Thursday, January 3, 2019

2018 was an "Event Full" Year!

Get the title? I didn't encounter a soul this year who did not lovingly mention how Ellie and I hit up all the events in an hour (or more) radius. It was certainly and eventful year for the Gladdens.

When I had Ellie towards the end of 2017, I took the time I needed to get comfortable in my new role, withdrawing from the world. Only my true and closest friends were supportive and understanding of this and it really led into a beautiful start of 2018. I had the strongest friendships possible (still do) and the greatest support system as a new mother. And after I got that time I needed to figure out semi-partially an idea of what I was doing as a mother, I sought adventure. I found Hike it Baby which was one of the most pivotal things I took on this year. It gave me not just a few new friends but literally an entire tribe of super deeply rooted close friendships in other mamas who offer such wisdom, guidance, love, and best of all, pass no judgment. I love the outdoors and it has been great getting Ellie out in these adventures and having her meet new friends this year. It has been awesome for healing bad post-partum depression and anxiety, and making me a stronger person physically.

Ellie enrolled in Kindermusik, Mommy and Me Ballet, took swimming lessons, joined MOPS, and reached all kinds of wild big girl milestones. She grew so very much this year and I learned our relationship grows as she grows.

Eric and I grew stronger in our marriage through the challenges of facing 3 more semesters of school, spring, summer, fall. This most recent Fall semester was the worst and hardest both emotionally and mentally for both of us. This fall semester was a really important round of Chem-E courses and a heavy load. This meant Eric was up at like 3:30 every morning and not home ever before 9 pm every night. I got a small dose of single motherhood and this time really challenged us to open doors for communication. We napped together more than played together. But we got through it. It will not be the last semester with these challenges but we know we can do it so I can be thankful for this season of life and the opportunities it is going to bring as well as how it grew us as a couple to communicate clearly and to open our eyes to each other's hard work. I am very proud of him and his amazing grades and his incredible work ethic. He serves God, his family, his career, and his education all so selflessly. I don't know how he does it. Sleeping about 4 hours a night. That was our biggest challenge this year.

We moved into our home we dreamed up from the ground up. I dreamed up our home a scrap of notebook paper while I was pregnant and this year we finally moved in and saw that dream come true. One of our most exciting times this year!

We lost Cajun just before the move. He had to be put to sleep. He lived a long and spoiled rotten life. I didn't make a big announcement because it was really hard for Eric and I. Really hard. We may have a human baby, but fur babies really do leave a paw print on your heart. Cajun was not mine from the start. We all know I called him my step-son and we had an on going joke that I hated him. I didn't. He made life more difficult than it needed to be at times but he was really a treasure to our family, especially Eric. We had fun times and good memories when it was just me, Eric, and Cajun...and those were special times. Our big loss of the year.

One of my favorite things to do with Ellie I discovered this year was to explore all opportunities and new adventures as possible. Every new experience opens a new pathway in her brain, and the repetition of those activities establish the pathways. So I wanted to take her to everything possible I could squeeze on the calendar. It's one of the reasons I stay home with we can-not-stay-home.....hahaha! The best part is, 90% of what we do is free! The other 10% is usually $10 or less! So we have spent the year going all over and doing all sorts of fun things! I think we went trick or treating 10 times. It was not about the candy. I think she had two pieces of candy....Eric the rest. Ok, ok, I ate the Reese's and Kit-Kat's. It was about getting her into the experience and honey, let me tell you!! After her first trick or treating experience, she was RUNNING from booth to booth, bag wide open, smile on her face! There were festivals with dancing and crafts and hay rides! She saw Santa about ten times too. She only cried once for Santa. Again, not about how many, but just giving her as many experiences as I possibly could! It was so fun watching her different reactions from one event to the next! I also loved seeing which events were best organized and really worth our time for future reference.

We hosted each of our parents (and briefly siblings and kids) in a beach home in Surfside for a week. This was Ellie's first beach trip and it was really a special time. We wanted her grandparents to be able to share this first experience with her. We went to Michigan for Eric's cousin's wedding and the 4th of July. We love Michigan in July. It is a break from the heat here. We went to Edisto with my family in August.

Ellie turned one this year. One of the most exciting events of the year that made me cry. I wasn't going to throw a party but I am way too much of a planner to not throw a party for her at least for the first birthday. I anticipate only hosting parties when she chooses them instead of a really once in a lifetime experience. It will always be her choice, bu I am more of experiences over parties myself.

Eric and I celebrated 5 years together and 3 years married.

It was really a very wonderful and beautiful year full of good changes and lots of growth. I have never loved my husband more and if you know how much I have loved him since I met him then you know that is an immeasurable amount. I respect him far more greatly now as I watch his hard work and constant selfless nature and I clearly see I am blessed to have a one of a kind....a true one of a kind, God given answer to prayers.

For 2019, it would seem that things are possibly "Winding down" in the sens we have no plans currently for anything new or big. School will still be a part of our lives and balancing that, but otherwise, I think now we are settled in our home after 2 years of getting pregnant, starting school, havin a baby, selling our home, renting and building a home.....things ahead finally look a little "normal". Whatever normal actually is. But Eric and I have been dreaming of our future and praying about our future and whatever God has in store. There will constantly be so much unknown. So we pray first and foremost that our lives are constantly ones full of the Holy Spirit and are seeking to glorify Him and to follow the plans He has for us. That is a big prayer because sometimes what God says is best can feel hard for us until we can see with the eyes God has looked through all along. That is why it is called faith and our faith is in Him. I pray our daily lives and 2019 would glorify God, follow His will, be full of protection, provision, happiness, forgiveness, love, strength, and pure joy. I have no big ideas or for the first time ever in my plans. Just a good year! Cheers!!!

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