It's no secret I am so excited for the days Ellie will get to run races with me! She has rode in the stroller for a couple of races, now, but today, she sorta ran her own race!
Zoom Through The Zoo is one of my favorite races I run. This was my 3rd year running this race. (Side note: participants get a free guest pass for the zoo!) I love it because they have such a fun environment and great fun music. The shirts are excellent....shirts are a big deal to me in races Lol! And who doesn't love to run among wild animals?!
But the coolest part ever is they include a kid's fun run!! (.7 mile) Eeeekkk! Super exciting and adorable. 3 of Ellie's other little friends ran today too which made the event far more special! Go Nolan, Thomas, and Joanna! So proud of you sweet little friends! Rockstars!!

Lately, Ellie has actually taken a genuine interest in running! It makes my heart so happy. She always cheers me on and loves watching me run. And now, at home and on the playground she has started running a lot and as she does so, she chants happily, "Run run!!!" Smiling all the while. However, Ellie is still very timid to new things. Once introduced to an activity 2 or 3 times, it becomes second nature to her. Yet, the first time, she needs time and space to observe and understand. Naturally. I am the same way. So, as expected today, Ellie started off shy. We crossed the Start line with her in my arms. But not very long after our start, Ellie wanted down and she wanted to run! She took off like a baby cheetah....for a little while, then she was enjoying watching others run and began clapping for them and soon we were at the back. So, I scooped her up and ran up the hills for her with her in my arms, then right at the very end again, I put her down and we crossed the finish line holding hands. We finished just after Nolan and he was soooo proud of himself and he came back and got me and Ellie. So awesome! Ellie then got her medal, but not before she first saw her daddy and wanted him first as her prize. I can relate. After my first full marathon in Charleston, I collapsed crying into Eric's arms and he was all I wanted. The medal meant nothing but his love and smile and support were the world. (Still the case!) And so it would seem Ellie felt the same. She grabbed her daddy and he cheered her then sent her for her medal. I absolutely cannot wait for more of these moments in the future. I know that one day I will be busting my tail to keep up with Ellie! She and I are good for each other.

Then, as is now a little family tradition, Eric, Ellie, and I participated in the Zoo 5k. It is a mostly uphill race actually but because it is such a fun race it doesn't kill the motivation or joy. I pushed Ellie in the stroller and still finished under 30 minutes which I consider great when pushing ~45 lbs uphill in rain and a crowd of people! I always have to set my competitive self (with myself) to the side and remember it is about the family experience when racing together. Eric crossed shortly after us and we got to cheer him on!! Ellie saw her daddy cross, and smiled so big, pointed to him and said, "Dada, it's Dada!!" We had planned to attend Artisphere after with a change of clothes packed, yet the weather was too wet for our liking so we went home and napped hard! Happy lazy afternoon with my family! I am so proud of my family and excited for Ellie to keep up this activity with me! So long as it makes her happy!
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