We planned a trip to Michigan, where Eric was born and raised, to see nearly all of our family, attend a beautiful wedding for one of our cousins, and to celebrate the 4th of July.
It all began with the wedding invitation we received for Eric's cousin, Matt. He is a sweet soul. He married one of the most naturally beautiful girls I have ever seen, Alyssa. We made plans to make it happen that we may be there for this special day.
This also meant Ellie would get to meet practically all her Michigan native relatives both Gladden and Gorski sides. It even meant Eric getting to catch up with old friends and I myself, as well as Ellie getting to actually meet these friends in person whom I have had the pleasure of forming a relationship with even through the distance. Oh to finally hug warm soulful friends and to meet their sweet babies, too!
Shortly after arriving in Detroit, we first drove through Ann Arbor. Priorities, don't ya know? Eric took us girls to finally see "The Big House" where the Michigan Wolverines play football. Eric was one confused dude sporting his gorgeous Clemson attire, being a Clemson student, and fan by marriage standing by his true love of Michigan football. He was simply adorable and I know he loved sharing this piece with his girls!

We started our trip by hanging out with the Rueffer and Folk families at Lake Bruin in Hell, Michigan. Yes. We went to Hell. If only we had found the sign to prove it LOL! (Please have a sense of humor my southern baptist friends ;) ). Ellie immediately without questioning it at all, took kindly to Jaime, Matt, and the Rueffer family dogs, Chester and Oliver. She then got to meet their three beautiful children. She spent most of her time loving on, playing with, and being held by Jaime and Izzy (their gorgeous oldest daughter). Ellie just adored them. She loved the lake water and their big, hugemongous pink flamingo float! She just thought that was hot stuff, right there! Izzy helped me on the shore to feed Ellie and she sweetly loved on my baby like a good big sister that she is to her baby sister, Kora. Time was so sweet and far too short as Ellie was exhausted and ready to nap. So we headed on to the final destination- Bay City.
Ellie and darling, Izzy
Sweet spunky Oliver, "Ollie"
Dear sweet little old Chester. Eric knew him as a puppy. Such a sweet cutie!

We arrived at Eric's childhood home and picked his mom up for dinner. We saw Grandma Gladden briefly, not nearly long enough, though, I am thankful she got to meet her great granddaughter, Ellie. We got seafood on the Saginaw river near our hotel. Nana Eleanor (Eric's mom), was a tremendous help and comfort to this little mama the few days we were there. She took care of me when I had gotten sick and dehydrated from traveling, she cared for Ellie when Ellie was too exhausted to function so that Eric and I could eat, and she helped me to keep track of so many things. She really touched this heart of mine as a mother and a daughter these past few days and I am very grateful for her love. After dinner, Eric took his mama home and Ellie and I got ready for bed. She slept in a pack-n-play in the hotel room bathroom. (Obviously we made all surroundings safe). She slept so very well in there in the dark quiet room. Eric and I had a new challenge....sharing a full sized bed vs our usual king. We are long limbed and jagged jointed creatures. We like to spread out...well..I do. Cajun and I only give Eric a slither of the bed, LOL! What we thought could be potentially challenging turned out to be really sweet! We snuggled and were completely cozy! Still, I will keep my king sized bed, please!! Haha!
The next day, we had Nana to join us on whatever we randomly decided to get into. We did not make too many strict plans as we just wanted to go with the flow and see what all our family was interested in doing. We took Ellie to lunch at Mr. Hot Dog. Mr. Hot Dog needs "his" own paragraph in this blog. It is a Gladden family staple. I feel I could write a review/blog of it all on its own. In Bay City, there stands a small, humble building with a pale blue roof. It is old and doesn't look like much, yet, it is filled with a lot of warmth for the soul and the tummy, too! They accept only cash, but it is obviously working for them. They are the one and only restaurant. No chain, no other locations. I mentioned it was a Gladden family staple. How so? Well, for one, I have been getting a meal there every Michigan visit for the last 5 years with Eric. (If you know me on a deep and personal level, you know this now constitutes as "tradition" -something I hold in high favor). But, digging deeper into it's sentimental value, this place is where Eric worked his first job. As well as his brother. His mom even worked there a time. As did his aunts and so many others in the Gladden family. I feel they helped make the place to be as great as it is to some percentage all on their own! I loved sharing that news with Ellie and letting her see where Daddy got his working roots. This is where Eric learned discipline and good work ethic in the work place. While standing at the front counter to place our order, I see Nana take off with Ellie, wearing a smiley smirk on her face, to the back. The next thing Eric and I see is our baby in the kitchen! Ha! Nana took her to the back office to meet the owner, Mark. Mark is an incredibly bright figure. Taller than Eric, joyful big voice, and a bright smile on his face...he greeted me and Ellie and Eric and remembered some times with Eric when he was employed there. He called me smiley. I loved that! We ate our meal. Ellie enjoyed a grilled cheese (as did I!) Then headed off to Meijer to see Papa Rollie (Eric's dad, Ellie's Grandpop).

