Monday, July 31, 2017

Because You Prayed

My darling followers, friends, and family- even strangers I have never met who have reached out to me---because you prayed I wanted to write one blog to share with you what that resulted in.

First of all- thank you. Huge thank you. I have never doubted the power of prayer- even when prayers seem to go unanswered or are answered differently than we may have originally desired. The result of leaning on God and trusting solely in Him always brings good results- even if immediately they do not feel good.

The answer God delivered me today was one that left me feeling so good  that again I cried and was shaking all over but this time out of joy and relief!

Eric's little clone!! <3

When last I left you 5 days ago- Ellie was in no position that the doctors could/would even consider an induction. A C-section was a likely possible option to happen if Ellie did not drop soon. A C-Section is NOT the desired option cardiology speaking but of course was necessary if safer for Ellie and Ellie's only option. We desired for Ellie to drop into the canal so that she may at least have an induction as an option if she decided to not come by her due date which at that time was in 4 days.

After that appointment- after I clung to God and got my heart and attitude focused better on Him- I went out and bought a birthing ball. I continued my daily 5k walks, running, dancing, exercising, and bouncing and rolling on a birthing ball for like literally 4 hours every day. But more than these physical efforts, I focused on my spiritual efforts. I talked aloud and alone in the kitchen, the shower, the hallway to God sorting things out with Him and praising Him for even the less than pleasant news. I prayed big prayers full of faith and I thanked Him for how He has already blessed this pregnancy from the day we were given clearance medically for me to get pregnant. Sometimes God just wants nothing more than to have more connection time with His children and remind them of their focus priorities and to show them His love. God and I grew together a lot over the past 5 days and for that I am thankful.

Today came. I could hardly wait on the clock for my appointment even though I had already tried talking myself into a calm state of no expectations but to only be prepared to praise God for the worst news. **Just to be clear- I have nothing against a medically necessary C-Section- I will do whatever I need to do to care for Ellie and myself--it is the fear of my heart's health that is concerning with a C-section.** I finally saw the doctor and to be discreet- this visit was physically more challenging than the last two checks as the doctor really needed to be certain of the decision that was about to be made. The decision my heart was beginning to race over. Apparently I should have been in a lot of pain today but when I didn't express any signs of pain and just kept deep breathing- the doctor was very pleased stating I had a very high pain tolerance. I was shocked and so was he! I have always thought I was kind of a wimp!! Ha! Maybe being a surviving warrior of 3 open heart surgeries instills some crazy strength in you? But because of that and my stunning health God has allowed me through this 9 month journey-- the doctor was able to lean closer to a decision ( though he still wouldn't tell me which way!) He said that Ellie had over the past 5 days dropped- not a ton- but enough. And that other things were progressing as well. So the last step before calling a decision would be to do a measurement ultrasound of fetal weight and head size. I was so happy to hear this! I have not had an ultrasound since 29 weeks and have missed seeing my Flicker flickering on the screen! They provided me an estimated weight though I won't share as I have friends currently taking a bet on it! After the ultrasound I spoke with the doctor once more and the decision was revealed.

We are being inducted THIS Thursday evening!! And again it was all I could do to maintain composure and hold back the tears so that I could keep listening and focus on instructions!! She will be an August baby, but we do not have to wait another week or week and a half!! We get to meet her THIS week!! All because God is good and He does care and He does answer prayers. Y'all----she dropped! She went from being nowhere near being able to consider an induction to being scheduled for one this week!! Now I know inductions can still lead to C-Sections. But I am in awe...and I don't know why because I have experienced since the first day of my life the power of God- but I am in awe of how God answered y'all's and mine and Eric's prayers for this delivery! We get to finally really meet this stubborn little girl who has fought to hold on for life since her 3rd week when I found out she was in my tummy. Who battled 2 near miscarriages and kept hanging on. Who did not inherit any of mommy's heart defects though her risks were quite high. Who survived my car accident when she was 6 weeks in my tummy. God has allowed scary and challenging times of growth through this pregnancy and overflowed my faith with blessings and total trust. This...THIS right here is WHY no MATTER what God is allowing you to go through- you keep praising Him. You just never know what He is doing, teaching, or blessing. You CANNOT turn away from Him or shut Him out. You do not have to like it but you have to praise and trust Him! I cannot wait to raise Ellie teaching her about what a miracle her life is and how thankful and humble she should be before God for all that He has planned for her life. And He obviously has a plan!

So- again we humbly ask for our prayer warriors to pray a little bit longer for us. Here are my requests, please- again for those who really mean it-

-Safe, uncomplicated delivery for Ellie
-When Ellie undergoes extra cardio testing that her heart be truly without defect as has been the prior result during high risk scans.
-Healthy Ellie, Healthy, quick recovery for Mommy
-Excellent cardio check up in hospital for Mommy as well
-Eric's poor blessed precious nerves and emotions as his favorite girls are being cared for

I cannot thank y'all enough for the prayers, messages, texts, and love. This is why we have brothers and sisters in Christ! We love y'all! We are so humbled and grateful!! Here's to that induction!!! WOOOO!


The Aftermath: "Matters of the Heart" - Post Procedure & Other Big Life Events

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