Thursday, June 22, 2017

Hospital Mini Meal Plan

I know y'all think I am crazy for not letting friends and family feed my family and make us meals with the arrival of Ellie. I have already taken care of my family's needs and it is honestly way easier on us not having to wash other people's dishes or remember who to write our thanks to (though we do appreciate the thought and gesture). We also do not want visitors outside of immediate family for the first month as we recover and adjust to a new life, a new person, new needs, and new routines. Every day I open my freezer and see my 32 meals colorful and ready, I beam with joy and satisfaction knowing my family is cared for, prepared for, healthy, and happy. As is one of  my many roles in this home! We are as ready as new parents can be!!

And now- I have prepared to eat healthy while in the hospital. Healthy food is SO vitally important to me. And while I have consumed more simple carbs and things I would not ever normally as I've been pregnant ( in moderation)- it all ends starting with my first meal post delivery. I already know or have at least been warned that due to the calories burned in delivery and breastfeeding, I will be a ravenous monster. But I refuse hospital food and fast food....especially fast food (Doesn't satiate anyway). No reason why healthy food can't meet those hunger pangs! And thus, I have prepared!

In my hospital bag, I have packed already the non refrigerated or produce items. For what I cannot pack, I have a list for a family member to grab later. (Thanks mama and daddy!) ;)

Breakfast: I have not faltered yet on my usual breakfast order and I don't plan to stop now!
Oatmeal! I dress my oats up with cinnamon ( a great detox spice), dark cocoa (aka; carob; an excellent detox agent), and organic almond butter (healthy fats and plant protein). A high fiber and protein meal.

Snacks: I will have fruit- apples, and different berries like raspberries and blueberries. I have some organic, crushed almond granola packed- (when getting granola you must pay attention to every single nutritional fact. Watch the sugars especially. Most granolas are loaded with sugar. Bad!!) I will also be pre-making some vegan protein balls. I have enjoyed these for years but I am also told these are good for lactation/milk supply. Major Bonus if true. But in addition- they are also a satisfying healthy small protein treat! Fill you up quick!

Vegan Protein Balls
(I eyeball all measurements)

Vanilla Vegan protein powder
Flax seed
Chia Seed
Dark Cocoa (carob)
Almond Butter
Natural Honey 

Roll into balls or form into small bars
Bake 325 degrees for 20-30 minutes
They should be doughy, but slightly crumbly

Lunch: Protein Shakes. Vegan Vanilla protein and water. I usually load them up with kale, spinach, and avocado- but I can't bring the entire grocery store into the hospital. And my shake grinder would be way too loud for a L&D floor. This will be easy to shake and chill just keeping it simple. As little sides, I'll add some fruit. 

Dinner: This was a harder one to hospital prep for. I prepare and cook dinner every night. I need a kitchen. So I have decided 2-3 nights without a kitchen, we will just have to be flexible. I am packing a lite vinaigrette dressing. I will have a family member grab a salad with some grilled chicken and some veggies. 

Healthy eating and a healthy lifestyle is important for me and should be a priority for everyone. Nourishing my body nourishes Ellie, helps keep my heart resilient and strong and healthy, and will also aide in my healing and recovering quickly so that I am back to me ASAP for my family. 

Just another way to prepare for your family and a reminder that in all situations, healthy options can be made! 

1 Corinthians 10:31

So, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God."

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