Meijer. Likely, no southern native will have heard much of it as it is a northern, north western superstore chain. (Y'all...can we get one here?!) That place had it all. I'd say it was just under Target. But we all know Target is posh. It's my mommy hide out LOL! It was fun to show Ellie where her Papa worked, and see him there. We got a few essentials and went back to the hotel to nap.
Every night we were able to watch fireworks from our hotel room which overlooked the Saginaw river and a gorgeous, lush, green, courtyard. there was a carnival set up on the other side of the river and the lights at night were a bit magical. It was really nice to lay in bed and unwind with wine with Eric every night. We watched fireworks and yachts and even big ships at the draw bridge every night.We loved cuddling as the Three E's on cushions in front of the big window watching all the action. Ellie walked around all over that hotel room getting into everything, climbing chairs, and trying to use the phone!

Ellie got to meet Aunt Rhonda the second night at dinner as Aunt Rhonda had just flown in from Seattle to spend time with us all and some friends of hers. Ellie immediately took to her and I loved that because I love all my aunts I've inherited and claimed as my own through Eric. I have really been given some amazing aunts, uncles and cousins through both sides of Eric's family and even though the distances are great, we talk in some form almost weekly, even if it is a photo comment here or there. It means so much to have them in my life and now for Ellie to experience their love, too. I love that they call me their niece because that as how I see myself. We enjoyed dinner and conversation then we Three E's split away from the rest to unwind with Ellie in plan to put her to bed. However, we got spontaneous.

We took a walk along the river exploring all the different events going on. You see, Bay City, Michigan knows how to celebrate our military, our American culture and history. They know how to honor our police, and service peoples well. They had all sorts of concerts, festivals, and events taking place from the 4th all the way through Saturday...each night only getting bigger and better than the last. It was all a family scene, too. Nothing trashy and obscene. Just good, clean, family fun, celebrating our country's freedom. As we walked, we found ourselves across the river admiring all the carnival rides, discussing which we both liked as kids, and could we still ride them?! We decided since entry was only $1 and Ellie was still awake and perfectly happy, to see if we could just attempt the Ferris Wheel with her. That we did and she could not stop peeking around at all angles. She chased birds with her eyes and her pointer finger, she babbled at the river, she cooed at the lights. We got brave. We decided to buy a few tickets and try a few more rides with Ellie. Next was the Merry go 'round where Ellie and I rode a pretty pink horse. Then, we got EVEN BRAVER....and we put Ellie on her first solo ride. A little race car on a tract. Babies had to be 24 inches tall. She is 30. We strapped her in, and I stayed by her side until the ride started. Ellie loved it! She just cruised along and smiled at us every time she passed. She did way way better than I would have imagined! If it had been a little Emily, I would have been crying- even with my sister there holding my hand. This girl is one tough cookie! Jumping up and down with joy, we rode one more town car ride together, then put her on her final solo ride for the evening- the baby swings that go round and round. She again was 6 inches over the height requirement. Therefore, we strapped her in super tight, and stayed close as we watched her sail through the air, holding the bar of the swing and grinning with big wide eyed wonderment. She loved it. I am so so so thankful we didn't let hesitation and fear hinder us from allowing Ellie new experiences. Always have caution, but don't hover too much that the babe misses out. Saying "No" too much teaches them fear and rejection, too, in my opinion. Her mind and senses got to explore an all new territory with those rides. And she gained another ounce of independence. Big girl!! So proud!! It made for a lovely family evening, yet we did not end it there. We went back to our room, and at 9:30 p.m., Ellie was still smiling and bouncing around. So we dressed her up like a little firecracker and let her watch the firework display for the evening before surrendering her to her cot for the night. It really was one of those feel good family gushy moments where everything in the world feels right and perfect.

