, but this was God. God allowed me rare defects with no doctor having a definite solution as how to fix them- causing my conditions to become a medical case study at the University of Alabama Birmingham as I miraculously survived. It taught doctors new techniques to help others. This is a blessing!! My heart's case study has helped other little babies for the past 26.5 years!! Praise God that He allowed me to be so sick that goodness could come from it. Praise God that I surpassed all expectations and can run and run and run and play, dance, push myself to conquer physical challenges without worrying, and that I can be without (thus far) any medications or limitations. This is what inspires others to not wallow in their problems but to get up and push through it. And again I say- it is not I who brings this inspiration- but the work of God that is witnessed. That is purely 100% what it is. I am thankful for this opportunity and honor to be used by God in such a way. I am nothing if not for God's purpose and work. I am merely a vessel for His goodness and power.
Reason 4:
Recently, beginning to think that I had capped out on the ways my heart defects could have a purpose to glorify God and serve others- God showed me He had more planned than I had ever imagined. Most of you dear followers have seen the blog from around late October or early November where I explained how God totally threw an opportunity in my face to become a spokeswoman for the American Heart Association. I knew it was God because the idea of cameras, speeches, and public events terrified me to a crippling state. And God kept telling me to do it. I auditioned by sharing my heart survival story with the American Heart Association and News Channel 7- WSPA. This lead to me becoming one of the Spokeswomen. I thought this was a great opportunity for me to share my story but I could not fathom then, how many people I would meet and share God's story with. I especially was not prepared to be so insanely blessed and amazed as I have been. In fact- God, I feel has blessed me more than He has used me to bless others by inspiring me with other women's stories. My heart has serious conditions that will never go away and that will forever change my life- but some of these women's stories have had me driving home from events in tears praising God and thanking God for His mercy on me and showing me humbling conditions. Thanking God for what He taught me and showed me through these women- whom I'm not sure I would have witnessed had I not been a survivor myself. Because I am defective- I get to serve a wide variety of people and I get to serve God on a bigger screen with a finer microscope. I can reach more for His glory. Because He made me weak- He made me strong- Which makes Him all the more Glorious. That is what my life is all about. Glorifying God. Though I am a failing human everyday.
Though this blog may be long and detailed- it is minuscule to the thoughts in my mind as I reflect on how blessed a life God gave me by choosing me to be His daughter born with 3 congenital heart defects. If you asked me, "Given the choice- would you rather have a perfect heart or would you rather have a heart that still battles to give you a functional life?"----I would choose to have my battling, overly hard working heart every single time. God has used this to shape my character. Most importantly though, God has used this for His glory. And I realize now- God will continue giving my heart purpose until He calls me home and my work as His servant on earth is complete. Your purpose in life is never "capped out" until God is pleased with His faithful servant, His purpose is served and completed through them, and He calls them home.
I am DEEPLY thankful to have heart defects.
Thanks for letting me share my conversation in my head with God today!
Tuesday, March 28, 2017
Wednesday, March 22, 2017
How Is My Heart Handling Pregnancy?
I have probably written to y'all many times by now that (long story-short) while I am by the grace of God allowed by my cardiologist to be pregnant- it is quite a high risk. I am a blessed heart survivor who God allowed to physically be able to carry a baby with a lot of medical attention and care. And for myself- the high risk of being pregnant is that the strain pregnancy puts on a woman's heart, vessels, and body can be much more significant to my defective heart. It could/should make my pending pulmonary valve replacement surgery happen sooner than if I did not get pregnant as my heart is theoretically being "damaged" a bit as pregnancy puts it through the ringer. Pregnancy strains should enlarge my heart as well as weaken it. (It is already naturally enlarged due to the excessive blood volume in my right chambers-a result of my several defects.) This is all medical theology of what should/could quite likely happen.
Here are the facts for me so far:
Today, Eric and I went to the beautiful Greer Memorial Hospital as normal for my echocardiogram. We followed this up by walking to the next building to my cardiologist's office. Dr. Patel viewed the echo and we sat and chatted a bit. She told me the echo showed that my heart has NOT enlarged or weakened any!! No changes at all. I explained to her that I feel like my normal self! I am still running- though- not 3.1+ but, I walk at least a 5k a day and run a mile of that followed by a workout routine back at the house. 5 days a week. No swelling. I feel amazing. Dr. Patel said that my heart is as functional and strong as ever because I have continued my running and healthy lifestyle even through pregnancy and it makes me stronger and much more resilient. I am sooo happy and stress free! (Thank you, Eric!!)
She was very pleased to hear this news! However, she further explained despite how I feel and despite what the echo shows- there could be some things happening that I cannot feel nor will an echocardiogram reveal. It is possible my heart is having extra beats which would be bad. So she sent me home with a halter monitor to wear for 24 hours. I've worn many of these since I was a kid. I am glad they are no longer the size of cassette playing machines strapped to my waist!! She told me to do my run and walk and exercise while wearing it and then she will review to check for any extra unwanted heart beats. If I do in fact have extra heart beats- she will prescribe me a Beta Blocker that is safe for me and baby. I would take this until I delivered.
