5 years doing life together and as of today, 3 of them while married!
Life has brought us far. So far. It is so beautiful to reminisce on all of our journey thus far together. To look at how God brought us together. To see that God made Himself be first in both of our lives (as He should be and shall remain) before He delivered each of us to one another. Each of us were in wildly different places in our lives, yet both looking for our God given true person who can offer nothing more than faithful God defined love, happiness, and fun forever together. It only took one look for both of us and God did the rest.
In 5 years together/ 3 years of marriage, we have overcome side by side the battles of my physical heart conditions, deaths of loved ones, leaving old lifestyles to embrace the one more in love with and focused on Christ in all that we do, going back to school, job changes, having our daughter, selling a house, and building a home.

I feel every year we grow closer and stronger and that is just how it should be. I respect you more now than ever before. I love always your foodie, yankee, goofy, prankster, mischievous, playful personality. I love that you are a calm, strong, analytical, and practical thinker. You are loving, wise, and always have a solution. You make everything better than it was before. You are so mature and so selfless. You make your life to first and foremost serve God and serve your family in every action you take. I have never seen you be selfish. I have never seen you put yourself before me or our daughter. I don't even know how you actually function with no sleep, full time work where you are an excellent leader and servant, part time school for chemical engineering, loving your wife with the help of washing endless dishes, helping give Ellie baths and changing poopy diapers, and spoiling me with steak, wine, and seafood. You even show the dogs a good time before you ever relax. All this and you NEVER complain?! You are a special, strong, sweet, and blessing of a person. I truly know no other like you (though, you know Pam is your female equal).

You make me happy with surprises like Thursday night dinner specials, chocolatinis, visits to the park, and random fun on a totally unplanned day. I love your ideas and plans and daydreams for us. I love talking with you and people watching, and playing games together. I love when we get 2 a.m. Taco Bell but you "forget" to wake me up and you eat my order. Jerk. Haha! I love that we can just as easily enjoy a night at home in pajamas with a home cooked meal and movies as we can getting dressed up for one of our "Fancy" dates. I love when you go running with me or participate in my running with me via training me or joining a race. There is no better run than when I feel your support. I mean that. I never could run the way I do without your excitement and encouragement for me! You make me feel special and like I can do anything!
I love how we play with each other with tickle fights, pillow fights, wrestling matches, pranks, and dancing to music during movies in the den like its our own personal dance floor. I love how you get me to try new food. I love how I feel when I have you by my side and holding my hand. I could never in a million years be me without you. I was missing you all those years I pined for MY husband and felt surely a large part of who I am was missing. Thank you for stepping out of your comfort zone for me to make me smile when I want to dance at any event. Thank you for treating me like your queen and our daughter as your princess. Thank you for choosing me, a quirky, almost too young for you, certainly too saucy, little southern belle. I want you and need you and could no longer exist without you as you are my best part.

Let us always always always love God more than we love each other. Let us love Him first. For He is our strength, our joy, our success, and our faithfulness. It is through God we see what real love is and what forgiveness is in hard times. I love God and I love that God created you and gave you to me to love forever!
Happy 3 year wedding anniversary, my lovie!
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