The next day was the wedding day! Yay!! We relaxed all day long. Naps galore. Then it was time to start dolling up for the celebratorious (I think I made that word up?) event! The wedding of Matt and Alyssa Aikens!! We wore hues of blue which was apparently a good choice as it was the wedding color and the choice of 90% the other guests. Ellie got to meet more of the Gorski side of the family at the wedding! We hung with the Ososki clan (Eleanor's sister's family). This means Ellie met Aunt Chris and Uncle Kevin, their beautiful daughters, Sherri and Jodi, and their beautiful children, too! They have all felt like my own flesh and blood from the start. I love them so much and I am always so happy to see all their children. Ellie also got to meet Uncle Scott and Aunt Mary and their daughters, Sara and Amber, and of course, their son, the man of the day, Matt (The groom). She also met her great Grandma Gorski at this time. Ellie loved almost every minute of the wedding and the reception...she did have to make an exit towards the end of the ceremony as she hates to sit around. The grounds of the wedding were gorgeous and great for playing outside with all the kids. Ellie went around with Nana to meet friends and family. I am so happy she had the chance to finally have Ellie in her hometown and around her family to share her blessing and love! It made me happy to see her joy. It also allowed me to spend a little time with my husband as just us two! While Ellie showed off her bows, ribbons, and glitter and walking skills, Eric and I ate and drank and were merry! Lol! We took lots of big family photos and then we let loose the goose as we started dancing it up. Ellie danced on the dance floor on her own two feet but as the evening grew older, she got in the carrier and I bounced and shook, and shimmied while wearing her. It put her right to sleep to feel mama dancing like a wild thang with music and lights everywhere. (Hence why she hates sitting down for too long- her mama never has!) Eric and I slow danced. Ellie slow danced with Nana and Papa, also. Eric and I each danced with Ellie. Then we took her back to the hotel, watching fireworks on the way, and put her to bed.

Our final day, Saturday, was also a very big and special family day for the Gladden side of our family! So many came together to "tailgate" on the courtyard in waiting of the BIG Bay City Firework display! Here, alongside Aunt Rhonda, Ellie got to meet another one of her great aunts and great uncles! Aunt Beth, her son Chris and his wife, and Uncle Charlie and his precious wife, Lorie. All were so so loving and playful with her. she enjoyed all the attention, of course. Nana and Papa stopped a cart of light up goodies to purchase Ellie a few funny and cute light up and musical toys for when the lights went down. Honey! She had a good ole time with those, now! They put such a huge smile on our girl's face!! She made everyone laugh with her playfulness. I am so thankful we got to have this special family time and they were able to meet little Miss Ellie. I am so thankful we were able to expose her to so much love from so many family members these past few days! We ate pizzas and watched the big firework display. Ellie did great. She LOVED admiring the colors and sparkle of the fireworks. She wore Daddy's Bose noise cancelling headphones for a while, yet ultimately she ditched them with aggression as she hates things on her head.

Side note about those fireworks---told y'all they put them on for 3 days straight. The last night being the biggest and most spectacular show. People come from miles around to admire. I must say- while entertaining and enjoyable...they are also the only show that has ever touched my soul so deeply enough to remind me what fireworks stand for. To remind me why we have these fireworks shows. To remind me why we all gather and celebrate and what it is we celebrate. Our country is not perfect, but we have to respect our history and our past to see why we are where we are today, appreciate it, and learn from it, and keep pressing on for the good of our nation. It was great seeing so many people so kind and friendly getting along.
I just want to close this long over detailed blog (for my memory sake) up by saying a huge thank you to both the Gorski and the Gladden families for making Ellie's first trip to visit y'all so very sweet and special. Y'all made her know how loved she is and y'all were all so helpful! Also huge thank you to the Rueffer family for letting us spend time with your beautiful family and for loving on our girl! Until next time, Michigan! We love y'all!
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