Monday, June 25, 2018

"Why the Heart Monitor This Time, Em?"

I had posted not too far back about some lightheaded and dizzy spells I have been experiencing since around October. I saw my cardiologist for these in February as it finally occurred to me...this is not normal and we need to figure this out. My blood pressure was quite low. Though, it has always ran on the low side, it was 90's/60's. So I was given a very simple and manageable solution to fix this of making sure I was feeding myself enough water and electrolytes to match the amount of exercise I put out; and hopefully that would be all there was to it.

After 3 months of following orders to get my blood pressure up, I was able to get it back up to what has always been my normal range (but is still quite low). Still managing a healthy lifestyle in both diet and exercise, eating plenty and drinking much water, my "episodes" of nearly passing out (dizziness upon standing, blacking out, fuzzy tunnel vision and floating dots) did not subside. They did not even get the least bit better.

I reported this to my wonderfully attentive and thorough cardiologist. She gave me a 24 hour holter monitor to wear, as I suspected would be next. However; I did not have many spells while wearing it as it was attached to me late afternoon and all I did in the next 24 hours was run once, sleep, and help Ellie get her morning started. Again, having a very vigilant and thorough cardiologist, I wrote her a note when I returned my monitor that I was curious if we should do this test again, maybe for a longer period of time so that any little thing that may be going on could be caught- hopefully, if it were in fact a rhythm issue and not just a blood pressure issue. She shortly thereafter had her most wonderful and precious nurse give me a call and inform me that she, Dr. P, would like to have me undergo a 2 week "event" holter monitor. I loved this idea. It was exactly what I felt I needed, as well. It at least helps give peace of mind. When you are solving a puzzle, you leave no piece un-turned. That is what Dr. P and I are working on together, here. While immensely thankful for this opportunity to be thoroughly examined, it also, in complete transparency brings out some of my fears. I never want my heart to get in the way of experiencing Ellie. Ellie started swim classes, "Mommy and Me classes" for 4 weeks, just the week before I was hooked up. I couldn't swim with this on. I cried briefly realizing that my heart was already getting in Ellie's way. I had a moment of human self pity. I always say I hope God will push my surgery out until Ellie is grown, or that God would just completely heal my heart by creating the valve he chose to leave out in the first place. But there are two things I must remember. First. God created my heart differently on purpose. And while some may question how God can allow such bad things to happen to little innocent and newborn babies, I know that God allowed me a wonderful opportunity to make a difference in our world for His glory with my unique heart. I consider my defective heart a blessing in so many ways. I see God all over my heart. I will never ever wish to be different than I am. I love my broken heart because God has touched it as well as allowing other people in my life like Dr. P and staff and special CHD friends to touch my heart, too. It has given me a beautiful and meaningful perspective of this life and how we may be small and weak in flesh but our Spirits can soar for Jesus and His great name and the power it beholds. We can overcome great feats with His great name. Secondly, I must remember that in order to really be present in Ellie's life, I MUST take the steps necessary to be my healthiest self so I may live my longest and strongest life in order to really be there for all the moments in her life as well as my husband's. I have to fight, be selfless, strong, and determined. It is ok to cry briefly, but then it is time to put on my big girl panties and raise my arms to the Lord above and let Him give me strength. For me, for my family, and for His people so they may see His goodness and light even in a dark time.

Next, she also set me up for my first ever cardiac MRI. I was to have this before having the 2 week holter monitor put on. Have any of you ever undergone one of these? I had experienced an MRI before, but not specifically a cardiac one. I was thankful for this exam as well to continue to investigate why I have been nearly passing out frequently throughout the days.

Eric took me early in the morning for the MRI. I was nervous only for the sense of it being a test and getting that test anxiety. Meaning, I wanted to "do well". This MRI was slightly more involved that a regular MRI. It was really rather interesting. You see, for an MRI, in order to get the best quality of photo, one must be completely still. But, as we are inspecting the heart- the heart is constantly beating, right?! And, I am breathing...making my chest rise and fall. They take images of the heart in-between "pumps" and also; in order to get good images, the radiologist had me perform what they called, "breath stops." It meant that in certain intervals, I was to take a breath and hold it until I was told to breathe again. It was not hard but certainly something to focus on. Eric laughed at me, later because I told him I would fall asleep in the tube during the test. He was like, "How?! you had to do all that breathing!" I told him it was between the breathing exercises, I would get so relaxed: there was air blowing on my face, I was under a warm blanket, I was wearing scrubs (having spent 9 years working in scrubs- it was like home), and the banging and clanging of the machine was like white noise. I never 100% fell asleep because I knew I was supposed to be awake for the breathing stops...but I did drift off so hard one time that my leg twitched me awake and I thought, "Oh no! stay awake and be still!" God certainly provided me comfort if that is what my family prayed for! LOL!

