I had so many excited feelings and thoughts as Mother's Day weekend carried about. I wondered what my special day would be like!? It felt like a birthday was coming only better!!
Sunday morning came and Eric and I woke around 7:45 as usual with our alarm clock...Blondie. (Ellie sleeps most mornings until 8 ish). Blondie had left her bed on the floor and joined us for warm snuggles and kissies.
Soon, I heard Ellie, shortly after donning my robe. I told Eric to grab her bottle because I simply could not wait another minute to run into the nursery and start kissing her face and playing with her! Then Eric fed Ellie while I got ready for church.
As I was mostly finished dressing, I came downstairs to join my family for breakfast. Waiting for me on the dining table were precious cards from my little family and a beautiful canvas print from Eric and Ellie. Ellie loved reading my cards with me...especially the card from Blondie and Cajun. We will be purchasing Ellie cards that sing or move from now on. The giggles and smiles are just too good. After gifts, Ellie napped.
Church was wonderful. The service was very powerful. Praying for our children. I have been praying for Ellie since before she was conceived. Specific, deep, and meaningful prayers for that little Flicker. The message really encouraged my prayer life over my daughter, husband, and the 3 of us as a family. Our church even set up a photo prop station for us Mommies!

After church, it was my clear understanding that we were going to my Mama and Daddy's for lunch. I had packed Ellie a lunch bag of healthy things, and her sound maker to nap at Mimi and G-Daddy's. A few minutes on the road, and I got into a tither because I realized Eric was not en route for my parent's! I said, "You missed the turn!" to which he explained that he was simply driving where Ellie had instructed him to go for lunch. I said, "And where would that be?" Eric told me, "I don't know, this is all Ellie's idea! I just am going to the address I was given!" So I sat back and watched our drive curiously. We passed many roads I would have thought possible. The next thing I know- we are nowhere remotely near my usual spots. We ended up at a brand new restaurant in the Verdae neighborhood...Stella's Southern Brasserie. Son. That mess was good. The service was incredible. The cuisine divine. We got sangria. I started with a greek yogurt with nuts, raisins and granola. My main dish was this incredible and truly indescribable unique French Toast. It is honestly like no other I've had before. Until Mother's Day, my favorite French Toast resided in IOP at The Sea Biscuit Cafe. This french toast had a pumpkin spice flair. And still that doesn't do it justice. For dessert I had creme brulee. Yum!!! Ellie enjoyed a grilled cheese and fruit.

After lunch, Ellie passed out in the car and Eric and I drove around looking at all the new residential construction...intrigued by some of the architecture. We love talking about lifestyles different from ours and imagining these people's lives. Hint...multi-millionaires. I could not be given a mansion for free and want to live in it. Not for me. Too many stairs and too much to clean. But that does not mean they do not fascinate me and capture my attention! So beautiful! Then, we went to see my mama and get some pictures and let Ellie play with Mimi. Of course, Mimi fed Eric and Ellie again, just like a good southern Mama does! hahaha!

We went home, and I just enjoyed the rest of my evening preparing Ellie for bed as usual, cooking dinner for Monday and Tuesday and preparing my family for the week ahead. I love serving my family. It is exhausting but the best job in the world. Eric told me to sit down and rest but I assured him it was my joy to do this. And, I am blessed to have a husband who helps lighten my load as much as possible on a daily basis. He didn't have obligations to be different for me on this one special day. He treated me as special and treasure like as he does truly truly every single day. That is why I never mind the hard days. The days that are crazy as a wife, mom, homemaker,chef, maid, teacher, planner, etc....are made all worth any tiny trial by the daily love and appreciation I am shown. I am so glad that my family makes every day feel like "Mother's Day." I hope I display the same gratitude to Eric on a daily basis and not just one or two days a year! He certainly deserves to feel and know he is so special every single day, no matter how busy we are. And trust me, we are incredibly busy these days!
I am so very deeply blessed to a point of tears when I realize the miracle it is that I get to partake in this day. I am truly humbled. honored. stunned. gracious. To the greatest power I feel these things. Thank You, God. Thank You with every fiber of my being for Your gracious love and blessings You have bestowed upon an undeserving foolish sinner, like me. I love You Lord, and I love my family!
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