Any nursery for any of mine and Eric's little babies would be special. How could any nursery not be special?! It is your child's special place in the home! But there are elements in her nursery that to us, make it an extra special place!
The Furniture: The crib is special because my sister gave it to us (completely free- thank you SO much!) It was a safe place for her baby girls, Lydia and Laurel. Our sweet nieces! It came to us in excellent condition with a cherry finish. I sanded, cleaned, chalk painted and waxed the crib to match the other pieces in the room. So it came from my family and I was able to create with it something special as Ellie's mommy, for Ellie's room!
The dresser and changing table as mentioned in an earlier blog post, were pieces that were given to me in 1990 when I was born. I used those all of my life- all the way until I moved in with Eric. And even then, we moved the furniture in to Eric's praying that God willing it could one day be our child's, too. As you know, I also sanded, cleaned, chalk painted, and waxed those pieces, too. Again- another couple of ways her furniture alone makes her room special.
The Decor: I never really wanted a "theme" per say for the room; but I knew I wanted her room to be filled with God's word, pink, and class! There are three different pieces that display scripture relevant to Ellie and things we want her to know as we raise her prayerfully and guide her to know a life of loving and following and desiring Jesus.
I'm a southern belle. Ellie will be too with a tiny mix of "yankee" in her- as is our family joke! But no doubt our girl will have southern twang, style, and class- but with a little yankee sass. Just like I like it! Therefore- monogram!! Monogram everything!!
Classy, Elegant, and Girly? These elements are found in the pink, and chandelier, canopy and her crystal knobs donning her furniture. These are soooo her mommy. I hope she is girly!!
The Clothes: I bought 3 onesies for Ellie. That is it. The amount of clothes you see--and trust me there are many you can't see- many, many--came from loving and wonderful family and friends. This child will have to wear many outfits a day! Fashionista! My sister, cousin, all 4 parents, and close girlfriends and family friends have blessed our Ellie's body with clothes so well. Thank y'all for the blessing you filled her closet with!
The Stuffed Animals: Almost every single little stuffed animal in Ellie's basket belonged to me as a little girl. I only saved the very special ones to me. I have a few from my heart surgeries in storage I never really played with because even then they were so special to me.But the ones in the basket are still very special to me. I wanted Ellie to have them! So I saved them and prayed for a girl!
The Paint: My darling husband got home from work earlier than I one evening. Excited beyond imagination- he took it upon himself to go ahead and paint the room the color he knew I wanted. I came home, and my daughter's room was painted. I sat in there and took it in and imagined the very nursery you see! So thankful he is my husband- but thankful too that he is my daughter's daddy! She is so insanely blessed with her daddy!
The Wreathe: My mama surprised me by making Ellie a girly wreathe for both her bedroom door and the hospital door. There is a little chalk board that will go in the center at the hospital with Miss Ellie's stats displayed!
Her special place in our home as a new family of 3....or really 5 because our dogs are our babies, too- is doted with sooo much love, care, attention, and the Spirit of God! This room will be a place for rest, peace, fun with friends, learning, growth, and love. I can't wait to see how this nursery grows with Ellie. :)
Saturday, June 24, 2017
Thursday, June 22, 2017
Hospital Mini Meal Plan
I know y'all think I am crazy for not letting friends and family feed my family and make us meals with the arrival of Ellie. I have already taken care of my family's needs and it is honestly way easier on us not having to wash other people's dishes or remember who to write our thanks to (though we do appreciate the thought and gesture). We also do not want visitors outside of immediate family for the first month as we recover and adjust to a new life, a new person, new needs, and new routines. Every day I open my freezer and see my 32 meals colorful and ready, I beam with joy and satisfaction knowing my family is cared for, prepared for, healthy, and happy. As is one of my many roles in this home! We are as ready as new parents can be!!
