This week was something else! First of all, hello 80 degrees!! We pulled out the kiddie pull, swimsuits, and shorts, y'all!!
Here is everything we playfully learned this week:
Our bible verse of the month: Romans 12:12, "Rejoice in hope, be patient in tribulation, be constant in prayer."
Catechism point: "What is God?" "God is a Spirit, and has not a body like man."
Artist Study: still Vincent Van Gogh
Composer Study: Ludwig Van Beethoven
Marble art with shaving cream and food coloring:
Did I mention, 80F?!! Say yes to barefoot babies!!
I know that most people won't see what I see... but let me help you see how actually awesomely detailed this is and she free hand did this all by herself. the roundness is the body of the dolphin. On the left you see a small protrusion which is her dolphin's beak. I mean...dolphin's have long snout beak things...proper term??....anyway....She added that in with even a simple dividing line for the top and bottom part of the mouth. I mean the detail is awesome. If you look closely you'll see the dorsal fin, flippers, and back fin. She pointed them out and told me these things. Then, she even told me that a dolphin swims with its back tail moving up and down and not side to side like a fish. This project was simple and yet so deeply powerful. My 3 year old created the project, carried it out, added great detail; she was observant, took her time, and studied her "live" model by pausing and thinking before drawing. I was in raptures watching her.
Our pond turtles have also come out of hibernation and are back to basking on the logs!
What is a pond study without a little paddle boating and catch and release fishing?
Excuse our dock...still temporary...I promise! Haha, the real dock supplies are in the garage waiting on Eric (my husband to graduate in less than two months and get built!)
Took our friends out for a paddle and showed them beaver markings.
One frog spawn left to hatch out of the egg and become a tadpole. The rest hatched already!
A turtle on our log and a friend on the right swimming up to join!
Feeding the ducks greens from the garden!
Coloring the life cycle of a frog in her nature journal....she chose to wear the shoes and socks.....let it go, let it go!! 😂
Steering the boat
Pond study books we read:
More books read this week:Spring signs on our nature walk!
We read "The Little Rabbit" as part of her Before Five in a Row Curriculum this week and had so many activities to go along with that. There was a lot of baking, math, and art. Here is a link for the details: The Little Rabbit
Ellie wrote "B" with chalk. Working on our letters and writing new ones daily. But only as she finds it organically interesting and fun and is done in fun ways. Not like desk work, forced, and structured, free, fun, and playful.
Still learning the alphabet phonetically, we focused on our lowercase visual recognition this week with a fun game!! MY laundry basket, ping-pong balls with the lowercase letters written on them lined up. I'd call out a phonetic letter and Ellie would look and find it, then shoot a basket. This was SO FUN!!! We will do this again and again with both lower and upper case letters.
I'll never tire of reading her to sleep. These cuddles captured by my watching husband melted my heart. And the one with her holding my hand and she fell asleep...heaven on earth y'all.
We did a "Green scavenger hunt" I found on Pinterest. This was cool and she loves being a little sleuth.
1. Something green you wear:
2. Something green on the wall
3. Green snack
4. Something Green you build with
5. Something Green you eat
6. Something Green and soft
7. Something that grows green
I made the rocks by mixing baking soda and water into a paste and coloring them with green food dye. I shaped them in my hands and covered a coin in each rock. I set them in a muffin tin to dry and hold shape. I'd do these a day ahead of time. When dry, they can easily crumble so do be careful taking them out of tin and tell your child, "Ohhhh those look very special and rare! We better treat them delicately as we collect them!"
Ellie painted her own textured rainbow fish! She painted a cut out textured foam fish, then pressed it into paint paper, making two creations!
I made Ellie home made Eucalyptus scented rainbow play dough!
Last week we made a bus, and our friend Addie came over to play one morning and the girls took a tour of the house in the bus.
They had breakfast together and held hands and prayed! So sweet! A treasured week y'all! Happy homeschooling!
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