Before Ellie, I thought homeschooling was stupid. No offense. I just was immature, ignorant, and didn't understand it. I didn't see all the insane academic and social benefits. I didn't realize that home-schoolers are actually the ones who on average test higher and also have a higher acceptance rate and are more frequently chosen to attend major universities. Those are facts. I just thought it was a dumb idea.
Now, I don't personally care what kind of school any person attends. I went to public school and I did well academically, socially, and morally. If you want to do public school, do you. If you want to do private school, do you. Home school; do you. Etc. I do not care one bit what others do with their kids. To each their own!
My sister has 4 children whom she home schools. God bless her. I have more friends who home school than public school, actually, and they have enlightened me to what this educational experience is really all about. Everybody has differing reasons for choosing to home school. Mine vary, personally, but overall are for the sake of having as much control as possible of the influences and atmosphere that surrounds my young daughter's ever growing super sponge brain. I don't want to raise and earthly daughter, I want to raise a Godly daughter. (This is not at all to say public school can't do that, don't take offense or read me wrong). What it means is, while Ellie is at home with a most vulnerable and influential young mind, I want to surround her with the best influences possible rather than throwing her into a too deep water of differences in our beliefs. Some won't like that, some won't understand. I used to say things like....."Well your kid is going to be living in the world and exposed to bad crap all the time so they need to learn how to deal with it. They need to learn how to say no. They need to not have culture shock and realize most of the world is probably sadly not in love with Jesus." I would say things like this because I didn't understand these home school moms. I thought they were weird and ignorant themselves. Until I had Ellie. In fact, I didn't get it until she was nearly a year old. I believe God really just opened my eyes in my maternal heart to show me His plan. And to once again clarify.....public school is not bad, I have nothing whatsoever against it. So pleaseeeee don't be taking offense to this. It is that God showed me something new and different and He showed me what He wants me to do with
Ellie and so I obey that. I also want to start with home school because I don't want to be without Ellie for even as much as two half days a week, putting her in someone else's care when I know I can teach her at home the exact same things....without doing worksheets or being made to sit down for too long a time. I've seen preschoolers made to sit for so long and that is not beneficial to learning at such a young age. Play is the best form of education. Playing, discovery, exploration, observation, experimentation. Once again, I hate for people to think I am making some confrontational point....I am not....I don't care what you do with your kids, nor am I judging. I trust every mama makes the best choice for their child and their family! Every family is different and every child is different. I also know that not every preschool is like that. I'm sure your child's preschool is awesome or you wouldn't have enrolled them there! Just explaining
my personal choice. For Ellie. It is also a beneficial financial choice as a bonus point. I have also been given the blessing and privilege to stay home with Ellie. Therefore, it really just makes sense to keep her with me for preschool to home school. Honestly we already do it on a daily basis....there really won't be much difference.

Currently, Ellie and I, through play, work on shapes, colors, counting, animals and sounds, objects and their functions and/or sounds, read books and discuss them on repeat, play music, listen to music, dance and practice rhythm, do bible study, work on fine motor skills, allow Ellie to dress herself, practice putting lids on containers, sorting and organizing, playing outside all day long if it is sunny, teaching her that "Ellie" is her name, and the list goes on. Also, I have her enrolled in many extra curricular classes for academic and social engagement and also to let her test the waters of what activities she will love and want to be involved in. She attends ballet class, she is part of hike it baby which constantly teaches her about nature and friendship and nurturing, she does kindermusik which is basically my favorite because I believe it really is an all encompassing program teaching literally everything, but also engaging the brain, growing the mind, and encouraging friendships. She goes to the little gym where again she learns independence, friendships, physical skills, embracing her fears, overcoming obstacles, and learning academic and life skills.......all these things through play. I plan to continue these activities and add more sports in as she reaches the appropriate age. We also go on lots of little field trips to have many experiences. I will drive that baby up to 3 hours away for an adventure in one day. It is so good to expose our little ones to new experiences, creating new pathways in their brains. Then repeating an experience as to really make that pathway a permanent road in the brain. (This is why you see baby goats like 5 times in one month or 10 santas at Christmas!) LOL!! Y'all lovingly pick at me and I don't mind it! :)

So, I essentially plan to keep doing exactly what we are doing, yet I will make sure to have a bit of a "lesson plan" in mind for her. Such as, completing a STEM or STEAM activity, discussing it, and letting her do as much with it as she can or wants to do. Nothing will be forced. She is a toddler. Learning has to be fun, playful, creative, and patient. I like her learning to be "toddler led", not forced. If she is not having fun or is getting frustrated it is time to move on. We can re-approach when she is ready. I will be more intentional about spending time hitting the basics with her 10-15 minutes a day....even if she is running circles around me...she is still listening....don't think because your tot is babbling and running around that they don't hear you or comprehend. I cannot tell you how many times Ellie will ask to read a book and sit in my lap. 2 minutes later she is up and playing with blocks....I will keep reading and making voices and sounds and expressions. When I stop, she notices. Sometimes she copies me when I make a sound and it doesn't even seem like she acknowledges I am in the same room. Then, some days later, she will have a new sentence or a couple new words for me in her vocabulary and her brain and I am blown away! She is still listening. Keep reading. Keep investing. Play is their school. Keep in mind: this is exhausting for a mama....especially a Type A personality like me. I have learned by the very grace of God somehow, to just breathe and let it be. It is exhausting to
feel like the toddler is not understanding a thing you say or do....but remember, they usually keep up your bright, bubbly, playful, loving, patient work. You
will see the results and you will be blown they are usually out of the blue!

Now, while I currently plan to home school Ellie for preschool, I am leaning heavily with Eric towards Christian private school for kindergarten-12th grade. I've been researching this for the past year as well as different home school options...just in case. In fact I plan to take a tour of a private christian school this week...just for my research purposes. I will do tours again as enrollment comes in a few years. I do not currently plan to home school past preschool but I am not saying no to the idea, either. There are so many wonderful options for home-schoolers where we live. If it is not obvious....I would have Ellie as part of a co-op. There is so much research to do; it is overwhelming. We have so many options it is shocking. But I love options. I am making excel spreadsheets and plan to make pie charts of comparisons. I know I am ridiculously nerdy. But, it is my actual job, role, career, mission in life to do the very best I can raising a daughter in accordance with God's will....raising her to be kingdom and Christ focused and not distracted otherwise. (Not to say that she won't still mess up...because she will; I guarantee it; we are all un-holy little sinners! I just pray every night that her mess ups won't damage her life or another's and that she can easily learn from her mistakes). Only the Holy Spirit Himself can open Ellie's eyes to Him, as well as her heart, but Eric and I are commanded by God to guide her, lead her, and direct her lovingly with Him as our purpose.

I have still so much research and planning ahead of me. I will take it all step by step and I will see where God leads Eric and I to lead Ellie. Home school is daunting to me past preschool level because I struggle at a 3rd grade math level. Fractions. Oh boy. We will just have to see if we go with private or Home in the future. God will show us. But for now, I am SO excited to teach Ellie her pre-schooling through a world of play and imagination!! My sister is sending me the twin's curriculum soon and I can't wait to pick through it and set up my little agenda for the fall!!
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