I won't be posting every single week from now until May....I don't think....we will see... but as it is our first week, I thought for my memory's sake, document here. Ellie calls our homeschool, "Mommy School." She just decided this one day and well...it's true!
School for Ellie is actually no different whatsoever than any other day we have ever had here. She is 3. She has no business sitting in a desk, or sitting down period. She needs to run, play, sing, jump, dance, climb, go barefoot, explore, ask questions and get answers, go on field trips, and make big messes. And that's what we do and always have done. The only difference in our day is that I have organized myself so that I am more intentional in our play so that I know what I need, what we are doing, and what concepts we are touching on as we play. I do use some curriculum. They are:
1. The Homegrown Preschooler: Playing Skillfully Here
2. BFIAR (Before Five in a Row) Here
3. Exploring Nature with Children Here
4. Preschool Math Here
These are all about reading many many many books, making big messes, playing with puzzles, shapes, and exploring the world around us and crafting and wow...just really way more amazing things than I can list. SO, I have included a link to each so you can look into them yourself.
To me, Preschool MUST be playful, discovering, no stress, no hurry, not "dumbed down." NOT worksheets and sitting in circles all day long. Kids actually learn through movement, motion and play. Those aren't opinions, those are facts. My styles and inspirations are Charlotte Mason and Wild + Free. I love it. I am so thankful for the education my sister has lead me towards and the research, novels, books, Christian educators, and scientists in education to lead me to make this homeschool decision. But the main man who lead me here is the Holy Spirit shaking me and waking me to truth, light, and love that only He can show and give. And His showing me all these things took me and my husband to the most awesome decision we have made as parents yet; homeschooling.
I love it because I get to be the one who raises my child and teaches her. I get to keep her childhood in my life daily and not send her away for someone else to experience her childhood. I get a front row seat to watching her grow, learn, and become who God has created her to be. I used to have a TOTALLY different view on all this but GOD does wonderful works in the hearts of His children, and as one of His children, God showed me His will and opened my eyes, mind, and heart to the most amazing and beautiful life at home with my daughter. He is the one Who took me from never even wanting to children to not only wanting one, but to now being her teacher! Only God can change a heart this way. I so believe in what we are doing here in our household and this is our journey. :)
Week One!
Up, Up, and Awayyyy! We built a hot air balloon! After reading a couple hot air balloon stories, we used the book and blanket basket from our den and tied helium filled balloons to it. I pulled Ellie around in it with the basket sitting on top of her boogie board. Ellie loved this and also pulled her baby dolls around the yard pretending they were flying. When the thrill of the ride "blew away," we took the balloons and painted them with spray bottles full of paint! We got super messy, had a paint war in the yard, and then Ellie just started slapping paint on the balloons all over. Paint everywhere in her hair, on her body, and on the grass! Such a blast! She kept calling it all "my hot air balloon!"
Ellie was amazed with how these balloons were able to fly. We were able to learn about helium gas as well expansion of molecules in heat and how hot air rises and lifts balloons. Gross motor skills in squeezing spray bottles, depth perception, pressure and problem solving as she painted the floating balloons, and decision making.
We also had the blessed privilege to take her this week following this theme to an actual Hot Air Balloon Festival where she got to ride in a Hot Air Balloon!! It was truly perfect!
We are studying Chihuly for 3 months. Dale Chihuly. My husband and I visited our Aunt and Uncle in Seattle, WA about 4 years ago and got to see his work. So stunning. I am happy to introduce Ellie to this colorful and fun artist and his beautiful work. We will be doing many of his projects in our own flair over the next three months as well as having a field trip to view an exhibit of his in Nashville in October. Hopefully we will be able to take Ellie to Seattle to visit our family and see Chihuly next year as a bonus!! For this week, we made a "glass chandelier sculpture." We used as many used water bottles as we could collect. Ellie, Eric, our friend Sam, and myself all painted the bottles over a couple of days. Ellie chose her colors and used brushes and just her paint covered hands to cover the plastic bottles in paint. Then when all of that was completed, Ellie and I sat at breakfast one morning having a pic nic together on the floor, and we cut the bottles into spirals. Well, Ellie tried. Then together, we weaved them onto pipe cleaner and yarn in a tiered fashion then hung the sculpture in her room! She has two beautiful books about Chihuly and she really is enjoying these. She knew after just one day that Chihuly worked with glass. We looked at the different shapes, colors, and structures and the discussion and observation in doing this was awesome.
We live on an "8 acre lake" technically a pond. We did a pond study which we actually do rather frequently. We read all of the "Frog & Toad" books ever written, "Let's Look in Ponds and Rivers," and "Botany: Plants, Cells, & Photosynthesis."We read the books throughout a day. We LOVE reading around here. Books are Ellie's favorite gift. During the pond study, we saw many countless mosquitofish and caught one! We also discovered something totally new to us. Have you ever heard of a Bryozoan? In the pond we discovered this and here is a description of what this is:
"Bryozoans are microscopic aquatic invertebrates that live in colonies. The colonies of different species take different forms, building exoskeletons (outer protective structures) similar to those of corals. Most colonies are attached to a structure such as a rock or submerged branch.Frese means “moss animal”), or trace delicately like vines across rocks, or create furry-looking colonies. hwater bryozoans' exoskeletons are gelatinous (like jelly) or chitinous (like the "shells" of insects). Therefore, some colonies take the form of rounded, jellylike masses, while others resemble antlers or mosses (bryophyte means 'moss animal') or trace delicately like vines across rocks, or create furry looking colonies."
