Thursday, October 15, 2020

Gladden Family Fall Field Day Homeschool Fun!

Kids need to get messy and they need to be outside! So we had a really big field day for a few of our friends! This field day was an idea from one of our awesome curriculums, The Homegrown Preschooler: A Year of Playing Skillfully. (Best curriculum EVER!!) 

We were blessed by God with a large yard after many years of prayer and patience and we want to use our home to serve others and bring them joy and happiness as God has given us! So, I filled the back yard up with many different stations. I'll get to those very shortly. Now, children, particularly our precious preschoolers, learn by movement and play. It is not good for them to be stationary or in a desk with many rules and no exploration all day. Routine is great and we implement that into playful learning along with responsibility, respectfulness, kindness, and listening to instructions. So, I had simple structured playful events yet if a child so desired to explore something else first or spend more time at a particular station I encouraged the moms to let them. The only rule was to have fun! And if there is play involved, it won't be too much of a struggle to get their attention! 

I encouraged moms to dress children in play clothes that could be stained - possibly even permanently - and pack a swimsuit, towel, and change of clothes, as well as a pic-nic to eat whenever on the porch or patio. 

Events of the Day:

1.) Water Balloon Toss

2.) Egg & Spoon relay

3.) Obstacle Course

4.) Big Messy Paint

5.) Soccer

6.) Cake Walk - (so many friends had never heard of this?!? I grew up doing these at festivals. So - you make as many numbers to step on as there are children. If you have 10 participating children you need a minimum of 10 numbers labeled on the floor. Each child starts by standing on a number. In a cup you have numbered pieces of paper with 1-10 on them. Play some music - the kids walk number to number - music stops, the kids stop on the number they are on. The adult or a non participating child can draw a number from the cup. If you draw number 5, then the child on number 5 wins a cake.) We are not a family who believes every person in a game wins or gets a participation trophy...that's one thing that has made society so sissy like and pitiful now and this generation upcoming and even my own so "entitled." Granted, you win this game by chance versus hard work, but the principal begins in games like these. This game also teaches number recognition and counting. We had 10 children and 5 cakes to give out. (Slices from the bakery section of the grocery store.) Before we got started I told the children that we must be kind to our winner and have good attitudes. We must show good loving and encouraging behavior and no pouty attitudes. It is hard to not win but such as life. And I am so proud of each and every child. Not one tantrum or complaint when the other 5 children's numbers were not drawn. All good attitudes and excitement for their companions. 

7.) Pumpkin Patch - Pick a Pumpkin to Paint!

8.) Silly String / Bubbles / Chalk

9.) Splash Pad

10.) Sudsy Soapy Fill the Bucket Relay

This was a really fun day and a fun way to have some moms be able to leave most of the work to me so they can watch and play with their little one(s), let kids have fun and run wild & free, make new friends, teamwork, learn a few life lessons in how to treat others and taking turns, being patient, learning numbers, social skills, and exercise. There was a lot of good sensory development as well as the darlings ran barefooted in wet grass, played in shaving cream, and painted using their hands and feet. They got to enhance their balance, strength, fine and gross motor skills, and depth perceptions as well in the activities. And all they knew was they were messy and happy and playing with friends! 

Homeschool mamas, I highly encourage to do something like this with your community of friends. It was hopefully a blessing to our friends and I know it was a blessing to us as our hearts were full and I loved seeing so many smiles and hearing so much laughter. It could not have been more perfect and we will do more crazy activities around here for sure!

Photos of the fun:

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