Thursday, January 17, 2019

Hike it Baby One Year Anniversary

Ellie had just turned 5 mos. and I really was ernest to get her involved in new things. I wanted to find a group of mamas like me who love adventure and fitness and doing adventurous things with their kids. Through Kidding Around Greenville, I found a link that lead me to Meet Up. There, I sifted through different groups until I saw one that made my pulse pop with excitement....Hike it Baby Greenville. I clicked the link and took a bold step in my independence and decided to join the group. I signed up. Then, I found the group page on Facebook.

I started hiking immediately. My first hike was hosted by my friend Susan at Paris Mountain State Park. We did the North Lake Loop. I carried Ellie on my front in the Baby Bjorn, her diaper bag on my back, and bundled us up in tons of layers as it was icy cold. I was so nervous when I arrived to meet everyone in the parking lot. I am very shy but my mama taught me very well how to swallow my fear, stand tall, smile, and put myself out there. It has really been one of the best things she ever taught me to overcome. It has opened so many doors for my life to push past fear and shyness. And this was one of the greatest examples of that. I showed up, not knowing anyone or exactly who I was looking for. But I took a breath and put on a smile and asked a small group of women hikers with kids, "Are y'all with Hike it Baby?" And they welcomed me with smiles and my fears started to shrink. There was another newcomer and her sweet son who has become a precious friend of mine as well.

I bonded with these mamas so so so quickly and came out of my shell much faster than I would have thought possible. Halfway through the hike we paused for lunch by the lake. Ellie got really fussy needing a bottle. I had everything she needed but got really nervous trying to learn a new way to finagle making a bottle out in the woods. I have severe anxiety so I just was fumbling all over myself worried about what these other mamas would think of me trying to calm my baby and feed her...i hate a scene. It just makes me anxious. Instead, these mamas were AMAZING! lovingly, they offered to make the bottle for me, to hold Ellie for me, to do anything I needed that would help me help Ellie and be comfortable. It was so warm to feel that support in this new environment. I knew then that these mamas would be a group who would not only include me, they would help me and they would love on my Ellie.

By the time that hike ended, I truly felt a new sense of community and I couldn't wait to hike again! I didn't have Ellie signed up for as many activities and classes when we first started so we literally went to like every hike possible. My body got stronger, my confidence as a new mommy got stronger, my heart got happier, and I had other moms to spend my days with. All of my friends work so I had no stay at home mamas until this group to connect with. They really and truly evolved my daily joy and life into something so exciting and strong and beautiful. I mean, hiking in general has always been something I loved doing. I love views, physical challenges, and basking in a physical accomplishment at the top of a mountain next to a waterfall or open sky for as far as you can see, feeling as if you could reach out and touch a cloud. I love getting dirt all over me and splashing in creeks. I love seeing God's creations near my own backyard. I love relishing in the joy of this nature and our children's laughter with my mama friends beside me.

Stepping out of my comfort zone to join this crew was a really big step for me that changed mine and Ellie's lives for the better. Yet, I never wanted to host a hike because I had all these fears once again swallowing my sensitive little heart. I feared that I would have nobody show up (and sometimes that will happen and it is ok!) I feared that I would have all new hikers join and nobody I knew and I would have to try and break out of my quiet and shy shell to make new friends, I have feared that I would hike too fast for my friends (and sometimes I do), I have feared I wouldn't know what to talk about with others. But, it hit me as our one year hiking anniversary approached that its way less fun to not go on a hike and so much better to host a hike and risk these fears happening. At least you're out hiking and not hiding behind fears! Most of the time, anxious people like myself create scenarios in our heads that become traumatic and way over the top. We have to see beyond our fears and remember that everybody joining on your hike has the same goals....they want to experience nature with their kids and get out of the house. So don't chalk it up to more than that. And honestly, every new hiker I have ever met has come in and been so personable that it is easy to feel like you have known them before this first meeting. So I was really happy to finally break down my walls and host my first hike to celebrate our one year anniversary.

We did the same trail as was our first with the group. 3 of my friends came and we had PERFECT weather!! Even my fur friend, Ginger, came along!! The babies were happy and sweet, no tantrums! We wore ourselves out and enjoyed the day without care of time or anything else. I could not have asked for a better first hike to host! I am now excited to put other hikes on from small to big, to far away to right here in town.

This group has truly given me more than a hobby with Ellie...oh, so much more! I have a new family. The most loving, open, caring, non-judgmental, helpful, selfless, family to get to spend time doing one of my favorite things with weekly! I am so very thankful God directed my path to theirs! I love you, Hike it Baby Greenville (and Asheville!)

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