I hate medicine. I am a healthcare professional- I am passionate about healthcare, medical technology, science, research, and solutions. I do prefer to live a life without medication as I do currently. I prefer to live with a holistic, natural, non medicinal healthy lifestyle--however- I definitely understand the place God made for medicine and the science God created for us to have these drugs and things in the right crucial circumstances. So- God forbid it, please, that I do prove to have extra heart beats, I will take this Beta Blocker and I will smile to do anything that protects my body which is a vessel of life for Ellie- and I will praise God for the solution He created and provided!
We talked some more about delivery. I will most definitely decidedly now deliver the baby with an early epidural. I have explained in previous posts a C-section is not a safe option for me as a heart patient- And a natural birth is really risky. The best method for delivering Ellie is for me to carry her until my body starts the natural delivery process. Then I will be admitted with an epidural to relieve excess stress and pressure on my heart. It is possible--contingent on how I progress throughout the last 18.5 weeks I have left--that I may not push at all but instead be given the epidural and the medical staff will perform an "assisted delivery" in which the forceps and what not are used. I really pray this is unnecessary. I hope to just get the "juice" and push as they command and present a healthy, beautiful, baby Ellie to my husband!! More on this will be decided as pregnancy progresses.
In the meantime- Ellie has two appointments in the next two weeks. One is part 2 of her high risk anatomy scan. We will really thoroughly look at her heart specifically to be completely sure I did not pass on my defects or any others at which she is at high risk for.
God has truly truly blessed my life...since the beginning in 1990. Truly every inch of my life has been blessed by the hands of God and I continuously break down in happy grateful tears unable to comprehend what my sinful little heart did to deserve such blessings. Even in the "Struggles" and "hard-times" I am SOOO blessed! Loving God gives this amazing unreal life that just cannot be explained. I am so thankful for a healthy body, heart, pregnancy, and baby.
Please, those of you who truly pray as you say you are- pray for my heart: that it does not produce extra beats. Pray for my pregnancy and delivery: that assisted delivery is not necessary and the remaining 18.5 weeks will be safe and healthy. Pray for Ellie: that she will be healthy, love and fear God, and be strong! Pray for Eric: as he juggles working full time, engineering school, caring for me, and becoming a daddy! He is an amazing God given blessing and dream! He is so unreal- such a truly amazing husband!
Thank you dear friends!!
The Gladdens :)
Here are the facts for me so far:
Today, Eric and I went to the beautiful Greer Memorial Hospital as normal for my echocardiogram. We followed this up by walking to the next building to my cardiologist's office. Dr. Patel viewed the echo and we sat and chatted a bit. She told me the echo showed that my heart has NOT enlarged or weakened any!! No changes at all. I explained to her that I feel like my normal self! I am still running- though- not 3.1+ but, I walk at least a 5k a day and run a mile of that followed by a workout routine back at the house. 5 days a week. No swelling. I feel amazing. Dr. Patel said that my heart is as functional and strong as ever because I have continued my running and healthy lifestyle even through pregnancy and it makes me stronger and much more resilient. I am sooo happy and stress free! (Thank you, Eric!!)
She was very pleased to hear this news! However, she further explained despite how I feel and despite what the echo shows- there could be some things happening that I cannot feel nor will an echocardiogram reveal. It is possible my heart is having extra beats which would be bad. So she sent me home with a halter monitor to wear for 24 hours. I've worn many of these since I was a kid. I am glad they are no longer the size of cassette playing machines strapped to my waist!! She told me to do my run and walk and exercise while wearing it and then she will review to check for any extra unwanted heart beats. If I do in fact have extra heart beats- she will prescribe me a Beta Blocker that is safe for me and baby. I would take this until I delivered.
I hate medicine. I am a healthcare professional- I am passionate about healthcare, medical technology, science, research, and solutions. I do prefer to live a life without medication as I do currently. I prefer to live with a holistic, natural, non medicinal healthy lifestyle--however- I definitely understand the place God made for medicine and the science God created for us to have these drugs and things in the right crucial circumstances. So- God forbid it, please, that I do prove to have extra heart beats, I will take this Beta Blocker and I will smile to do anything that protects my body which is a vessel of life for Ellie- and I will praise God for the solution He created and provided!
We talked some more about delivery. I will most definitely decidedly now deliver the baby with an early epidural. I have explained in previous posts a C-section is not a safe option for me as a heart patient- And a natural birth is really risky. The best method for delivering Ellie is for me to carry her until my body starts the natural delivery process. Then I will be admitted with an epidural to relieve excess stress and pressure on my heart. It is possible--contingent on how I progress throughout the last 18.5 weeks I have left--that I may not push at all but instead be given the epidural and the medical staff will perform an "assisted delivery" in which the forceps and what not are used. I really pray this is unnecessary. I hope to just get the "juice" and push as they command and present a healthy, beautiful, baby Ellie to my husband!! More on this will be decided as pregnancy progresses.
In the meantime- Ellie has two appointments in the next two weeks. One is part 2 of her high risk anatomy scan. We will really thoroughly look at her heart specifically to be completely sure I did not pass on my defects or any others at which she is at high risk for.
God has truly truly blessed my life...since the beginning in 1990. Truly every inch of my life has been blessed by the hands of God and I continuously break down in happy grateful tears unable to comprehend what my sinful little heart did to deserve such blessings. Even in the "Struggles" and "hard-times" I am SOOO blessed! Loving God gives this amazing unreal life that just cannot be explained. I am so thankful for a healthy body, heart, pregnancy, and baby.