Then came the monitor. Nothing new, however I have not worn one longer than 48 hours. Essentially I resume normal daily life and activities, keeping in mind that I must not get it wet, and I had to keep Ellie from pulling and tugging at fun new things on mommy. While maintaining my running, hiking, and exercising, I therefore managed to get good and sweaty meaning I had to replace the lead stickers pretty frequently. Eric gave Ellie all of her baths just to be on the safe side. This monitor allowed me to press an "event" button when I had one of my "spells". This is helpful in pinpointing the rhythms of my heart at the time of the events and in helping decipher if the rhythm is good or is in fact the culprit....or if it is really just my blood pressure as we hope and suspect is in fact the case. I am just glad for medical knowledge and technology to help us see what is causing these "spells."

The very first day I had it on, the monitor company called me after I had ran my 5k at the Y. I was just starting my cool down when I checked my heart rate which read 184. It was this exact rate even when I was in high school running the same. I rarely check my heart rate when I run. Is that weird? I just am always thankful to have pounded it out and to be able to go take a shower and relax and eat! Ha! Anyway, about 10 minutes after I finished my run and was lifting my little weights, the company called. The lady on the other end asked, "Are you ok? We got an alert about 10 minutes ago....are you having any symptoms?" I told her I was great and that I had been running and am currently exercising. She replied, "Ohhhhh well that explains it!" This was not the last time they called after I finished a run. The highest I ever saw my heart rate rise was to 196 after shaving 20 more seconds off my best 5k time. I really was busting it to get that time shaved smaller and smaller. I never have any symptoms during my exercises and running. It was a little comical actually for both parties as the company would call and politely check on me after such a high heart rate. I would explain I was fine, just running and they would laugh as if that was not at all what they thought was happening on the other end of the wire. They were always super nice and very conscientious in caring for me. I was very impressed with the "LifeWatch" service. I even had a full conversation with one of the nurses! They went above and beyond! Cheerful, sweet, kind, and bubbly voices on the line! Super fast at answering my calls when I had questions, too.

Wearing this monitor was an experience. Again, this was not my first time wearing a monitor, but it was the first time wearing one for so long and being contacted so frequently while wearing one. It was the first time I have worn one actually (to my awareness) searching for a culprit to a problematic symptom I have been experiencing and not just routine maintenance. Sometimes my brain would wander into different places. I could go from hardly caring or noticing I was wearing it, thinking it is most likely and surely nothing going on with my heart, "I am fine still for now" letting my mind run away, wondering if I were in fact nearing the long awaited pulmonary valve replacement surgery.

I had a lot of different thoughts and many moments talking with God while wearing this. To start, I was constantly thinking these dizzy/light headed spells/ almost falling out were scary but hopefully just a result of a high athletic activeness and having need for more electrolytes and carbs. But then a little devil would pop in my brain and remind me how realistic it is I will eventually have another surgery for a pulmonary valve replacement...and that means not waiting until the last minute when my body is severely weak, tired, and highly symptomatic. It means catching issues early and nipping them quickly and safely. So my reality of needing surgery and knowing it was likely to be in this time frame "ish" and possibly even more likely to come along after having a baby made me focus too much on scary thoughts. But, being scared and having scary thoughts is not bad. These thoughts allowed me to be strengthened in myself and more importantly, in God. The wandering fear taught me to take deep breaths, take a step back, and make my inner strength prevail and rise. It taught me NOT to shut down but to keep fighting. Fear is not bad. It is normal, but we must allow it to equip us with strength and not to have us come crumbling down. I prayed and prayed and talked to God with many praises for all circumstances. I prayed for His will and His peace. I prayed this was something super minor like blood pressure (in comparison to needing open heart surgery anytime soon). But I also clung to the purpose of the life God created me for and that is where I found my strength. There was one day where satan was really going to attempt to cripple me with all the negative thoughts any heart survivor waiting in the balances for the next big thing would potentially possess. I had just finished my usual run and was feeling awesome until I took another phone call from the monitor company. I was so struck with fear (Not due to them) that I stopped lifting weights and got in my car. I needed to go somewhere- to a safe place and I needed to breathe, reflect, and talk to God and get my mind right. I didn't want to talk to anybody. (I am a major introvert...bubbly, but like to process in silence). I drove with windows down and peaceful music playing to our home under construction....I never told Eric this so when he reads this he will know for the first time... I walked into the dusty freshly dry-walled space to our bedroom. I went to the corner of the window overlooking the lake (where I plan to have my reading chaise lounge) and I sat on the dusty floor. I was in silence and I was in a safe place and I was within walls literally filled with God's word. I let light tears softly drip off my salty, sweat dried, flushed cheeks and I spoke to God. He and I discussed how my life was created for His glory. My body is a vessel through which He is to receive glory for His great love, mercy, and miracles. I told God I would never ever want a different heart or body, yet I am scared for what I do not know. Type A planners like me do not like not knowing when big things are going to happen. We do not like not knowing what is going on. We do not like heavy surprises. We (I) tend to prepare mentally for the worst just to be safe. Cue my anxiety issues, lol! God reminded me to cling to Him. God reminded me of His power, love, faithfulness, and His promises. God reminded me that He is Healer. God reminded me He gave me this defective heart to show others who are "lost" His love and power. God reminded me that so many more people have actual real problems and medical battles and I am so healthy and strong. No one would know I was born with three congenital heart defects by watching me. Some friends of mine are young and battling breast cancer, chrohn's disease, port placements, etc. Their lives are full of medications, treatments, weekly doctor visits, surgeries, and their lives are altered drastically. I am basically a normal girl who is just waiting for my next opportunity for my heart to be even stronger than it is now. (That is how to look at this). I am waiting for my upgrade.