And now- I have prepared to eat healthy while in the hospital. Healthy food is SO vitally important to me. And while I have consumed more simple carbs and things I would not ever normally as I've been pregnant ( in moderation)- it all ends starting with my first meal post delivery. I already know or have at least been warned that due to the calories burned in delivery and breastfeeding, I will be a ravenous monster. But I refuse hospital food and fast food....especially fast food (Doesn't satiate anyway). No reason why healthy food can't meet those hunger pangs! And thus, I have prepared!
In my hospital bag, I have packed already the non refrigerated or produce items. For what I cannot pack, I have a list for a family member to grab later. (Thanks mama and daddy!) ;)
Breakfast: I have not faltered yet on my usual breakfast order and I don't plan to stop now!
Oatmeal! I dress my oats up with cinnamon ( a great detox spice), dark cocoa (aka; carob; an excellent detox agent), and organic almond butter (healthy fats and plant protein). A high fiber and protein meal.
Snacks: I will have fruit- apples, and different berries like raspberries and blueberries. I have some organic, crushed almond granola packed- (when getting granola you must pay attention to every single nutritional fact. Watch the sugars especially. Most granolas are loaded with sugar. Bad!!) I will also be pre-making some vegan protein balls. I have enjoyed these for years but I am also told these are good for lactation/milk supply. Major Bonus if true. But in addition- they are also a satisfying healthy small protein treat! Fill you up quick!
And now- I have prepared to eat healthy while in the hospital. Healthy food is SO vitally important to me. And while I have consumed more simple carbs and things I would not ever normally as I've been pregnant ( in moderation)- it all ends starting with my first meal post delivery. I already know or have at least been warned that due to the calories burned in delivery and breastfeeding, I will be a ravenous monster. But I refuse hospital food and fast food....especially fast food (Doesn't satiate anyway). No reason why healthy food can't meet those hunger pangs! And thus, I have prepared!
In my hospital bag, I have packed already the non refrigerated or produce items. For what I cannot pack, I have a list for a family member to grab later. (Thanks mama and daddy!) ;)
Breakfast: I have not faltered yet on my usual breakfast order and I don't plan to stop now!
Oatmeal! I dress my oats up with cinnamon ( a great detox spice), dark cocoa (aka; carob; an excellent detox agent), and organic almond butter (healthy fats and plant protein). A high fiber and protein meal.
Snacks: I will have fruit- apples, and different berries like raspberries and blueberries. I have some organic, crushed almond granola packed- (when getting granola you must pay attention to every single nutritional fact. Watch the sugars especially. Most granolas are loaded with sugar. Bad!!) I will also be pre-making some vegan protein balls. I have enjoyed these for years but I am also told these are good for lactation/milk supply. Major Bonus if true. But in addition- they are also a satisfying healthy small protein treat! Fill you up quick!
Vegan Protein Balls
(I eyeball all measurements)
Vanilla Vegan protein powder
Flax seed
Chia Seed
Dark Cocoa (carob)
Almond Butter
Natural Honey
Roll into balls or form into small bars
Bake 325 degrees for 20-30 minutes
They should be doughy, but slightly crumbly
Lunch: Protein Shakes. Vegan Vanilla protein and water. I usually load them up with kale, spinach, and avocado- but I can't bring the entire grocery store into the hospital. And my shake grinder would be way too loud for a L&D floor. This will be easy to shake and chill just keeping it simple. As little sides, I'll add some fruit.
Dinner: This was a harder one to hospital prep for. I prepare and cook dinner every night. I need a kitchen. So I have decided 2-3 nights without a kitchen, we will just have to be flexible. I am packing a lite vinaigrette dressing. I will have a family member grab a salad with some grilled chicken and some veggies.
Healthy eating and a healthy lifestyle is important for me and should be a priority for everyone. Nourishing my body nourishes Ellie, helps keep my heart resilient and strong and healthy, and will also aide in my healing and recovering quickly so that I am back to me ASAP for my family.
Just another way to prepare for your family and a reminder that in all situations, healthy options can be made!
1 Corinthians 10:31
" So, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God."