Please, those of you who truly pray as you say you are- pray for my heart: that it does not produce extra beats. Pray for my pregnancy and delivery: that assisted delivery is not necessary and the remaining 18.5 weeks will be safe and healthy. Pray for Ellie: that she will be healthy, love and fear God, and be strong! Pray for Eric: as he juggles working full time, engineering school, caring for me, and becoming a daddy! He is an amazing God given blessing and dream! He is so unreal- such a truly amazing husband!
Thank you dear friends!!
The Gladdens :)
Wednesday, March 15, 2017
Blondie's Hair Salon...My Middle School Dream Come True...
In the 6th grade, I drew a detailed, measured out blue print of my future hair salon and boutique, "Blondie's." I wanted to be a beautician sooooo badly!
Later, a few years down the way, that dream was crushed as a "Blondie's Salon" opened in Anderson. On to medicine I went as God intended.
My newest career and truly dream career is home-maker- or as I like to call it- "Domestic Diva"!!
With becoming a mommy and managing my family and home- Domestic Diva covers MANY roles in the working world.
Today- I took on a new role. My 6th grade dream of creating beautiful hair was realized. Blondie's (mine- not my dog's) hair salon opened in my kitchen for its first, new, and reoccurring customer. My husband! Now, I must say it clearly- My hair cutting experience goes as far as my poor mangled and botched Barbie doll's hair---outside of that--- I've got nothin'!
But, why not save $11 a month?!
He was as he always is- soooo kind and reassuring and encouraging as I held the fresh, shiny, new, clippers in my hands. He told me if I chopped it all off, it would all grow back! No worries, You got this! So to his head I took the electric shaving thingamabob. A little shorter than normal....definitely will try a few new things next time- but he came out looking like my sexy hunk! Fresh and sharp! He loves it- I love it- Praise the Lord!
Here are the Before and after from tonight's money saving adventure! :
Later, a few years down the way, that dream was crushed as a "Blondie's Salon" opened in Anderson. On to medicine I went as God intended.
My newest career and truly dream career is home-maker- or as I like to call it- "Domestic Diva"!!
With becoming a mommy and managing my family and home- Domestic Diva covers MANY roles in the working world.
Today- I took on a new role. My 6th grade dream of creating beautiful hair was realized. Blondie's (mine- not my dog's) hair salon opened in my kitchen for its first, new, and reoccurring customer. My husband! Now, I must say it clearly- My hair cutting experience goes as far as my poor mangled and botched Barbie doll's hair---outside of that--- I've got nothin'!
But, why not save $11 a month?!
He was as he always is- soooo kind and reassuring and encouraging as I held the fresh, shiny, new, clippers in my hands. He told me if I chopped it all off, it would all grow back! No worries, You got this! So to his head I took the electric shaving thingamabob. A little shorter than normal....definitely will try a few new things next time- but he came out looking like my sexy hunk! Fresh and sharp! He loves it- I love it- Praise the Lord!
Here are the Before and after from tonight's money saving adventure! :
Marriage is FUN, y'all!!
Wednesday, March 8, 2017
Domestic Diva: Stuffed Peppers
Hello! Another recipe from our healthy kitchen! Stuffed Peppers. This is a very common recipe; everybody knows about these. I just like them and thought I would share one way I do ours! :) Plus, I love being reminded of my healthy options when meal planning.
So, here we go!
*Bell Peppers (one per person, color of your choice)
* 1-2 lbs. Lean, grass fed ground beef
*1 Lg. onion
*1 LG. Diced tomato or 1 can of diced tomatoes
*1 can of sodium free black beans
*2 large handfuls of raw spinach
*Seasonings: onion powder, garlic powder, pepper--I do not measure, I just dash as I desire.
*Pinch of cheese per pepper
***Can add any healthy desired ingredients; the above are just my preference. Such as quinoa, corn, other veggies.***
*Preheat oven to 370 degrees
*I start by browning my beef in one skillet
* Chop the onion and saute it in a separate skillet
*Once onion has softened in skillet, add spinach, tomatoes, beans, and any other desired ingredients.
*Continue to saute all of this together until spinach leaves are wilted. Then, cut heat on stove top.
* Cut the top off of your bell pepper and remove seeds.
* Place in a casserole dish very lightly greased with a drop or two of olive oil, with open side of pepper facing up.
* Dish beef and veggies into the opened pepper.
*Top each pepper with a dash of cheese.
* Bake in oven at 370 for 20-30 minutes or until pepper has softened slightly.
*Serve it up and Dig In!!
NOTE: My husband does not like bell peppers. He has always said the flavor is too strong for him. So we fill a whole wheat wrap with all the goodies for him. An alternative idea if you have a picky eater...not that Eric is picky! By no means!! Just his personal preference. :)
Enjoy!! :)
So, here we go!
*Bell Peppers (one per person, color of your choice)
* 1-2 lbs. Lean, grass fed ground beef
*1 Lg. onion
*1 LG. Diced tomato or 1 can of diced tomatoes
*1 can of sodium free black beans
*2 large handfuls of raw spinach
*Seasonings: onion powder, garlic powder, pepper--I do not measure, I just dash as I desire.
