Thursday, November 2, 2017

Bouncing Back after Baby- Part 3- Final Chapter

3 months post partum

It was not about the weight loss. Though it was a nice bonus to quickly lose all of the baby weight I healthfully gained while pregnant.  It was and always will be about good health. Being my best me. Being as strong as I can possibly be. Setting goals and working diligently to obtain them.

 It was and also always will be about looking my best for my husband. Because no matter what is underneath my t-shirts he will always find me beautiful-- but like I have stated before- I think it respectful to look the best you can for your man. Think about when you were newly dating your spouse...did you not go all out to look the best you could to attract their interest? Why would you ever stop that? Stopping that is like saying you don't care about their attention or taking the extra step for my opinion. And I say that KNOWING my husband finds me just as attractive at my absolute grossest as he does when I am all dolled up. Ha! He would love me no matter what I looked like, he has told me this and that man has seen my absolute positively worst side...I mean y'all...the man saw all my guts during a C-section and took pictures of them...called them "cool!" Haha!! But I know as his wife that I really feel special when I notice he has donned a splash of cologne for me. It is a non verbal message of desiring me and my attention. That extra step taken for me. I find that awesome. So I knew I wanted to get back to pre-baby me as quick as possible to feel confident in myself with Eric and to be the me he married.  I have stretch marks in a perfect round ball around my belly button. My skin on my stomach is soft and saggier than I would like. But I would never choose to not have had the opportunity to earn these scars. My Ellie was more than beyond worth every line etched into my stomach. And Eric prefers me this way, now, because of how special those scars are. He says they are from our little miracle. Just like my open heart surgeries scars. My scars all seem to represent miracles in my life from God. If these views on looking your best for your spouse are not your views- cool.  But they are mine. To each their own! It's working for me and my marriage and makes me happy! That is what matters! ;)

It was also about feeling like my best self in my new found life as a mommy. I want to be a good example of health and activity for my daughter. Not teaching her to be obsessed over vanity but to teach her to care for the body God gave her so she may best serve Him first. Feed her healthy food. I want to be able to run and play and keep up with her without feeling insanely drained so that I can give her my best every day. Healthy food and a healthy lifestyle are the best way to feel and perform amazingly!

I have managed to find time and ways to run and strength train all while running a household almost alone as my precious husband works full time and pursues his chemical engineering degree right now (sooo proud of and thankful for his hard work and dedication- a great example for Ellie!), caring for Ellie, teaching Ellie, selling a house (and all that entails), and preparing to move. Anybody can find time for exercise and it is always easier to find the energy when the body is given good and proper nutrients. I will say it again and again- I do not believe in dieting. I believe people starve themselves and cut out vital nutrients to lose weight and then when the time frame of the diet has past or the goal has been met, they gain the weight back almost instantly because they go right back to the foods they were eating. They also ruin their metabolisms with starvation. There is a healthy lifestyle that is not bland, boring, or hangry. Trust me-- because I LOVE to eat. I am a foodie girl!

So by maintaining eating healthy before, during, and after pregnancy and maintaining a high activity level, I was able to lose all of my weight by just after 1 month post partum. Now at 3 months post partum I not only feel stronger than ever but can see results that I am gaining in my running and daily activity and energy level. I am getting older but I am getting stronger than ever!!

My post partum fitness recovery journey may be over as I am back and surpassed my goals- but the fitness journey of my life will never end. Daily I will strive to honor God with my body He gave me and allowed me to live in by setting fitness goals and running and exercising and eating healthy (unless I am on a date with eric and having that so called 'cheat meal' because life should still be adventurous ;p).

I hope this is motivating to live your healthiest life for God, your family (who needs you to function!), and just your sweet special self! It is not selfish to care for your body and health. ;)

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