Saturday, February 29, 2020

“There’s No Such Thing as Bad Weather” book review

This Book!!!! Yes!!! Oh I love it so stinkin' much!! I have been SO blessed by God with the most amazing sister in the world who is the world's most amazing homeschooling mama, ever! I am so thankful to get to learn from her and follow in her footsteps with her wildly loving, helpful, and supportive self. And because she is so awesome (homeschooling 4 kids of her own!) she has inspired my soul, flipped my perspective, shown me truth, and opened my heart to the actual fact that the way America would have us raise our kids with its unnecessary standards and indoor school systems-making little ones who are so young to sit so still and do so much paperwork and follow such structure is just not the way children should be taught if we can at all help it. And if we can make sacrifices to help it-we should. Our children's childhood is dependent upon it. Obviously, not every home has a parent who is able to stay home but getting kids outdoors constantly should remain a top priority no matter one's situation. Children so small NEED to be outside playing. It is essential and childhood is so so fleeting. In fact-this benefits their learning...without the classroom. These are proven facts. Just dive in and find out the wonderful truth for yourself.

I am constantly reading books. My most recent read was "There's No Such Thing as Bad Weather" by: Linda Åkeson McGurk. This is a Swedish mom who lives in Indiana with her two daughters. She takes them on a 6 month trip to Sweden, her hometown, and they experience life in Sweden where there is less pressure and stress of structures in schools, encouraged outdoor play, forest schools are common, and parents taking a step back in the worry department is favored vs frowned upon. It is a refreshing, enlightening, empowering, and encouraging read. Their normal is too often viewed as "weird" here and that is really sad because what they have is so beautiful and right!

This book absolutely factually proves how the outdoors in and of themselves are the best medicine and environment for kids. Screen time (particularly constant and daily and as a "go to") is  detrimental, crippling, and robbing of a child's communication skills, imagination, immunity, growth, and development physically and cognitively. It has its place for doing research of course. Children were designed by God to thrive outside. And not even just children but adults too. Research proves and is listed in reference by our fabulous author in the book multiple times that just the mere act of being outdoors is revitalizing to the system, the brain, and our health. She goes into great detail in her research and provides beautiful tantalizing details of proven facts how much better children perform, behave, sleep, eat, learn, and grow when given daily time outside to play-in all forms of weather.

As a southern belle I'd be darned if I'm going out in anything below 50F. However; having a little one who is growing and learning at such a fast rate-knowing the benefits that God's great natural design gives-I will wear 5 parkas if I must in order to let my daughter absorb all the richness of the outdoors. I really deeply encourage caregiver's to read this book for even just these research facts.

The rain has never been anything I am afraid of getting out in. I bought Ellie a HAPIU rain suit last year for Easter and rain boots. I don't mind if she goes outside and gets soaked-heck-she could run around naked in the rain and swim in the mud for all I care! However; it is not always desirable for a little one to be wet. Therefore; rain suits were invented and they are the most amazing things. In these, kids can go hiking, puddle jumping, and any other activity staying warm and dry! There are different brands. Ellie's is HAPIU,but another popular brand is oakiwear. I'll link one for example.

Note: There are several brands, colors, prints on Amazon, just do a search for "rain suit"

Our author notes that the proper clothing is really one of the key factors to getting a kid outside and playing comfortably without complaint. (If complaint is an issue-and with toddlers, we all know at times that is the case).

This book has changed my attitude. The novel took the knowledge I already had obtained from the wisdom of my sister, and established in me a strong root system and attitude towards going outside in the seemingly unfavorable conditions. Such as, EVERY. SINGLE. MORNING- without fail, Ellie wakes up and the first thing she says to me, "Good morning, Mommy! I wake up and see you! I wanna go outside!" And I say, "Ok! Let's get you dressed to play!" I cringe at the idea when it is still 26F out but I also rejoice because I am so happy my daughter loves the outdoors. So, I suck it up, put on 3 coats....yes, seriously....and we go out and play first thing every morning. Even before breakfast. And we explore, play games, and within minutes, we warm up as our bodies move full of curiosity and adventure. The book encouraged me to not respond with, "No let's wait 'til it warms up." "No, it's too cold." I say, "Ok!" And I mean it. Actually, just recently, Ellie asked to go outside after dinner. Eric, my husband (A Michigander) said, "It's cold now, Ellie." And I passionately shouted from the couch, "No!! We don't say that around here!" He paused, and then stated, "Ok Ellie, let's get you a coat." And I had to laugh. He never knows where my research is going to take us next but he is always on board and supportive. He is the best. 

One other point I want to hit on that I love about the facts written in the book are the better immune systems of children who play outside and get good and dirty. I'm not bragging, I swear I'm not-But I know this to be true because the only illnesses Ellie has ever had in 2.5 years is ear infections (got that from her daddy), a couple colds, and a tummy bug. She has only ever gone to the doctor for ear infections regarding sickness. We are blessed humbly with a healthy baby and after God's own grace I place this good fortune on the earth and dirt God made as well. After all, God made dirt and dirt don't hurt!

Read the book! 5 stars from this "free range" mama!

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