*Pinch of cheese per pepper
***Can add any healthy desired ingredients; the above are just my preference. Such as quinoa, corn, other veggies.***
*Preheat oven to 370 degrees
*I start by browning my beef in one skillet
* Chop the onion and saute it in a separate skillet
*Once onion has softened in skillet, add spinach, tomatoes, beans, and any other desired ingredients.
*Continue to saute all of this together until spinach leaves are wilted. Then, cut heat on stove top.
* Cut the top off of your bell pepper and remove seeds.
* Place in a casserole dish very lightly greased with a drop or two of olive oil, with open side of pepper facing up.
* Dish beef and veggies into the opened pepper.
*Top each pepper with a dash of cheese.
* Bake in oven at 370 for 20-30 minutes or until pepper has softened slightly.
*Serve it up and Dig In!!
NOTE: My husband does not like bell peppers. He has always said the flavor is too strong for him. So we fill a whole wheat wrap with all the goodies for him. An alternative idea if you have a picky eater...not that Eric is picky! By no means!! Just his personal preference. :)
Enjoy!! :)
Notice: My super vintage casserole dish <3
Fit Mama: Running While Pregnant
Most all of you know by now I am an avid long distance runner. In college I ran a minimum of 4.5 miles 6 days a week. In the work world I managed a minimum of a 5k 3-4 times a week in addition to a 2 mile walk at lunch.
I have ran countless 5k's, 10k's, trail runs, half marathon and full marathon. When not pregnant I would run about 2 races a month and run as much as possible during the week. Needless to say: I LOVE RUNNING!!
Getting pregnant challenged this a little. Before I knew I was pregnant, I actually ran a 5k race hard core as usual and finished in my normal time. I went walking at work daily and ran every night I was home at a decent hour- but then I discovered I was pregnant...YAYY!!! Praise God!! But I started having trouble in the beginning. I was hemorrhaging really badly. Twice the OB thought I had miscarried. The first 9-10 weeks was like this. They put me on a pelvic rest. No physical activity. This was not a problem because I wanted to do all I could to put this baby's health, life, and safety ahead of everything to make sure she was ok. But if you are a runner- you know that high you get and you need really need it.
So, by 2nd trimester all had improved and my cardiologist was the one who encouraged me to break back into my physical activity as hard core as I felt comfortable with. I have always been the girl who could take 3 months off of running and then just go out the next day and run a 5k no problem. A gift God gave me. But I was scared to run. I was so scared the problems would start again. So I started just by walking a half mile. When that went well, I expanded that. Soon, I was walking my 5k route. I have been walking this daily as fast pace a walk as most people's jog.
Then one afternoon recently, I felt that high again- that drive, desire, need, joy, adrenaline to run! Just run mindlessly...I actually break into a smile when I run! And so...I decided to run the last mile back home. I did, Whew did it feel physically different. My lower abdominals and hip ligaments are soooo tight from stretching and growing right now despite daily walking, squats, and I felt like a baby duckling running with a big fat water balloon, but I did it!! I ran and I smiled and I danced as soon as I got home and in the sun room!! And I didn't stop!! I went right into my next workout!
So, I do not plan to run more than a mile or 2 at most during this pregnancy....especially because I know my body will pick running higher mileage right back up after delivery and healing...but I plan to run daily at the end of my walk.
You are supposed to be able to do pretty much everything you were doing before pregnancy in your physical routine.I am so thankful for how God is blessing my body and baby and health!! I am astounded and blown away when I think of what God has allowed and performed in these past 19.5 weeks!! Thank you all for your prayers for me, too. Prayer is the strongest tool we have and man, does it work!! I should not be alive, I should not be allowed to be pregnant, I should not be without bed rest during pregnancy....and yet...I am running, without losing my breath and quite comfrotably, mind you, while pregnant!!! Ahhhh!!! I can't wait to tell my cardiologist in a couple weeks. God is so cool!!
So when y'all see me waddling down the way- give a wave and a honk! lol!! :)
I have ran countless 5k's, 10k's, trail runs, half marathon and full marathon. When not pregnant I would run about 2 races a month and run as much as possible during the week. Needless to say: I LOVE RUNNING!!
Getting pregnant challenged this a little. Before I knew I was pregnant, I actually ran a 5k race hard core as usual and finished in my normal time. I went walking at work daily and ran every night I was home at a decent hour- but then I discovered I was pregnant...YAYY!!! Praise God!! But I started having trouble in the beginning. I was hemorrhaging really badly. Twice the OB thought I had miscarried. The first 9-10 weeks was like this. They put me on a pelvic rest. No physical activity. This was not a problem because I wanted to do all I could to put this baby's health, life, and safety ahead of everything to make sure she was ok. But if you are a runner- you know that high you get and you need really need it.
So, by 2nd trimester all had improved and my cardiologist was the one who encouraged me to break back into my physical activity as hard core as I felt comfortable with. I have always been the girl who could take 3 months off of running and then just go out the next day and run a 5k no problem. A gift God gave me. But I was scared to run. I was so scared the problems would start again. So I started just by walking a half mile. When that went well, I expanded that. Soon, I was walking my 5k route. I have been walking this daily as fast pace a walk as most people's jog.