We went to our friend and music teacher's home to start our day and played in water beads and pretended it was a pond. I read books to Ellie while she played. We cut out foam lily pads to out in the water beads and brought her plastic insects such as dragonflies, ants, and beetles to play with. We also did a small nature walk on their property where it was cool, calm, and so quiet and peaceful together. We found mushrooms, moss, lichen, caterpillars, and so many beautiful leaves. Then we came home and used a clear bin filled with water for more exploitative play! I gave Ellie blue food due and let her squirt drops into the water and she loved that. She watched the drops disperse in a ring in the water and then she mixed it up. We put the lily pads in here as well and added ice cubes from a tray. Ellie enjoyed squeezing the cubes out of the tray, eating the ice, and holding it as it was such a hot summer day. Then our friends Sam and Molly came to play in the splash pad and paint with us!
Another day, we woke up and took a spontaneous trip to North Carolina to the NC Arboretum to see an exhibition of lego sculptures and all the gardens. We took a hike there also and enjoyed a pic-nic. My favorite thing about this was the major blessing from God that we do have the flexibility and ability to take these spontaneous field trips. That's one reason Homeschooling is so awesome! We bonded, and played with a gong, discovered new mushrooms, new flowers, new insects, played in and built forts in the woods, learned about quilts and patterns, ran barefooted, and climbed uprooted trees. We read books and took in the beauty of God's creation. This place is incredible and if you haven't gone you must! I loved letting Ellie tell me where we were going next and letting her lead and explore. I will always remember her pointing down a path, looking at me and saying, "Hmm...maybe we can take this path?!" And I said "Yes!" every single time.
We came home after our spontaneous field trip and took a spontaneous dessert field trip to our favorite local bakery, Tip Top Cake Shop, because they opened their build your own cupcake bar! So, Ellie got to go in and design and build her own cupcake and it was so cool and special. We brought it home, read more books, and played outside. We made a big messy painting after she got messy eating her yummy cupcake. I rolled out white butcher paper on the driveway, gave her our paint bucket, and let her go to town pouring, squeezing, sloshing, paint all over the paper. She walked in it, smeared her hands in it, and made lots of designs. Projects like this open soooo many learning paths in the brain! One cool thing that happened was when Ellie just so happened to squirt red paint beside a glob of yellow paint and she decided to mix them with her hands vigorously and in doing so she made the color orange. She said to me, "Mommy, you know red and yellow make orange?" I didn't teach her that, she just created, observed, and learned! All on her own. Ellie also taught herself months ago to tie knots while playing solo with her feather boas during what was supposed to be nap time. I mean the girl can tie a good knot! It's so cool. One activity we did that was so simple and Ellie loved so much was tying scrap fabric onto chicken wire. She totally did all this by herself. I just sat by and read books to her while she played. She wanted to lay out her scraps and organize them first. So then we counted them. Then she tied them to her chicken wire and told me she made a bridge and a tunnel for her toy cars which she then ran to fetch and she made a big story line with them as she played using her big imagination.
We are also studying a musical composer along with our artist study every 3-4 months. For 3 months, we are studying Pyotr Tchaikovsky. We have his entire workings on CD and we listen in the car. Ellie LOVES Tchaikovsky and hearing her say his name is so adorable! She knows he composed the ballets, Swan Lake, The Sleeping Beauty, and The Nutcracker. Her favorite is Swan Lake and like she just dies every time she hears the ballet. She has also seen this ballet which may be why she most connects with it. She loves the story and the music. She says, "Let's listen to hear what happens!" She has many books about these ballets and she adores to read them. We have many and many more on the way. This is like one of her "things" right now. We have also been reading books about Tchaikovsky himself. He is a big hit around here.
I am also doing Catechism with Ellie. This month, she is learning: What is our purpose? To glorify God! And then we have been discussing how we do this in our daily living.
For our forest school this first week we looked for seeds! We have a special nature spot that is ours that we have visited frequently in the past and will now visit once a week and hike, explore, read, run, play, and collect. Ellie has a nature journal, and binoculars, a net, and a bucket for collections. It is so much fun and I look so forward to this. We have been privileged to join my sister and her children at their forest school in Georgia and we loved it so much we wanted to recreate it. I am aware there are a couple of options here in the upstate, however, one is too structured for my taste as well as expensive, and the other, while free is too.....too loose....Call me Goldilocks. So I am using the same forest school curriculum that my sister's in GA uses and it is full of wonderfulness and I'm truly pleased with how it has all come together for Ellie and myself.
So this is what the first week looked like and a taste of what our journey will be like. Preschool is playschool and bonding time as a family. Our priorities are to teach the Holy Spirit, teach love and have a strong family bond and relationship, then love others. We want a strong home where it is normal for kids to be close to their parents. What a concept, but how lovely. Not having a worldly view, but an eternal Holy Spirit filled view. We will get it wrong daily, multiple times, daily, I know. But God is our guide praise Him, and I know He is going to do great things in His plans for us! Here is to Homeschooling for the glory of God!
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