Tuesday, July 31, 2018

Ellie: One Year!!

Lawzy mercy mae! I am losing it over here, today! How can one be so full of excitement and sadness at once?! My beautiful baby is one year old!! We did it!! We all 3 survived the first year!! Praise be to God!!

Ellie Clardy Gladden:

Birth Stats: 6 lbs. 14 oz. and 20.5 inches long

One Year Old Stats: 20 lbs and 30.5 inches long

Ellie, in one year gained and learned so much.

She has 8 teeth.

She says Mama, Dada, Cajun, Blahn (Blondie), Hey, Yeah, Yay, Get, See that?, Baby, I get, I get that, Bite, All Done, That?, and light.

She crawled at 5.5 months old.
She walked at 10.5 months old.

Her hair is sandy blonde. Her eyes are Green Hazel (sometimes golden brown).

There is not much she will not eat. She does not like squeeze pouches (I tried these for yogurt), she does not love plain avocadoes but likes guacamole. As for anything else, she loves to eat really anything so long as she is feeding herself. She knows how to use a fork and spoon. She still mostly uses hands because these feed her faster. I give her utensils towards the end for more practice and strengthening the skill of putting food on the utensil. She gets the concept and acts it out, but not much food actually surfaces on the utensil.

She eats a cheesy omelette every morning and sometimes adds almond butter cinnamon oats and blueberries on the side. She loves cow milk. She gets that from me...I used to drink almost 2 gallons a week every week even up until marriage. My doctor begged me to cool it because it was murdering my iron absorption. She also loves to drink water!! Hallelujah!

She loves hiking, being outside, play dates with her friends, stealing other kids' food, swimming in pools but not in creeks, reading, dogs, stuffed animals, and music. She loves to make people laugh and to intentionally be goofy. She loves to be chased, tickled, and kissed. She loves to give kisses to us and her baby dolls and Blondie. She loves playing dinosaurs and roaring at me. She LOVES peek a boo. She loves chasing the dogs around with cooking utensils and growling and squealing at them. She loves feeding them scraps. She loves rides, climbing, and playing rough and wrestling with mommy. (Daddy is much more gentle!) She is always smiling and you can bet if she is not, she is sleepy, hungry, or bored.

She loves pointing to lights and saying "ligggghhhht!" She wants to know what everything is called, and she wants to learn how everything works. She will tear something apart already only to try and figure out how to put it back together again. And she gets it! She loves loading toys up in her bucket and walking around with it. She loves to throw blocks and rocks. She loves cars and trucks and princess dresses. She loves to put objects inside open spaces and then throw them out only to put them back inside, again.

She already hits and disobeys. Sinner. She intentionally touches something she is not supposed to, looks at me, and laughs. I pop her hand (when necessary) and all she does is grunt like I busted up her fun. Thank God for the love and redemption through Jesus Christ because she, like I, needs it! Lol!! But she appreciates boundaries. When she is thinking about touching something she knows not to touch, she stops and looks at me, mouth open in a little "o" eyes wide.....I say...Ellieee....no no! And she puts her hand down and grunts like hmph! She appreciates having healthy discipline in her life, I can tell. She looks for it. She also still chooses to disobey sometimes and laughs and smiles looking me right in the eye. Pops on the hand don't make her sad they just irritate her, like, good grief! She is so stubborn and strong willed and independent. I am thankful for it but I know parenting will be tougher for it. But it will serve her well as a grown woman. But honestly, even though I am playing my parenting role....I am laughing so hard and having to hide my face a lot because her assertive, stubborn, strong willed challenge me face is so so so so cute and funny, as is her laugh when she thinks she got away with something. She is adorable even when she sins LOL!

She really loves playing with her friends and is now mobile enough to run and chase and play all sorts of games with them. She loves so much to play with them and give them kisses and smiles. It is so cool to actually see Ellie interacting and following rules of games and understanding the games she and her friends play. They actually know what they are doing and are following a dynamic that makes sense. At so young!! Wow! It is awesome to see her social awareness and joy and watching her learn to share and play with a sweet spirit. She is so happy.

My favorite things about Ellie I have discovered in the past year, are her eyes, her smile, her hair, her constant jovial nature, her brain, her determination, her fighting spirit, her physical strength, and her love of dogs, outdoors, adventure, and books. Honestly, I just love everything about her. I truly do. She is my buddy and my baby! And I cannot believe we have spent every day together for the past year. It produces the most incredible bond.

Every morning we read in her bible and I love when she actually engages in the stroy and we don't just read but we talk about it, too. I love when we pray together and I know the Holy Spirit has His arms around us. There is nothing better than praying as a family.

Happy Birthday Ellie!! you are one year old and the most amazing and beautiful young lady ever!!
I pray Daddy and I will daily do what God guides and leads us to do in order to lead you in a Godly manner and to the plan He has for your life to glorify Him! Just the fact you exist is already a testament to His great power` and the miracles He creates! We love you Ellie Belly!!! MUAH!!

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