Then one afternoon recently, I felt that high again- that drive, desire, need, joy, adrenaline to run! Just run mindlessly...I actually break into a smile when I run! And so...I decided to run the last mile back home. I did, Whew did it feel physically different. My lower abdominals and hip ligaments are soooo tight from stretching and growing right now despite daily walking, squats, and I felt like a baby duckling running with a big fat water balloon, but I did it!! I ran and I smiled and I danced as soon as I got home and in the sun room!! And I didn't stop!! I went right into my next workout!
So, I do not plan to run more than a mile or 2 at most during this pregnancy....especially because I know my body will pick running higher mileage right back up after delivery and healing...but I plan to run daily at the end of my walk.
You are supposed to be able to do pretty much everything you were doing before pregnancy in your physical routine.I am so thankful for how God is blessing my body and baby and health!! I am astounded and blown away when I think of what God has allowed and performed in these past 19.5 weeks!! Thank you all for your prayers for me, too. Prayer is the strongest tool we have and man, does it work!! I should not be alive, I should not be allowed to be pregnant, I should not be without bed rest during pregnancy....and yet...I am running, without losing my breath and quite comfrotably, mind you, while pregnant!!! Ahhhh!!! I can't wait to tell my cardiologist in a couple weeks. God is so cool!!
So when y'all see me waddling down the way- give a wave and a honk! lol!! :)
Monday, March 6, 2017
Ellie's Ears!
Yesterday, Ellie reached 19 weeks! I read in my little bump app that Ellie should be starting to hear my voice a bit now. I hope this is true! Choosing to believe it is, I decided today to get a start on reading Ellie books, and singing to her. (Poor girl!) My singing tends to get a little theatrical...if you know me in the least I am sure you have a hilarious picture forming in your mind now...
As I folded Eric's socks this afternoon, I put thought into what I would read to Ellie today. And God made it very clear to me that of course, I should read Ellie a passage of scripture daily, first, before a storybook. Eric and I want to let Ellie know the very greatest reason she is alive and is our little miracle as soon as is possible! We want her to know the greatest purpose, and reason for all of creation from the get go!
So, after minding the laundry, I scurried down the stairs to the Africa Room...aka our little library...and grabbed my bible. But, what to read first? It was instantly obvious. Genesis 1 "The Beginning" as is suitable for Ellie. Beginning of her life, Beginning of Creation. Beginning of purpose, love, and truth.
Awesome! God chills!!
Then, I dashed up the stairs to the playroom to read to Ellie from the recliner, a children's book. She already has like a bajillion! My family loves books! I looked through the books, deciding what struck my fancy today. "If you Give a Pig a Pancake." I have been craving pancakes a lot this pregnancy--have not yet given Ellie that desire she obviously wants so bad, so I figured the least I could do was read her a cute story about a pig and her pancakes!
Again, I read the story with all the voices and excitement, wonder, and thrill!
I hope Ellie can indeed hear her mommy's voice! I want her to know my voice well and hopefully it will be soothing to her! I talk to her, sing to her, read to her. I want her to have a passion for God's word, reading, and adventure! This will now be part of mine and Ellie's daily routine! It has already given much more purpose to my little life!
As I folded Eric's socks this afternoon, I put thought into what I would read to Ellie today. And God made it very clear to me that of course, I should read Ellie a passage of scripture daily, first, before a storybook. Eric and I want to let Ellie know the very greatest reason she is alive and is our little miracle as soon as is possible! We want her to know the greatest purpose, and reason for all of creation from the get go!
So, after minding the laundry, I scurried down the stairs to the Africa Room...aka our little library...and grabbed my bible. But, what to read first? It was instantly obvious. Genesis 1 "The Beginning" as is suitable for Ellie. Beginning of her life, Beginning of Creation. Beginning of purpose, love, and truth.
Genesis ch.1- I explained to Ellie that "Light" is something she will soon see!
I read with enthusiasm, gusto, and excitement to my Ellie in my belly! I hope she could hear it- but regardless, I know God honored that time....after all- God tells us:
Matthew 18:20 “For where two or three are gathered in my name, there am I among them.
Awesome! God chills!!
Then, I dashed up the stairs to the playroom to read to Ellie from the recliner, a children's book. She already has like a bajillion! My family loves books! I looked through the books, deciding what struck my fancy today. "If you Give a Pig a Pancake." I have been craving pancakes a lot this pregnancy--have not yet given Ellie that desire she obviously wants so bad, so I figured the least I could do was read her a cute story about a pig and her pancakes!
Blondie thought it was her storytime!
Again, I read the story with all the voices and excitement, wonder, and thrill!
I hope Ellie can indeed hear her mommy's voice! I want her to know my voice well and hopefully it will be soothing to her! I talk to her, sing to her, read to her. I want her to have a passion for God's word, reading, and adventure! This will now be part of mine and Ellie's daily routine! It has already given much more purpose to my little life!
Friday, March 3, 2017
Follow Up: Potential Major Heart Defect; My Fujifilm Encounter
On February 2, 2017 I posted on Facebook about something AMAZING - a God thing- that happened while I was taking the opportunity as an American Heart Association Upstate Spokeswoman, in Greenwood at Fujifilm to speak at a luncheon about heart health, heart disease, and Congenital Heart Defects.