 If I look at myself with self pity, negativity, or remain in any sadness or fear, I will not have the spirit and fight I need to remain a strong heart warrior and survivor. There are reasons why I am the strong, tenacious, and stubborn fighter I am. First and foremost, God knitted me in my mother's womb with a defective heart ON PURPOSE because God created me with a purpose and that heart IS my purpose. I must use it to fight and display His grace and power and to encourage others and show light in dark times. I must be the light. I must let God's light shine through me. I must let others see why God intentionally having created me with a defective heart is sovereign and beautiful and full of so much good. It also helps to lead to cures for others. It leads to better medical technology and advances. My heart has purpose in and from God our Father. Secondly, I am strong because I CHOOSE to be. I am telling you very transparently the fears that I do get from time to time. But I have to choose to rise above those fears, cast them upon Jesus because He cares for me, and I must choose to live my best life with a strong fighting will in order to thrive and encourage others as well as to be present for my family and friends. Thirdly, I am strong because of doctors like mine who care for my heart both emotionally and physically. And of course, last but most definitely not least in any way, family and friends keep me strong by making me laugh, making me drink my water, making me push in my running, making me get up and not wallow in self pity. They make me fight. They lift me up. They encourage me and show me all I can and need to be. There is no coddling and there is no taking it easy. They push me and this is what I need. My poor mama was the brunt of my anger and pain during my last surgery in 1995. I told her all of this was her fault and that I was mad at her. I threw a pillow at my nurse and I was as mad as a cat in a baptismal pool. Mama just took it. She is stronger than I will ever be. I was not acting that way to be a brat, I was just a 4 year old girl who was confused and in severe pain and angry. While my mom did not enable that behavior, she also knew I needed to fight in some way and some form. She was my punching bag. She made me get up and walk. She made me drink and eat to regain strength. I was so mad at her. But she pushed me and taught me to push through my pain and self pity and while she received the worst retaliating anger from the sauciest 4 year old girl, she also created a very tenacious daughter. I want to fight. I want to excel. I want to surpass expectations. I want to be strong. I want to be healthy. My husband has already showed me after my C-Section that he will push me, too, to get moving again. (He is more gentle than my mom but still stern enough to make sure I am not allowing myself to surrender to the fight and the pain.) (And, I was not as mean hahaha!) I know am equipped thanks to my mom and God to push all that anger and pain into a fight to be strong and to thrive.

I have no clue what these exams will show. Hopefully, oh how I hope, they will all just show what we already knew...I need to raise my blood pressure and eat and drink more to keep up with my high activity level (which I have already been trying to do). But, if they show something more....I want all my followers, friends, and other heart warriors to know...I am ready to fight. Big battle or small battle. Never ever stop fighting. I will daily maintain a healthy active lifestyle and healthy diet. I will keep God first and remember He is my healer. And I will praise Him even in the worst times. But let's just hope I have a silly body that needs to get its little act together! ;) I just feel so strong...the strongest I have ever felt in my life apart from these "spells."

