Sunday, May 19, 2019

Desk Makeover

I love taking old pieces of furniture and restoring them to a fresh new beauty. I love reviving them and restoring their purpose.

I have saved our family much money by simply taking pieces we already possess or those given to us and giving them a little loving. I have restored end tables, a vanity, Ellie's crib and bedroom suite, and as of this weekend, a desk.

This little desk was my husband's when he was a kid; and he has carted it with him all through life into adulthood from apartment to apartment and house to house. I nearly ditched it as we prepared to move into our newly built home; yet, I decided the desk may be able to serve our family again one day. Besides, it was not hurting anything to hold on to it.

This week in the new home, I have been piddling in the "Africa Room" putting it together. Some friends who read know about our Africa Room but for some background for those who are not sure what I am talking about: My husband and I took a mission trip back in 2014 to Uganda to help a team who provides villages with clean water. I had always felt called to Africa and God finally presented me the perfect opportunity to go and serve and love others in this beautiful country and continent, as well as to be touched by the lives of these people and their beauty. Eric and I fell in love with it all and bought many artifacts and paintings made by the people and brought them home to display them in what is considered for most homes, "the study." Our Africa Room serves a purpose as our library, craft room, and will be Ellie's homeschool room.

Speaking of homeschooling, we circle back to the desk. I had found her purpose and now she just needed a face-lift. I wanted to make her beautiful so that she could be Ellie's desk for homeschooling and crafts! Of course, the homeschooling portion will be quite a time from now.

I discovered restoring furniture with chalk paint and wax many years ago at a shop in downtown Greenville called Vintage Now Modern. There, I was provided the supplies I needed and an excellent lesson on how to get the best results from my piece. I was instructed on how to get a traditional finish or a distressed finish. While I love antiqued looks, my personal style for my own home is a traditional flair. Not overly fancy, comfortable, practical (especially with a near 2 year old running around), but beautiful. So, I redid the desk in the same way as I have done my other pieces in the past. I used Annie Sloan's Honfleur color of chalk paint, her black wax, and a creme wax finish. Then, I replaced the knobs. I am loving how this piece turned out. Now to add a chair!

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