I specifically gave a snippet of my CHD's and why I believe in a healthy lifestyle and strive to live one. In doing so, I specifically mentioned my three CHD'S, one of them- the most rare being, Ebstein's Anomaly.
Here was the post I made if you want/need to catch up:
Sooooo....her son's appointment to confirm the potential finding of Ebstein's Anomaly was on Wednesday, March 1. I have been praying for her and her sweet baby. I texted her this morning to check in and see how things went.
She happily and graciously reported that her sweet baby boy is "all clear"!!! No Ebstein's Anomaly or heart defects for him period!!!
I just wanted to post to praise God. Thank You, God for my heart defects so that You can be glorified for Your greatness in times like this- Thank You God for answering yet another prayer of a miracle for this family- Thank You God for being simply AMAZING!
I specifically gave a snippet of my CHD's and why I believe in a healthy lifestyle and strive to live one. In doing so, I specifically mentioned my three CHD'S, one of them- the most rare being, Ebstein's Anomaly.
Here was the post I made if you want/need to catch up:
Sooooo....her son's appointment to confirm the potential finding of Ebstein's Anomaly was on Wednesday, March 1. I have been praying for her and her sweet baby. I texted her this morning to check in and see how things went.
She happily and graciously reported that her sweet baby boy is "all clear"!!! No Ebstein's Anomaly or heart defects for him period!!!
I just wanted to post to praise God. Thank You, God for my heart defects so that You can be glorified for Your greatness in times like this- Thank You God for answering yet another prayer of a miracle for this family- Thank You God for being simply AMAZING!
Thursday, March 2, 2017
Ellie's First High Risk Scan
Today, Eric and I visited a high risk center at GHS for Maternal and Fetal medicine. This is a visit we have anticipated as soon as we knew we were given clinical clearance to have a baby. I've actually known something like this and the series of other High Risk tests and precautions that will be taken the remainder of pregnancy- would happen since I was a kid myself. I've always been warned IF - big IF- I were allowed to get pregnant it would be quite an ordeal.
It becomes a greater reality when you have a real baby that you love the second you see that positive mark on the pregnancy stick. But, let me just take a moment to express- if I haven't already previously in other postings, that I don't believe Eric and I would have ever gotten pregnant if God did not have great purpose for this baby--whether that means she has a heart defect, or other defects and anomalies, or whether she is perfectly healthy and normal. God creates life with a plan and a purpose. ALL babies have God breathed life and God given purpose.
"Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart; I appointed you as a prophet to the nations." Jeremiah 1:5
BEFORE He even created any baby- He already had a purpose for that baby.....y'alll I just started getting teary eyed at this beautiful God I serve!!
Take me for example----I was not born perfectly healthy. I should be dead for heaven's sake! But, God intended great glory and purpose and power through 3 very major life altering physical heart weaknesses He gave me.
So. All of that banter to say this- before I give any results- My point is this: Ellie is a God created miracle. Period. A God given gift and a vessel we pray as parents God will use to bring Him glory. Her life- whether made strong by God through a weakness, or made strong by God through a healthy life that with which she has no limitations- shall be a precious God created, given, purposeful, blessing of a gift.
Woo! Little New mama bluster there! New mama who loves Jesus and His power!
Now to the visit today-
Eric and I arrived and the sweetest girl began our scan. God was definitely in the room and God definitely had His hands all over it all. I LOVE when I can feel God and know He is holding my hand! The sonographer had such generosity and skill as to know that I would be most concerned with Ellie's heart more than anything. Without asking, she began with Ellie's heart. Normally a scan is done head to toe.
I've had probably roughly 50 echos myself on my own heart....I am by NO means a pro....but I definitely know what I am looking for, looking at, and what looks normal. I actually know even more so what abnormal looks like.
I saw her heart. It was beating beautifully at 157 bpm. I could clearly see 4 chambers and all the flapping valves. To me, and to Eric who over the past 4 years has seen enough echos and asked so many questions that he has a clue now too what to look for- Ellie's heart looked really great.
But what did the sonographer think? She did not hesitate to tell us that obviously this was a preliminary heart echo and Ellie will have an extensive one at 24 weeks, but she guaranteed us today that there was absolutely no way Ellie had Ebstein's anomaly or pulmonary atresia!! (Which are my 2 biggest defects of 3.) She even took it a step further and took her time to show me each valve working beautifully and positioned correctly.
I then asked, "As far as you are able to tell- are there any septal defects?"
She replied by telling me from what she is able to see at this stage, besides the normal foramen (a hole in the atrial septum all babies have until birth) she could see no septal defects either. She said the foramen did not look abnormally large- if it were larger than expected it could pose a risk- but there was nothing to be concerned with. The final words on Ellie's heart out of her mouth were, "I have a REALLY good view today- it is not normal I can see a fetal heart this well this early; I am impressed! Her heart is BEAUTIFUL! She has a strong a healthy heart. So we are going to move to something else, because there is nothing alarming to see here!"