Blogging helps me sort my thoughts and emotions as well as to look back on how far I have come in life as it is ever changing. Thank y'all for letting me update y'all and be real with my heart's feelings as we wait and see! Nothing or something.....keep fighting the good fight! :)

Tuesday, June 19, 2018

3 Years and Counting!

5 years doing life together and as of today, 3 of them while married!

Life has brought us far. So far. It is so beautiful to reminisce on all of our journey thus far together. To look at how God brought us together. To see that God made Himself be first in both of our lives (as He should be and shall remain) before He delivered each of us to one another. Each of us were in wildly different places in our lives, yet both looking for our God given true person who can offer nothing more than faithful God defined love, happiness, and fun forever together. It only took one look for both of us and God did the rest.

In 5 years together/ 3 years of marriage, we have overcome side by side the battles of my physical heart conditions, deaths of loved ones, leaving old lifestyles to embrace the one more in love with and focused on Christ in all that we do, going back to school, job changes, having our daughter, selling a house, and building a home.

I feel every year we grow closer and stronger and that is just how it should be. I respect you more now than ever before. I love always your foodie, yankee, goofy, prankster, mischievous, playful personality. I love that you are a calm, strong, analytical, and practical thinker. You are loving, wise, and always have a solution. You make everything better than it was before. You are so mature and so selfless. You make your life to first and foremost serve God and serve your family in every action you take. I have never seen you be selfish. I have never seen you put yourself before me or our daughter. I don't even know how you actually function with no sleep, full time work where you are an excellent leader and servant, part time school for chemical engineering, loving your wife with the help of washing endless dishes, helping give Ellie baths and changing poopy diapers, and spoiling me with steak, wine, and seafood. You even show the dogs a good time before you ever relax. All this and you NEVER complain?! You are a special, strong, sweet, and blessing of a person. I truly know no other like you (though, you know Pam is your female equal).

You make me happy with surprises like Thursday night dinner specials, chocolatinis, visits to the park, and random fun on a totally unplanned day. I love your ideas and plans and daydreams for us. I love talking with you and people watching, and playing games together. I love when we get 2 a.m. Taco Bell but you "forget" to wake me up and you eat my order. Jerk. Haha! I love that we can just as easily enjoy a night at home in pajamas with a home cooked meal and movies as we can getting dressed up for one of our "Fancy" dates. I love when you go running with me or participate in my running with me via training me or joining a race. There is no better run than when I feel your support. I mean that. I never could run the way I do without your excitement and encouragement for me! You make me feel special and like I can do anything!

I love how we play with each other with tickle fights, pillow fights, wrestling matches, pranks, and dancing to music during movies in the den like its our own personal dance floor. I love how you get me to try new food. I love how I feel when I have you by my side and holding my hand. I could never in a million years be me without you. I was missing you all those years I pined for MY husband and felt surely a large part of who I am was missing. Thank you for stepping out of your comfort zone for me to make me smile when I want to dance at any event. Thank you for treating me like your queen and our daughter as your princess. Thank you for choosing me, a quirky, almost too young for you, certainly too saucy, little southern belle. I want you and need you and could no longer exist without you as you are my best part.

Let us always always always love God more than we love each other. Let us love Him first. For He is our strength, our joy, our success, and our faithfulness. It is through God we see what real love is and what forgiveness is in hard times. I love God and I love that God created you and gave you to me to love forever!

Happy 3 year wedding anniversary, my lovie!

Eric's First Father's Day

I was SOOO excited for this day to come for Eric! This man has desired nothing more in all of his life than to be a daddy. He has pined for it, longed for it, and dreamed of that role and title for many years now. And today, we got to celebrate that role of his and how awesome he carries it out!

Eric and I slept in on Father's Day and then got Ellie up together and had our usual family breakfast. Oatmeal for me, eggs for the mister and his mini me. We read our bible story and got ready for church. We had a beautiful service and afterwards, we went to Soby's brunch. They always have incredible selections. Unfortunately the main air compressor was out at the restaurant so we sat upstairs above the kitchen in a sunny window with all the heat swarming us. I was dripping sweat. If you know me you know I love to be hot but this was too much. The man beside us went to take off his undershirt he was so hot. But even so, the food and service were top knotch as always and the attitudes and care given still made a wonderful brunch experience for our family. We sipped our mimosas and Ellie tried a smorgasbord of different healthy selections.

