Tuesday, May 15, 2018

Eric Takes On Clemson

There are no words powerful enough to describe the immense amount of pride I have in my husband. In all that he is and does. He is truly a remarkable man in every aspect of his character. Every little drop of that man is beautiful and everything I ever prayed for and more.

When we met and immediately began life together never to be separated again...Eric explained his current career which he loves dearly. He also explained to me how he was led to this position, and all that he had dreamed and desired to do in life. His passions. Eric ultimately always saw himself taking his current career a notch further by being a chemical engineer. He talked to me about how he had finished school initially with an Associate's degree at Ferris State University in Michigan. He got as cleaned up and professionally dressed as possible, and with resume in hand went to a networking career event. He made a huge impression on Cytec who hired him and gave him his first job in Kalamazoo. Eric has been with this company ever since, now. Though, Cytec is now known as Solvay. Eric works with carbon fiber materials. He is currently in research and innovation. Over the past 5 years, I have watched Eric excel and rise higher in his career as well as mature and truly put forth every ounce of effort he has for the sake of the good of the company, benefiting the company, working efficiently for them, and with a drive of passion. Mr. Modest would tell you he just does his job. But wifey over here tells it like it is. I know how dedicated this man is because I see him more clearly than anybody. I see his drive, determination, goals, and work ethic. I know when his alarm goes off insanely early in the morning. I know when he gets home. I know when he is so busy he takes barely any minute to slow down. All this while still arriving home sweetly with smiles, kisses, hugs, and serving arms. No complaints. No negativity. Just a beautiful and clean perspective and good attitude to strive to give his best for the benefit of both his employers and his family.

At one point in life, before Eric and I had met....I was still in high school....he had been working for a little while now and was still living in Michigan. He took a chance to go back to school then at Western Michigan University. However, due to his selflessness, he allowed the person in his life at the time to put an end to that in order to further herself, instead. Good for her most definitely! But I hate that for Eric. Hearing that broke my heart. Eric is always, always, always, putting others before himself. He never revisited the idea until we met 5 years ago. (He needed me, his blonde little southern belle, to cheer him on!) We would talk about it and I could hear the pang in his voice in deep dreamy desire of the title, "chemical engineer." The desire to achieve his Bachelor's degree. He was 30, then. I told him and told him to go now, go now!! Go while you can! His walls he had built up of everything before himself were slowly coming down. Finally, some years and a wedding later, we decided it was time for us to have a baby. And prepare to sell our house. And GO BACK TO SCHOOL!! So, a year and a half ago, God laid the groundwork beautifully with a clear as day path for Eric. Eric was offered a beautiful opportunity by some superiors in his department to finally have the opportunity to obtain this dream he had always had! They told him they would do whatever was necessary to help him go back, and achieve this dream. God is so good. So, Eric started with some of the lighter courses at Greenville Technical College.

Now, today is the day. Eric FINALLY begins his journey to Clemson University to work towards finishing necessary engineering courses to become a chemical engineer!! He has taken his time and will continue going nice and steady. Maintaining full time work, school, daddy life, husband life, and life in general. He is incredible. Again, all while remaining happy, loving, helpful, involved, and positive with his family! It may be a few more years still until that finish line has been crossed. But Ellie and I will be here by his side every single day to cheer him on. To feed him. To help him. To take all the loads off his shoulders we can! I have the greatest respect for Eric Duane Gladden. He is the most deserving of this opportunity to conquer his dreams. He is so in love with science and math and chemistry. Logic and function. He has quite the brain. God has really created a beautiful person in Eric and I am so thankful he is mine!! I am very blessed to be his wife and Ellie is blessed he is her daddy!!

We love you, Eric! Our Tiger!!

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