I started crying such huge happy tears. I never like to cry in front of people. It happens more frequently than I like because I am so emotional, but I silently let my big happy tears roll down my cheek as I held Eric's hand. Eric looked to have little happy tears in his lower lids. He had a huge happy smile on. He squeezed my hand lovingly. He is the very best supporting person I have ever had in my life. I am so thankful when he can be beside me! He could explain my heart matters better than me he is so well involved!
We go back April 6 to get the extensive fetal heart echocardiogram. I am over the moon. I have not stopped praising my God. I prayed specific prayers before getting pregnant. I got specific answers from my amazing God. I don't know how He sees me as a person to bless the way He does but man am I immensely thankful!! My God cannot be outdone. You cannot limit God and the miracles and actions and powers He performs.
On some other little happy notes, Ellie looked healthy overall. She is now measuring one day ahead so she is starting to get a little bigger. 9 oz today.
I just want to thank all of you for showing love, consideration, and care for our personal lives. Thank each of you for investing your prayers, time with messages and texts, and for having joy with us in our good news! A prayerful community of friends is so important. 2 is greater than one and so on...
Thank y'all! Please be in prayer for my personal heart echo on March 22 as we see how I am handling pregnancy. reminder: Pregnancy is technically supposed to weaken my heart a bit and bring my pending surgery closer to reality. I am praying I have not been weakened or affected at all- I feel amazing and still get a 5k in daily along with other exercises!
And please pray for Ellie's next echo on April 6. Thank y'all again!!! Much love from the Gladden family to y'all!!
It becomes a greater reality when you have a real baby that you love the second you see that positive mark on the pregnancy stick. But, let me just take a moment to express- if I haven't already previously in other postings, that I don't believe Eric and I would have ever gotten pregnant if God did not have great purpose for this baby--whether that means she has a heart defect, or other defects and anomalies, or whether she is perfectly healthy and normal. God creates life with a plan and a purpose. ALL babies have God breathed life and God given purpose.
"Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart; I appointed you as a prophet to the nations." Jeremiah 1:5
BEFORE He even created any baby- He already had a purpose for that baby.....y'alll I just started getting teary eyed at this beautiful God I serve!!
Take me for example----I was not born perfectly healthy. I should be dead for heaven's sake! But, God intended great glory and purpose and power through 3 very major life altering physical heart weaknesses He gave me.
So. All of that banter to say this- before I give any results- My point is this: Ellie is a God created miracle. Period. A God given gift and a vessel we pray as parents God will use to bring Him glory. Her life- whether made strong by God through a weakness, or made strong by God through a healthy life that with which she has no limitations- shall be a precious God created, given, purposeful, blessing of a gift.
Woo! Little New mama bluster there! New mama who loves Jesus and His power!
Now to the visit today-
Eric and I arrived and the sweetest girl began our scan. God was definitely in the room and God definitely had His hands all over it all. I LOVE when I can feel God and know He is holding my hand! The sonographer had such generosity and skill as to know that I would be most concerned with Ellie's heart more than anything. Without asking, she began with Ellie's heart. Normally a scan is done head to toe.
I've had probably roughly 50 echos myself on my own heart....I am by NO means a pro....but I definitely know what I am looking for, looking at, and what looks normal. I actually know even more so what abnormal looks like.
I saw her heart. It was beating beautifully at 157 bpm. I could clearly see 4 chambers and all the flapping valves. To me, and to Eric who over the past 4 years has seen enough echos and asked so many questions that he has a clue now too what to look for- Ellie's heart looked really great.
But what did the sonographer think? She did not hesitate to tell us that obviously this was a preliminary heart echo and Ellie will have an extensive one at 24 weeks, but she guaranteed us today that there was absolutely no way Ellie had Ebstein's anomaly or pulmonary atresia!! (Which are my 2 biggest defects of 3.) She even took it a step further and took her time to show me each valve working beautifully and positioned correctly.
I then asked, "As far as you are able to tell- are there any septal defects?"
She replied by telling me from what she is able to see at this stage, besides the normal foramen (a hole in the atrial septum all babies have until birth) she could see no septal defects either. She said the foramen did not look abnormally large- if it were larger than expected it could pose a risk- but there was nothing to be concerned with. The final words on Ellie's heart out of her mouth were, "I have a REALLY good view today- it is not normal I can see a fetal heart this well this early; I am impressed! Her heart is BEAUTIFUL! She has a strong a healthy heart. So we are going to move to something else, because there is nothing alarming to see here!"
I started crying such huge happy tears. I never like to cry in front of people. It happens more frequently than I like because I am so emotional, but I silently let my big happy tears roll down my cheek as I held Eric's hand. Eric looked to have little happy tears in his lower lids. He had a huge happy smile on. He squeezed my hand lovingly. He is the very best supporting person I have ever had in my life. I am so thankful when he can be beside me! He could explain my heart matters better than me he is so well involved!
We go back April 6 to get the extensive fetal heart echocardiogram. I am over the moon. I have not stopped praising my God. I prayed specific prayers before getting pregnant. I got specific answers from my amazing God. I don't know how He sees me as a person to bless the way He does but man am I immensely thankful!! My God cannot be outdone. You cannot limit God and the miracles and actions and powers He performs.
On some other little happy notes, Ellie looked healthy overall. She is now measuring one day ahead so she is starting to get a little bigger. 9 oz today.
