Sunday, March 18, 2018


Well! It happened! Ellie said her first official word! "Dada!"

It was such a sweet experience. We Three E's + Blondie went to Jones Gap late this afternoon to take some pictures of Ellie to satisfy my pinterest bucket list of things to do with Ellie as well as to just hang out and relax as a family. For those who always ask about Cajun....he is old. He was happy to have the house to himself in complete silence, trust me. We did him a favor! Once we got back home, we were playing with Ellie and helping her to wear completely out before bedtime routine. She was in my arms climbing up my shoulders when she looked down on the floor and saw Eric. They made eye contact and smiled big at each other...Ellie's entire face lighting up and eyes being swollowed by big happy cheeks...she utters, "Dada!" It was the purest sweetest moment! Eric and I both gasped in excitement, surprise, joy, and delight! We freaked out a little!

And as the wife of this "Dada," I want to add my proud wifey two cents. This man works full time, goes to school almost full time so that he can achieve his chemical engineer dreams and also provide for us girls so we can live the life we believe God has called us to. He works late hours balancing both disciplines. He sees Ellie usually only 2, maybe 3 days a week (this semester)(And praise God this will all be temporary). But that little girl knows who her daddy is because when he is home...he is present and involved and all about his time with Ellie! He pursues little Ellie and she looks for him when he leaves a room. She cries when we leave him in the car. She knows her Daddy's voice, smell, and touch. She not only needs her daddy, she wants him, loves him, and trusts him. As she should. I am so so thankful she has him as her daddy. She is a very fortunate little lady and she clearly knows that!

No wonder she called out to the best man in her world, her Dada!

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