Tuesday, June 20, 2017
An Ellie Blurb
Alright- this one is coming straight out of my brain and into my typing fingers. I went to the doctor today to routine check up on Ellie. We were told that both she and I are "literally perfect." Awesome news. Blessed news. The weekly visits start next week. They did a check list with me: *Car seat loaded? *Pediatrician picked out? *Bags packed? *Plans made? Checks all around.
I keep discussing Ellie with Eric daily as we are excited, imagine, and prepare. But sometimes my dog Blondie feels more real to me than Ellie. I can touch Blondie, kiss her, hug her, tell her I love her. I can only whisper away to a big round belly and know that Ellie can hear my voice. I can only imagine her face. I can only pretend what life will be like. I am so excited to actually meet her face and have a routine with Ellie. I want to watch Ellie grow and learn and play. I want to laugh at Ellie and laugh with her. Sometimes- no matter how much I feel her kicking, flipping, and rolling in my tummy, I can't fully grasp into reality what having her out and in my arms will be like. But then there are times like just a few moments ago, when I imagine her birthday- quickly approaching, and I become overwhelmed with " Oh my gosh" over and over aloud as I consider that this Flicker of mine will soon be something...someone I can hold, touch, smell, feel, listen to, see. I imagine the moment they put her on my chest crying and cold as she left my warm, dark tummy; and I see Eric's beautiful face as he becomes a daddy. I see his beautiful smile and bright eyes. I hear his loving sweet voice, I see his joy exude. And I can see me crying overwhelmed with emotions. Will the moment be like this?...probably even better! I cannot wait to record the moment in real life.
Then I imagine how life will change and how there will be a 3rd human in this house. New sounds and a new routine. New needs for me to meet. Will I know what I am doing? I am constantly told it will all come naturally. I just want to be the best I can be for our daughter. I want to protect her, grow her, love on her, make her happy. I want her to feel and know love and to love me! I am so honored God is allowing both of us this huge responsibility and these roles. I am going to be a mommy. Somebody will actually call me mommy. I won't be just an aunt. I'll be a precious little girl's mommy! How long does it take until I will actually feel like her mommy? Is it instant? There are moments now I feel it in spurts. Such as when I am in a crowded environment. I hold my bump or am ready at a millisecond notice to guard with my arms anything that comes near my Ellie Belly. To protect her from danger or harm. In the choices and decisions I make. God allowed me to become a mommy. What a miracle and an anomaly.
The magic day will be here in really no more than 6 weeks. Maybe less. This is one moment my Type A and in control personality must be completely in the dark and have no clue. I am not allowed to mark my calendar. Where will I be when labor starts? Will my water break? Will I be calm? How long will it last? When is her birthday? Who will be the doctor on call? Will it be morning or night? God has it all in His plans and is laughing at the over controlling type A girl He created, right now.
Who knew excitement could also be so overwhelming? I'm going to be a mommy. We are going to be parents. In approximately 40 days. I can't wait to blog about the entire experience and blog on her growth and the fun ahead. The changes and the challenges. The special moments. Ahhh!!!
I keep discussing Ellie with Eric daily as we are excited, imagine, and prepare. But sometimes my dog Blondie feels more real to me than Ellie. I can touch Blondie, kiss her, hug her, tell her I love her. I can only whisper away to a big round belly and know that Ellie can hear my voice. I can only imagine her face. I can only pretend what life will be like. I am so excited to actually meet her face and have a routine with Ellie. I want to watch Ellie grow and learn and play. I want to laugh at Ellie and laugh with her. Sometimes- no matter how much I feel her kicking, flipping, and rolling in my tummy, I can't fully grasp into reality what having her out and in my arms will be like. But then there are times like just a few moments ago, when I imagine her birthday- quickly approaching, and I become overwhelmed with " Oh my gosh" over and over aloud as I consider that this Flicker of mine will soon be something...someone I can hold, touch, smell, feel, listen to, see. I imagine the moment they put her on my chest crying and cold as she left my warm, dark tummy; and I see Eric's beautiful face as he becomes a daddy. I see his beautiful smile and bright eyes. I hear his loving sweet voice, I see his joy exude. And I can see me crying overwhelmed with emotions. Will the moment be like this?...probably even better! I cannot wait to record the moment in real life.