I just want to thank all of you for showing love, consideration, and care for our personal lives. Thank each of you for investing your prayers, time with messages and texts, and for having joy with us in our good news! A prayerful community of friends is so important. 2 is greater than one and so on...
Thank y'all! Please be in prayer for my personal heart echo on March 22 as we see how I am handling pregnancy. reminder: Pregnancy is technically supposed to weaken my heart a bit and bring my pending surgery closer to reality. I am praying I have not been weakened or affected at all- I feel amazing and still get a 5k in daily along with other exercises!
And please pray for Ellie's next echo on April 6. Thank y'all again!!! Much love from the Gladden family to y'all!!
Left Foot
Kissing Mommy on the Placenta :)
Alien picture as we look in the orbits to see she has 2 eyeballs!
Side profile again
Long legs like mommy and daddy!
Crossed legs at the ankles like a little lady!
Wednesday, March 1, 2017
Domestic Diva: Healthy Zucchini Spaghetti Casserole!
I LOVE to eat! I constantly tell my husband that Food is an unwritten love language. If he spoke words of affirmation to me while serving me some yummylicious food- I'd drown from the love waves! And he does it, too!!
But, I want the food I eat to be healthy, nutritious, and beneficial to my body! God gave me a body to care for and honor Him with- so I need to care for it! I believe healthy food can be really tasty- in fact I know it is. Healthy dinners are all I cook for my family- and you wouldn't know the difference in taste!
Last night, I made a comfort food special- Zucchini Spaghetti Casserole. A healthy spin on the carbs!
* 3 large zucchinis
* Jar of low sodium, vegetable filled spaghetti sauce. My fave is Mia's Kitchen: Pasta Sauce: Kale. (If using just a regular jar of spaghetti sauce, I like to jazz it up slightly with one chopped onion and a teaspoon of minced garlic.)
*1 lb of lean hamburger meat. (Usually I use lean ground turkey, but I am pregnant and borderline anemic- so I have to get that red meat! So make it as lean as possible!)
*Sharp shredded cheddar cheese and Mozzarella shredded cheese
( Note: These pictured above are NOT my photos.)
*Large mixing bowl
*9x13 casserole dish
*Vegetti (preferred) or can use a Mandolin slicer- Anything to help you easily achieve the noodle shape from the zucchini.
* Skillet or pan for browning meat
*I start by using the Vegetti to "spiralize" or "noodleize" the zucchini. It is super easy, just hold it over a big mixing bowl and get to twisting!
*Then, I brown my meat and drain any grease in the pan.
*I dump the browned, drained meat on to the zucchini noodles, then add the sauce, and anything else I may want to add such as the chopped onion and minced garlic.
*Stir well so that the noodles are coated well by the meat sauce.
*Spray or lightly coat a casserole dish with olive oil to prevent sticking, then pour the mixture into the casserole dish.
*I chose to lightly coat the top with a little cheese. This is optional.
*Then, let bake at 375 degrees for 35 minutes.
VOILA! Bon Appetite, mes amis!! This feeds easily a family of 6-8. I make large family proportions because leftovers are easy for our busy schedules.
But, I want the food I eat to be healthy, nutritious, and beneficial to my body! God gave me a body to care for and honor Him with- so I need to care for it! I believe healthy food can be really tasty- in fact I know it is. Healthy dinners are all I cook for my family- and you wouldn't know the difference in taste!
Last night, I made a comfort food special- Zucchini Spaghetti Casserole. A healthy spin on the carbs!
* 3 large zucchinis
* Jar of low sodium, vegetable filled spaghetti sauce. My fave is Mia's Kitchen: Pasta Sauce: Kale. (If using just a regular jar of spaghetti sauce, I like to jazz it up slightly with one chopped onion and a teaspoon of minced garlic.)
*1 lb of lean hamburger meat. (Usually I use lean ground turkey, but I am pregnant and borderline anemic- so I have to get that red meat! So make it as lean as possible!)
*Sharp shredded cheddar cheese and Mozzarella shredded cheese
( Note: These pictured above are NOT my photos.)
*Large mixing bowl
*9x13 casserole dish
*Vegetti (preferred) or can use a Mandolin slicer- Anything to help you easily achieve the noodle shape from the zucchini.
* Skillet or pan for browning meat
Note: Still not my photo- I'll do better next time! ;)
But, here you can see the Vegetti, and what it does for your zucchini. Awesome!!
*I start by using the Vegetti to "spiralize" or "noodleize" the zucchini. It is super easy, just hold it over a big mixing bowl and get to twisting!
*Then, I brown my meat and drain any grease in the pan.
*I dump the browned, drained meat on to the zucchini noodles, then add the sauce, and anything else I may want to add such as the chopped onion and minced garlic.
*Stir well so that the noodles are coated well by the meat sauce.
*Spray or lightly coat a casserole dish with olive oil to prevent sticking, then pour the mixture into the casserole dish.
*I chose to lightly coat the top with a little cheese. This is optional.
*Then, let bake at 375 degrees for 35 minutes.
Ready for a cheese topping!
Mmm! Cheese! ;)
VOILA! Bon Appetite, mes amis!! This feeds easily a family of 6-8. I make large family proportions because leftovers are easy for our busy schedules.
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