Monday, May 3, 2021

Week 34 - Homeschool Preschool


This past week has been a really lovely time!

Ellie continued observing her caterpillars as they formed their chrysalises and then went through metamorphosis and became butterflies! Painted lady butterflies. All 5 of her caterpillars survived and changed! We loved watching this process. Ellie made them a nectar like sugar drink and placed it on a flower sponge for them. 

We went to "The Recycled Reader" (my new favorite store!!) And we found all these books, got a puzzle, and a stuffed horse as a prize for Ellie. We read many of them. 
Here is her puzzle she put together. She loves Aurora.
Ellie worked in small doses on her handwriting and visual recognition of numbers.
At Kindermusik, Ellie was given a tulip by Mrs. Rosalind to give to me for an early Mother's Day gift! So sweet!!
Ellie played outside a lot as usual as we live outside. Her friends and neighbors, Riggins and Belva came over to play and Ellie had fun trying to lead a yoga session for them! So sweet. I love watching her take a confident role and be a good leader and teacher to her friends engaging them in fun activities and including them in her favorite things.
Ellie helped me bake healthy apple cinnamon banana muffins. She mashed, sliced, and stirred like a little champ.
While out in the pond gathering algae for our froglets, I discovered a turtle and picked it right up. But uh-oh! It was a snapping turtle! These will eat our fish and baby ducklings. We examined the turtle up close. We observed the specific characteristics of a snapping turtle. The snapping turtle also puts off a musk as a defensive mechanism to predators which Ellie had to cover her nose for and I don't blame her. The shell was so pretty. 

Ellie and I continued our garden work. Ellie's corn she planted is doing awesome. She waters her flowers she planted frequently and helps to pick weeds. In the apple orchard, we battle aphids organically with Neem oil and lady bugs. We discovered more ladybug eggs! Yay!! Ellie worked on spraying the leaves with neem oil, observing the aphids and also noticed how much the apples are growing. The apple tree plant cycle has been a fun one to watch and so rewarding to Ellie as she helps me work hard to organically care for them. Her face in the photo below cracks me up. She is so angry with those aphids for daring to be on her leaves. 

Ladybug eggs:
Ellie, Sam, and Molly had a park and pic-nic play date. 
We went to Hatcher Gardens again this week but this time we brought a bunch of our friends!! Such a sweet time of play and exploration. I also provided some entertainment and story-time about a caterpillar...😂😅

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