Then I imagine how life will change and how there will be a 3rd human in this house. New sounds and a new routine. New needs for me to meet. Will I know what I am doing? I am constantly told it will all come naturally. I just want to be the best I can be for our daughter. I want to protect her, grow her, love on her, make her happy. I want her to feel and know love and to love me! I am so honored God is allowing both of us this huge responsibility and these roles. I am going to be a mommy. Somebody will actually call me mommy. I won't be just an aunt. I'll be a precious little girl's mommy! How long does it take until I will actually feel like her mommy? Is it instant? There are moments now I feel it in spurts. Such as when I am in a crowded environment. I hold my bump or am ready at a millisecond notice to guard with my arms anything that comes near my Ellie Belly. To protect her from danger or harm. In the choices and decisions I make. God allowed me to become a mommy. What a miracle and an anomaly.
The magic day will be here in really no more than 6 weeks. Maybe less. This is one moment my Type A and in control personality must be completely in the dark and have no clue. I am not allowed to mark my calendar. Where will I be when labor starts? Will my water break? Will I be calm? How long will it last? When is her birthday? Who will be the doctor on call? Will it be morning or night? God has it all in His plans and is laughing at the over controlling type A girl He created, right now.
Who knew excitement could also be so overwhelming? I'm going to be a mommy. We are going to be parents. In approximately 40 days. I can't wait to blog about the entire experience and blog on her growth and the fun ahead. The changes and the challenges. The special moments. Ahhh!!!
2 Years and the Honeymoon Still Ain't Over, Y'all!
All I ever wanted or desired in all my life was a wonderful husband. I can remember being in first grade, having sleepovers with girlfriends, and falling asleep in my Disney themed sleeping bag, dreaming about what my future husband would look like and be like. What his name might be.
I had imagined like most people do around here that I would have graduated college one weekend, then been married by the next at 22 years old. But that was not God's design for my life. So- not wanting to just date any random guy, or to settle, or try to make things work with a "nice enough" guy- I vowed to stay single and I vowed to only date my husband. That sounds impossible to a lot of people. But when you work with God and vow to Him and pray for truly His will- accepting it-even if it means no husband- you know and believe that no matter what the outcome you will only be eternally happy. You have to first have an amazing relationship with God. Make God your everything and then always keep Him in that position. Many friends and family members of mine can tell you that I was lonely and pining for my husband. However, guys would ask me out and I would turn them down. Some would say to me that I should at least give them a try. But why waste anybody's time? I knew they were not mine.
It was hard for people to understand my prayer and how God had answered it. I literally prayed this prayer, "God, please build a brick wall around me so that no man would see me or desire me unless he were my husband- if a husband is your will for me. Allow that brick wall to also aide as my blinders so that I too will not see or desire a man who is not my husband you may have designed for me. Allow that brick wall to tumble down the moment my husband has arrived. God, you say ask and it will be given, you say You will give us the desires of our hearts. I desire nothing more in this life than to marry a wonderful Godly, handsome, loving man. But more than this desire, I desire Your will. I will honor You and praise You, God- even if it means I am single all of my life." Then, I'd made a very specific, non-settling list of all the qualities I desired in my future husband and I prayed over those. I would not under any circumstance take anything less because these were the things that really mattered to me in a Godly spouse and I knew that if God was to design a husband for me, then that man would possess every quality.
Then, one Sunday at good ole' Mt. Airy, in a pew with friend, Robbie Funk, while singing along with the choir- my eyes spotted a tall, handsome, smiling, dimpled, broad shouldered, bright, silver-speckled hair man walking up the aisle coming right up beside me. Y'all----I am not kidding a bit when I say----the brick wall tumbled in that very moment. My heart was pounding and soaring and exploding in my chest. Love at first sight? Heck no. I don't believe in that. God's opening of my eyes---HECK YES! This man was mine! And I had no clue who he was!
