Sunday, April 22, 2018

Building Our House On The Rock

The first time writing scriptures into the frames of a construction was introduced to me was when my church, Mt. Airy Baptist added the Life Center several years ago. We had a beautiful party where all the members came out and bathed the beams, floors, and walls in scriptures. Then we prayed over the building and how God would bless many and that we may serve God well with this structure He allowed our church.

Since then, I've known two other couples who did this with their precious "forever" homes. It is not done to be trendy or to fall into a fad. To do this is to ask God to be all over your home. To give it back to Him. To ask Him to protect, provide, and to bless your home. To choose to bless others with the walls He provided. To write His promises to cling to and thrive in. To bury Him in our walls and our hearts. To let this home be a success in Christ Jesus. A happy home. A safe home. A home where God dwells. A home that knows God is our provider in all things.

Underneath our crawl-space  I buried a bible. I had gotten this idea from our previous neighbor at the home we recently sold. They too, were in the process of building their "forever" home and they had a bible laid into their slab. Since we did a crawl space, I decided to bury it under there in some good old red clay. To literally build our house upon the Rock. I did not have my gardening spade or anything much to dig with because I packed everything up and only unpacked the bare necessities in this time of renting in between homes. So, I took my hammer and used the back to dig! Haha! My husband was laughing too hard at the sight of me crawling underneath the space in his hard hat from work (Michigan Wolverines themed) a bible, and a hammer and going to town on the clay. We are already making memories in the house and I love this.

And on our floors and walls we wrote as a family many scriptures, promises that we claimed, and reminders of living Holy and blameless lives. Reminders of Who meets our needs. Reminders of fruits of the Spirit. Reminders of matrimonious (I made that word up) and romantic love between Eric and I. Reminders for Ellie as she grows into a woman and faces all the challenges of life in her own way. God is our rock, fortress, example of love, provider, peace giver, protector, friend, and Father. The scriptures we wanted to write are also printed on paper to be kept in our family notebook. I have also taken a few pictures of some of them.

We originally wanted to have a handful of family and close God loving friends over to do this with us. Ultimately, we decided to just make this a Three E's thing. However, God provided us with precious people in our lives so we sought still their help in providing some scripture. What a blessing. Thank you, friends, who contributed to our home in this way. I could not imagine a better housewarming gift.

I also intended for us to pray together over the home once we finished, however, Ellie was past her bed time and feeling it. But we will pray over it every day as always giving thanks to God and asking special requests over our lives there. We will pray on site when we return, which will be very soon as we are too excited to stay away! Haha!

Here are some shots of what it looked like:

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