Tuesday, September 29, 2020
Laurel Falls -Sevierville, TN - Trail Guide
Cheers to 30 Years! A Birthday Surprise Getaway with My Family!
Turning 30 was the next big milestone birthday of my life. Which I sort of find funny to say because once you have a baby - milestones are so frequent and way more wonderful for your child and feel like they are just for the baby. Still, this was a big birthday for me and for my family. Seeing as how not a single doctor believed I'd make it to live to go home after birth, or to be a teenager, or to have had no more surgeries since I was 4 years old. So to my family, 30 is a big deal and while I begrudgingly say I am now 30, I also praise God for that!
As I've said in some posts prior, there is absolutely nothing on earth that makes me happier or that is more desirable or appealing to me than to spend time with my family. My Eric and my Ellie. They are my most awesome best friends and make me the happiest. I love my girlfriends, but none of them compare to my family and they feel the same of their fams - and that is why we all are probably the best of gal pals. All I wanted was to go explore somewhere with my man and my baby.
Eric told me some time ago he had made plans for me and for what weekend (because if you know me on a basic level, you know I am booked for months on end.) I book for my family so many experiences, trips, places, adventures, camping, and I even plan quiet weekends alone at home just us three. So, to surprise me...you have to warn me, haha!
About a month before this cryptic birthday weekend was to arrive, Eric sent me a text and gave me a clue. This was the clue, "37764". Well, it's not a phone number or an area code....not map coordinates...it was a zip code. I just took the number and copy and pasted it to google and discovered we were going to the mountains of Tennessee!!! But I had not idea of any other details. But now I knew how to plan and pack. He knows I love surprises...but to also be prepared! Ha!
Then FINALLY the weekend of the trip arrived and we were off to Gatlinburg to stay in the most beautiful and perfect cabin with the most extraordinary view and away from all the craziness of town. So so so peaceful, prefect, fun, and beautiful! On our way there, we paused in Asheville for lunch and a drink at Hillman Brewery. I got a wonderful pumpkin fall beer - subtle and crisp.
On Saturday, I woke up at 5 am. Now, I used to get up at 4:30 to be at work by 6:15 to prepare the day for surgeries. Since Ellie has started sleeping through the night almost 3 years ago (it didn't take long Praise God!) I have not gotten up before 6 am. But I got up at 5 and got dressed, drank a coffee, and made breakfast. Ellie met me downstairs at like 5:15 and that is a very early morning for her as well. But when you are on vacation and about to have an adventure, it's nothing but joyous!
I wanted to go to Cade's Cove which I recently just wrote about that adventure so I'll just leave photos here for you in case you are planning or desiring to go, you can see just a smidgeon of how incredible it is!
After Cade's Cove, we went hiking at Laurel Falls which is between Cade's Cove and Gatlinburg (on the way). This hike was so nice! Easy, beautiful, paved, and short. We saw a couple get engaged in front of the falls, and I cried. I'm such a sap. We climbed around the falls a bit exploring then another equally favorite thing - we went back to the cabin for a homemade (husband made) spaghetti dinner. That precious thing cooked me dinner! He also got me some wine, spicy beer cheese and pita chips, and served me. Ellie wanted to relax a bit so while he and i connected in the kitchen, Ellie played Candyland...alone...making the gingerbread characters talk and walk haha. We had a family dinner in the cabin, got warm and cozy, then we played Twister! I laughed so hard! I was so sore from laughing as this was Ellie's first time playing and she was so into it and she was giggling so much and it has been probably 20+ years since I played and so my body in it's 30 year old state was like quivering! Ha! I lost. And Ellie sat on top of me and she just loved it. And Eric enjoyed watching and laughing at us both!
Then Ellie and I hopped in the shower together and we sang Motown music, Jesus music, and good ole Dolly Parton! Then when we were getting our pajamas on, Ellie jumped on the bed while I sang two of "our" songs I had playing. She was SO HAPPY! Like honestly that is the best birthday gift ever, to see my family happy, loving on one another, laughing, and being weird together! The best joy and gift.
Once again, we all snuggled, prayed, read books, sang songs, and then Eric and I went to bed and read guest's tales in the guest book. He turned on a fire for me and all was just so lovely and happy!
The last day we were there, I got up early yet again, took a hot shower, had a cup of coffee and watched the sun rise over the mountain. Eric watched for more bears (which we did get to see at Cade's Cove - see photo!)
Later, as the sun was mostly up, Ellie and I cuddled in the rocker and I turned on praise and worship music because the Holy Spirit Who is within me, praise God, was just on fire at the glory of His clouds ("The dust of His feet") and the sun, and the mountains, who all bow before God...that all of creation is His and that literally every single teeny tiny detail in creation was designed and thought up by God and He is so big and mindful of His creation that He has such purpose for even an Earthworm....and yet the biggest things on Earth ...such as the mountains...are still miniscule next to Him. And yet, as big as He is---He cares for me and works for my good. He is to have all the glory and I don't know how a person can see all these things and not see the face of God?! The Holy Spirit has to open your heart to Him - and that is between God and each individual alone. I am just so thankful and humbled that someone as selfish and snippy as me would be desired by God and I am in His kingdom forever. I was actually quivering, crying so hard, but trying to not let Ellie see me as I knew she wouldn't understand it was the joy and fire of the Holy Spirit and she might think I was sad. In fact, she felt my body shaking with the force of tears and breath in my lungs that she, without moving or turning around to look at me asked, "why are you laughing, mommy?" I just told her, "I just love God so much, baby." and she said, "Me too! I love God so much too, Mommy!" See?! Why on Earth would anything else be desirable? Best birthday ever. That is the way to celebrate life, y'all! I partied with the Holy Spirit and my incredible family that God blessed me beyond I deserve to have as my own.
After this time of praise and worship and a quiet morning, we sat out front in the swing, just laughing and talking as a fam a little more, then we kissed the perfect cabin goodbye and decided to go explore Pigeon Forge. But, Eric took the scenic route intentionally and because he did this - we saw a beautiful place off the beaten path with a nature trail full of fall foliage and swans in a pond!! He took us out there and let us go explore before heading into town. In Pigeon Forge, we saw the Christmas Inn and Ellie and I were both like oooo! So we parked and walked around. Ellie wrote Santa a letter. According to her, Santa received a drawing of a Jelly Fish and flowers. Haha! Then she dropped her letter in the box, and we ventured to one more winery for a quick tasting - then back to Gatlinburg for lunch at "Ol Red" (Blake Shelton's restaurant) and y'all it was really good! Good food, drinks, live entertainment, and great atmosphere. And just before we left for home, Ellie ran full out through a splash pad and got soaked and had a blast! We changed her into pajamas for the drive home.
The Aftermath: "Matters of the Heart" - Post Procedure & Other Big Life Events
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I can’t get over how much God has allowed my life in my total 33 years. 29 years ago and some days, I was having my most recent cardiac re...