And in only 2 weeks post this sighting and revelation did we then become inseparable. God had answered my prayers. But, this non-settling list I made of the qualities of my husband? The one that could not possibly be topped? God somehow created more on that list. He did not take away- God added to that list!! God gave me more in Eric than I even knew I desired! I don't even know how that is possible! But- nothing is impossible when you give it to God!
Eric is my best friend. My BEST friend!! People would always tell me after he and I were engaged and after hearing, seeing, witnessing my gushing love and giddiness for him- that these feelings were cute but would only last a little while. "Life changes and so does your marriage." And while they said I would always love Eric, they said these giddy loving feelings would eventually simmer down. I cannot tell you how MAD those people in my life made me when they would say that. As offensive as this may be- and I do not mean it offensively- those are the people who quit trying in their own marriages. Now I fully understand there are some marriages where one spouse is giving 110% and the other spouse 0% and I feel truly sorry for those people who are fighting to no avail for their marriages. That is a different scenario. But for those who say things like this and think it is normal and simply just stop trying...those who may not necessarily have a bad marriage but have a less than fun, hot, spicy, exciting, loving, adventurous marriage- do not EVER tell me that my marriage will be like that. I prayed with all my might for God's will and He gave it. And I will never ever EVER take that HUGE blessing for granted! No marriage is perfect but I swear----our marriage is probably the closest thing to perfect this earth can see. And I do not mean that haughtily or arrogantly. I credit it all to God. It is not because we are two perfect people, on the contrary, my friends, it is because we are two very, very, imperfect people who trust God to lead our marriage. God is the heat and spice and romance of our love. We choose to forgive. We choose not to have petty arguments. We choose to respect. We choose to honor. We choose to fight for each other. We choose to put ourselves last. We choose to have insight into the other's feelings and desires. We choose to listen. We choose to apologize immediately. We choose to make time for one another. We choose to serve one another. We choose to play together and be each other's best friend and companion. We choose to be a team. We choose our marriage and we choose to love God more than one another. Love is an emotion but it also and most importantly a choice. And that is romantic. To choose everything else for your spouse before yourself. To choose to have as strong a marriage as possible.
There will still be skeptical, bitter, and sour people who love to stomp on other people's happiness who will say things like...well it has only been 2 years and you have no children... or you have not faced hard things together yet.,.. call me in 10 years...etc. etc. To those people I would say again and again- We are not you. We are us. We have faced some things that nobody else could possibly understand and they have only made us stronger together, We are aware life will bring challenges and again- we choose to be teammates through the challenges of life. Any marriage that glorifies God will harshly be attacked by the stupid and weak little devil in hell below. So trust us- we know life will have challenges- we expect them- again- we choose and refuse to be torn apart by life but rather choose to allow God to make us an indestructible force of strength and love and happiness.
I can honestly say the honeymoon is still going strong and only gets more and more fun! I don't understand how it is possible but I truly love Eric more and more with every single passing day. Not only does my love grow but my respect, appreciation, and desire for him grows, too! He is a blessing beyond belief. I will never take him for granted and I will be on fire for his love every moment of my life.
We are so excited as our marriage is growing into a family of 3 in about one more month! Watching Eric discover his fatherhood role and the joy it brings him just constantly explodes this joy in my heart. We have in preparation to become parents vowed to remember our love for God first, then one another, then our Ellie, then ourselves. I am so thankful to see the physical creation of our love and literally hold a tangible expression of our love in our arms!
So- readers, friends, family----
* Thank you for those of you who have invested in our love and relationship.
* Do not EVER tell me that I am in a "Honeymoon Phase".....I am in a better than honeymoon life love thanks to my amazing God and allowing His will and not mine.
*Wives should spoil husbands just as much if not more as they expect their husbands to spoil them, It is a beautiful circle of love and it doesn't have to be fancy or complicated.
* And do remember- to fight for your marriage and your love. Even if it means just you going in alone on the fight for a while. It is so worth it. Let God lead your love story. I did!