After brunch, we went to my parent's house and visited with my daddy. We spent the rest of the afternoon napping and relaxing and playing with Ellie. Just being a family, together.

For Father's day, I gave Eric new cuff links- personalized with a black and white newborn photo of Ellie on one link, and the quote, "Your first breath took mine away," on the other.

A simple but very sweet day for our very sweet, utterly amazing and incredible husband and Daddy! We love you so much, E! We hope your first Father's Day was perfect!

Saturday, June 16, 2018

Ellie Takes Her First Steps!

Ellie Belly began working out with her walker at 6.5 months old. I can think back and remember how wobbly she was on the walker...she could barely move it. Then comes today. 10.5 months old, today is the day she took her very first steps 100% on her own. She got up on her own, and took steps on her own in pursuit of an art lab book for pre-schoolers. AND WE CAUGHT IT ON CAMERA!! Yeah, I'm stoked. This is what I live for....watching my baby grow and learn and squeal with her own pride and excitement. This is the life. The hardest and most rewarding life.

She had been teasing us a little while now with standing on her own and remaining standing by her own strength and by also attempting a step or two. But today was the day she went without even thinking about it!

After she walked, she had her supper and we bathed her and put her to bed for the night. I closed her door and went to our room to write in her baby book and to document the "first steps." I sat there and wrote with such an adrenaline rush of excitement. Then I set the pen down, and flipped through the pages of her baby book. I could feel my face change as my heart went from a rush to a solemn sort of pace. It is the most bittersweet thing. You work so hard to help them do what it is they are trying to accomplish. You help them overcome the fear of the newness and the unknown, and then suddenly they are a milestone older, a milestone wiser, and a milestone braver. You just helped them outgrow their baby self a little more. And it is an incredibly proud and happy feeling but it is mind blowing to try and look back and see just where the time went!Somewhere, somehow on the journey of this first year of life which is all about teaching the baby to "Do," you lose a baby and gain a toddler. Yet, she will always-always be my baby doll. I am so proud of our smart and determined tenacious and strong willed baby. I just cannot believe the time of walking has come. Wow! Way to go my little lovie Flicker miracle girl! We are so proud and excited for you!!

A Special Bible Story

Yesterday, Ellie and I went hiking on some trails off the Blue Ridge Parkway. The drive was so insanely beautiful...the best views I have seen, yet! I have never been out there. We were driving and the Holy Spirit was so full and warm inside my heart! I couldn't help but to continually speak to Ellie and to God and just praising God for these views, this creation, this beauty, and for the joy pulsing through my veins! The drive, the hikes, the lookout spots...all of it had me thinking to myself and recalling scripture. I talked to Ellie and told her to look at all of these trees! (So many!!) I told her that God knows each and every single tree we see here, today. He knows every single fine detail of each tree....why, He even knows how many leaves each tree possesses....and the details of each of those leaves. I told Ellie of how cool it was to feel so so so small and tiny next to the mountain views to the boint of truly my breath being taken away in awe. Comparing our physical size to the size of these mountains makes us feel so small. But then you also realize...these mountains are tiny in comparison to the world...the world small in comparison to all the universe and so on and so forth.....basically invisible, we are. But not to God. God literally created and holds all of these things in His hands- knowing every finite detail of each and every single creation, even down to the grains of dirt.

Then I thought of the birds flying gracefully over the mountain tops, nearly in the wisps of the clouds, and I remembered scripture telling us that even the birds themselves know God cares for much more then does God care for us....and how dearly we need to know that fact! God holds us in His hands, provides for us, cares for us, knows our tomorrow, and loves us. He loves us! It really was a beautiful day out on the trails.

This morning, during our bible story at breakfast, I nearly came to Holy Spirit tears as I felt Him thrive in my beating chest His truth again. Not only did God remind me of these scriptures yesterday...He flat out delivered them for all three of us in the children's bible storybook this morning. When we lead our children to a life that follows Jesus, it also allows us many blessings. This lesson of love and life and creation and care from God was something God definitely wanted me to be filled with....and Ellie, too! I love when God pulls His word into our daily activities. If you just slow down and enjoy your surroundings and the breath in your lungs, it won't take much to see the grace of our Savior and Creator!

Wednesday, June 6, 2018

Mommy and Me Swim Class

I have been so excited for months and months now to  be able to take Ellie swimming and to a Mommy and Me swim course! We are members of the YMCA and they offered exactly such a class.

