In order to celebrate this special day that Eric and I met/found each other/ whatever you would call it....rather- I laid eyes on Eric Gladden on June 2, 2013, and I let him know I existed ( because I don't pursue a man...he pursues me, ok?), We talked. He liked me. I liked him. We were together forever and always from that day forward...with a lot in between and tons of mushy gushy romantical stories.
But I thought it would be funny to reminisce with y'all about our first date..which we have no clue when it actually was....there was a was summer....I don't know. Like I said we have just always been together whether we had had that first date yet or not. (I was (and still am) a busy woman).
Ok but here is a story of our first have all heard likely by now the ooey gooey lovey dovey story. But this is a tale that only Eric and I have shared and laughed over since some months after that date.....without further ado...the blooper version of our first date:
I was at Mama and Daddy's house, where I still was living at 22 years old, working my first job, preparing to move out soon. I had showered, put on my make up and fixed my hair. I remember I carefully selected my outfit. A boutique top, sheer white, with pale yellow trim and a pale yellow flowy posterior bow to give some back interest. Yellow capris, and wedge high heels.
When I get nervous, I get the pit sweats something fierce! I couldn't breathe I was so worked up about this hunk about to pick me up!! I hid in an under stairwell cove and spied out the front window to watch him walk up. OOO he looked good!!
I opened the door and off we walked together to the truck. (Oh how I miss that truck!) I get to the passenger side and stand there waiting for him to open the door....but nothing happened....I looked around awkwardly, and home boy was opening his own door about to sit down and drive. "Uh oh!" I thought. "Daddy won't approve of that, and I know he will ask if that boy opened those doors!" I let it slide the first time. We arrive at Dozo's Japanese in Easley. Home boy still didn't come open my truck side door. "Oh dear. Now I am really sweating. He needs to open these doors! I am a southern lady, after all! Yankee boy will just have to learn, that's all." He did open the door for me into the restaurant, and he did pull out my chair. Dinner was incredible, he got me to try sushi, it was perfect.
After dinner, we went to rent a movie at the Redbox to take back to......who's house? He asked in a respectful way whether I thought we should watch it at my parent's house or at his house. Mama and Daddy were out of mind was jumping again as to what to say, I thought to myself, "Mama and Daddy are out of town....they won't much like a man they have never met in their home. Not to mention I was never allowed to have beaus there alone any other time before...." snapping back to reality I looked up at Eric and said, "We should probably go to your house, if that is ok?"....(still was not sure my parents would approve of that. Yes I was 22, but I am the baby, a girl, and they have very respectable rules I always tried to follow the best of my ability....but ...I figured his house was better than my house out of respect for my parents....the dating lines and rules were fuzzy as I hadn't brought a boy home since I was 19.)
We get to Eric's. Very clean and well kept home. I was impressed, yes, I looked to see what sort of a house keeper he was. Didn't want to end up with a slob. We had rented....for our first my selection.... the movie, "What to Expect when You're Expecting." Looking back, it does seem a bit presumptuous!! But it was a! Eric has admitted he did feel a little awkward at my choice but he said if that is what I want to watch than so be it!
Before we had ever left the restaurant...I had stupid nervous jitters about using the bathroom. I felt I should probably go while we were there....but I didn't. I was too shy and embarrassed to excuse myself to the ladies room on a first date. My trauma goes back to the 1st grade. The classrooms had bathrooms basically in a closet in the very classroom itself. Everyone could hear you "go" and they would giggle while somebody "went" I have always had a little trauma carried on with me since the 1st grade of having to go to the bathroom when I am with somebody I am not perfectly comfortable with just yet. Irrational, yes. Funny, yes. My family makes fun of me for it.
So...all that to say this.....we get to Eric's I get settled and comfortable on the couch, we watch the movie and talk and laugh. All the while my little tank is getting slowly fuller and fuller. Finally it is time to go. Not "go"...but to home. At this point....I am pretty dang full and I almost ask where the bathroom is.....but I was too shy!!! We were in this big quiet house....what if he heard me...."tinkle?"! I couldn't bare the pressure of the anxiety. (Drama queen, I know). So I get in the truck and I must look like a hyper bouncy fool because I have now reached the "potty dance" stage. There I sat in the front seat, 15 minute drive home....and I looked like a crazy as I swiveled my hips, crossed my legs, and bounced and tried to act like I was just so super duper excited about this thing of which I have no idea that I was speaking about. Leaning forward with dramatic flare as if it were hilarious. Never exposing my secret that I was about to abso-freakin-lutely pee the seat if he didn't slam that foot on the gas and get me home!!
Needless to say there was no time for a first date kiss (not that I am that easy anyway!!). I thanked him as he walked me to the door, hugged him, and slowly and gracefully closed the door and locked it. Then sprang to the half bath and ripped my pants down and sighed a sigh relief for my bladder and my first date jitters subsiding.
When I eventually told Eric this story, he made so much fun of me in a sweet and playful way, making fun of me, and saying he never noticed! He had no idea. And why on earth would he have cared if I had to go to the bathroom?! Of course we are married now and after you have a baby, well, there really are no secrets or that in comparison of looking back is just too funny to us!
And for all the southern belles who are wondering about this not opening the door for me business?? Don't worry. I told my yankee man ever so sweetly this, "Hey! You know, I really appreciated when you opened the doors [the couple a times he did] was so nice to be treated like a lady." He got the hint. Now, with his own desire and joy he opens my doors, still to this day, in and out. If I hop in (out of practicality with a baby) before he can get to my door, he says, "hey! I was gonna open it!"
That first date was incredible. I fell in love with Eric that night. And life remains just as crazy, if not more. Happy 5 year date-iversary, baby doll! I love you!
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