And to my darling Eric- thank you for your loyalty to God, to your wife, and to your family. Thank you for being a goof ball and dancing with me and opening yourself up to me even when it makes you shy. Thank you for your many sacrifices, hard work, and help. You do it all so effortlessly simply because you just love me- its like a no brainer to you. You make your service seem like a joy instead of a chore. I am so lucky and blessed. I will never take for granted your desire to love and serve me. I pray I display the same service and spoiling to you. I am in love with you emotionally, physically, and mentally. You enlighten all my senses and give me the biggest goofiest smile. I could never be fully me without you. I have never felt complete until I met you. You are my complete opposite and it works so perfectly. You are a beautiful person. I love your heart. I love YOU! Happy 2 year anniversary and 4 years of being in love! Here's to growing love for many many many God willing years ahead!! Muah!!
I had imagined like most people do around here that I would have graduated college one weekend, then been married by the next at 22 years old. But that was not God's design for my life. So- not wanting to just date any random guy, or to settle, or try to make things work with a "nice enough" guy- I vowed to stay single and I vowed to only date my husband. That sounds impossible to a lot of people. But when you work with God and vow to Him and pray for truly His will- accepting it-even if it means no husband- you know and believe that no matter what the outcome you will only be eternally happy. You have to first have an amazing relationship with God. Make God your everything and then always keep Him in that position. Many friends and family members of mine can tell you that I was lonely and pining for my husband. However, guys would ask me out and I would turn them down. Some would say to me that I should at least give them a try. But why waste anybody's time? I knew they were not mine.
It was hard for people to understand my prayer and how God had answered it. I literally prayed this prayer, "God, please build a brick wall around me so that no man would see me or desire me unless he were my husband- if a husband is your will for me. Allow that brick wall to also aide as my blinders so that I too will not see or desire a man who is not my husband you may have designed for me. Allow that brick wall to tumble down the moment my husband has arrived. God, you say ask and it will be given, you say You will give us the desires of our hearts. I desire nothing more in this life than to marry a wonderful Godly, handsome, loving man. But more than this desire, I desire Your will. I will honor You and praise You, God- even if it means I am single all of my life." Then, I'd made a very specific, non-settling list of all the qualities I desired in my future husband and I prayed over those. I would not under any circumstance take anything less because these were the things that really mattered to me in a Godly spouse and I knew that if God was to design a husband for me, then that man would possess every quality.
Then, one Sunday at good ole' Mt. Airy, in a pew with friend, Robbie Funk, while singing along with the choir- my eyes spotted a tall, handsome, smiling, dimpled, broad shouldered, bright, silver-speckled hair man walking up the aisle coming right up beside me. Y'all----I am not kidding a bit when I say----the brick wall tumbled in that very moment. My heart was pounding and soaring and exploding in my chest. Love at first sight? Heck no. I don't believe in that. God's opening of my eyes---HECK YES! This man was mine! And I had no clue who he was!
And in only 2 weeks post this sighting and revelation did we then become inseparable. God had answered my prayers. But, this non-settling list I made of the qualities of my husband? The one that could not possibly be topped? God somehow created more on that list. He did not take away- God added to that list!! God gave me more in Eric than I even knew I desired! I don't even know how that is possible! But- nothing is impossible when you give it to God!