Today, June 6, was our first class. We will meet once a week to splish and splash with friends! There are 4 classes. I will be missing out on two of the four unfortunately as I am having a 2 week holter monitor test performed and cannot get it wet. But it will be ok! My mama will be able to partake in it with Ellie while I watch and cheer her on!

Ellie walked into the degarding slope entrance into the pool with a big smile on her face. We did activities in the pool like bouncing, kicking, splashing, but we also played some games and interacted with paddle boards and noodles. Ellie held the paddle board briefly...I think she thought it could potentially be a snack...but eventually she decided to cling to me instead of the board. She liked the pool noodle. Hers was pink!

We were so thankful that our friends Grant and Miles signed up for the same class so we had friends to share the experience with! My mama came so she could watch, take pictures, and see what the experience would be like for her on her turns over the next couple of weeks. Our instructor was also one of the sweetest girls ever that I have had the pleasure of watching grow from a little girl into a grown woman with a most precious Jesus loving heart. We were thankful she was in charge, too.

What a fun day and moment!!

Tuesday, June 5, 2018

Accident Banana Blueberry Loaf

You read that right. "Accident."

This morning, I wanted to give Ellie healthy pancakes alongside her usual omelette. I followed a recipe I had found on pinterest for almond blueberry pancakes.

Y'all. It was an EPIC Pinterest fail.

Now, truth be much as I love almond flour, I always have a hard time making it coagulate well to form things such as pancakes. (Unless I add unhealthy ingredients) LOL!

Well, after 2 pancakes...or rather pan"crumbs" later, I had made all this delicious batter and I was not prepared to waste I slopped it into my sprayed Paula Deen loaf pan and baked the mess.

Now, this was successful!!

Here is the recipe I ended up creating....


* 1.5 cups almond flour
* 2 mashed bananas
* 3 eggs
* 1 cup almond milk (unsweetened)
* Sprinkle of cinnamon and nutmeg
* Splash of vanilla extract
* Couple handful of lightly "squished" blueberries
(Is the recipe southern or what? I don't measure much of anything)


* Preheat oven to 350 degrees F
* Mix ALL ingredients into bowl
* Spray or butter up a loaf pan and pour mixture inside
* Bake for approx. 40-45 minutes
(I stuck a fork in it and saw it was done.)

YUM! and guilt free!! Dig in, y'all!

Ellie's First Beach Vacation

Eric and I went on a Babymoon on Memorial Day weekend last year ('17) to Charleston. We went to Isle of Palms and with my big, fat, round, swollen body, we rested on the beach and tried to imagine what it would be like to have the Ellie in my Belly, out playing on sand in one year's time.

We finally got to see that picture come vibrantly to life! Eric and I rented a beach house in Surfside and invited both of our parents to come and stay with us so they may experience Ellie's first experience at the beach. We are so happy they were able to witness this joy and this big first. We are big vacation and beach people so having the opportunity to give Ellie such an experience was truly very special.

Ellie truly is a beach babe! She loved the water. She found it stinkin' hilarious when waves chased after her and crashed into her chubby thighs. Tidal pool swimming, jumping waves, and watching the ocean action enthralled Ellie. She loved the sand. It apparently tasted quite good, as well....
Ellie had a brand new bag of beach toys, a brand new tent, new swimsuits, sunglasses, and sun hats. Why, she even had her very own beach chair which she loved and got in and out of on her own like a big girl. She also relished in the relaxation of the chair when having her snacks. She sat there like an old soul, chewing a cheese stick and watching the waves as if there was nobody else in sight. She also got to experience the swimming pool for the first time in her new pink float. She loved the experience but the water was too cold and her little teeth chattered.

She tried grapes for the first time out on the beach and decided they were not worth even chewing and spat them in to the sand.

Ellie loved finding seashells, crawling in the sand, and began walking long distances while only holding one of our hands. She also thought the beach was the perfect place to start solo standing without holding anything and consciously working to stay "up."

Ellie's cousins got to visit and play for a couple days. She really enjoyed watching them and how they enjoyed the beach.

Ellie was soooooo sleepy and wiped out every single day. She ate like a bottomless pit, and slept like we had knocked her out. I guess all the waves and sunshine and excitement of new adventures really wore her out! Every morning she was up and ready to play.

She will return to the beach, at Edisto in Charleston in August! We can't wait to see what a difference 2.5 months makes for her adventures!

The Aftermath: "Matters of the Heart" - Post Procedure & Other Big Life Events

  Let's just start with this, my recovery has not  been as expected.  September 10, I had a transcatheter pulmonary valve replacement. I...