Eric is my best friend. My BEST friend!! People would always tell me after he and I were engaged and after hearing, seeing, witnessing my gushing love and giddiness for him- that these feelings were cute but would only last a little while. "Life changes and so does your marriage." And while they said I would always love Eric, they said these giddy loving feelings would eventually simmer down. I cannot tell you how MAD those people in my life made me when they would say that. As offensive as this may be- and I do not mean it offensively- those are the people who quit trying in their own marriages. Now I fully understand there are some marriages where one spouse is giving 110% and the other spouse 0% and I feel truly sorry for those people who are fighting to no avail for their marriages. That is a different scenario. But for those who say things like this and think it is normal and simply just stop trying...those who may not necessarily have a bad marriage but have a less than fun, hot, spicy, exciting, loving, adventurous marriage- do not EVER tell me that my marriage will be like that. I prayed with all my might for God's will and He gave it. And I will never ever EVER take that HUGE blessing for granted! No marriage is perfect but I swear----our marriage is probably the closest thing to perfect this earth can see. And I do not mean that haughtily or arrogantly. I credit it all to God. It is not because we are two perfect people, on the contrary, my friends, it is because we are two very, very, imperfect people who trust God to lead our marriage. God is the heat and spice and romance of our love. We choose to forgive. We choose not to have petty arguments. We choose to respect. We choose to honor. We choose to fight for each other. We choose to put ourselves last. We choose to have insight into the other's feelings and desires. We choose to listen. We choose to apologize immediately. We choose to make time for one another. We choose to serve one another. We choose to play together and be each other's best friend and companion. We choose to be a team. We choose our marriage and we choose to love God more than one another. Love is an emotion but it also and most importantly a choice. And that is romantic. To choose everything else for your spouse before yourself. To choose to have as strong a marriage as possible.
There will still be skeptical, bitter, and sour people who love to stomp on other people's happiness who will say things like...well it has only been 2 years and you have no children... or you have not faced hard things together yet.,.. call me in 10 years...etc. etc. To those people I would say again and again- We are not you. We are us. We have faced some things that nobody else could possibly understand and they have only made us stronger together, We are aware life will bring challenges and again- we choose to be teammates through the challenges of life. Any marriage that glorifies God will harshly be attacked by the stupid and weak little devil in hell below. So trust us- we know life will have challenges- we expect them- again- we choose and refuse to be torn apart by life but rather choose to allow God to make us an indestructible force of strength and love and happiness.
I can honestly say the honeymoon is still going strong and only gets more and more fun! I don't understand how it is possible but I truly love Eric more and more with every single passing day. Not only does my love grow but my respect, appreciation, and desire for him grows, too! He is a blessing beyond belief. I will never take him for granted and I will be on fire for his love every moment of my life.
We are so excited as our marriage is growing into a family of 3 in about one more month! Watching Eric discover his fatherhood role and the joy it brings him just constantly explodes this joy in my heart. We have in preparation to become parents vowed to remember our love for God first, then one another, then our Ellie, then ourselves. I am so thankful to see the physical creation of our love and literally hold a tangible expression of our love in our arms!
So- readers, friends, family----
* Thank you for those of you who have invested in our love and relationship.
* Do not EVER tell me that I am in a "Honeymoon Phase".....I am in a better than honeymoon life love thanks to my amazing God and allowing His will and not mine.
*Wives should spoil husbands just as much if not more as they expect their husbands to spoil them, It is a beautiful circle of love and it doesn't have to be fancy or complicated.
* And do remember- to fight for your marriage and your love. Even if it means just you going in alone on the fight for a while. It is so worth it. Let God lead your love story. I did!
And to my darling Eric- thank you for your loyalty to God, to your wife, and to your family. Thank you for being a goof ball and dancing with me and opening yourself up to me even when it makes you shy. Thank you for your many sacrifices, hard work, and help. You do it all so effortlessly simply because you just love me- its like a no brainer to you. You make your service seem like a joy instead of a chore. I am so lucky and blessed. I will never take for granted your desire to love and serve me. I pray I display the same service and spoiling to you. I am in love with you emotionally, physically, and mentally. You enlighten all my senses and give me the biggest goofiest smile. I could never be fully me without you. I have never felt complete until I met you. You are my complete opposite and it works so perfectly. You are a beautiful person. I love your heart. I love YOU! Happy 2 year anniversary and 4 years of being in love! Here's to growing love for many many many God willing years ahead!! Muah!!
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We are in Charleston! I received a phone call last month the day after I let everyone in on what was happening in my life, from MUSC. They ...
Time truly is an odd thing. Our time on Earth is short, even if we manage to live 100+ years. We can hardly fathom eternity and the length...
I can’t get over how much God has allowed my life in my total 33 years. 29 years ago and some days, I was having my most recent cardiac re...